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Everything posted by Andy665

  1. Well, if we are talking long journeys in one day in a car that is not necessarily a Rado I have done south of Florence to Surrey in one day, two fuel stops and the Eurotunnel - remember it being just over 1300 miles. Including stops it took 16 hours - the following day had to do a 450 round trip to Cheshire which was far more stressful than the previous days journey - driving in the UK is awful compared to the rest of Europe
  2. .......I did West Sussex to Cheshire and then had to nip up to Carlisle and then all the way back to West Sussex on Friday, forgot to record mileage but certainly over 700 miles - car never missed a beat
  3. Andy665

    Tyre pressure

    I run 34 front and 31 rear on the same size tyres, seems to work ok
  4. I have certainly heard lots of good things about Longlife too, Milltek was the obvious choice for me based on the fact that they are good value, previous good experience and the fact that JMR who look after my cars is a distributor. I have actually had a crack on one of my decat pipes which was slightly disappointing. JMR's quick and ever pleasant service definitely took the sting out of the problem encountered though. I don't think there are many companies that would have the problem fully resolved within 24 hours of it occuring I'm just glad we're all toatally free to purchase the exhaust that appeals to each of us - certainly seems like there is lots of choice out there for all of us - just wish it was the same for other parts
  5. Andy665

    Headlight Guards

    I went for the clear, will be fitting them today and will pst some pice - all pics will probably do is show how invisible they are though
  6. Came out of Windrush VW in Slough this afternoon to find my G60 sandwiched by two VR6's, L190 YDX and K199 XAN.....and a group of technicians debating what is best....VR6 or G60
  7. Andy665

    Headlight Guards

    More like a few mm, plenty thick enough to stop lenses cracking though
  8. Andy665

    Headlight Guards

    Don't do it - get yourself some of the 3M film I have just got - complete kit for headlights, fogs and indicators (though these weren't listed as part of the kit http://eurosportacc.com/lamin-x.htm I didn't get charged any import duty and tey arrived within about a week - just as effective as the plastic guards and a damn sight more subtle
  9. I'd definitely recommend this kit - can be done in about 15 mins - much better than a new handle
  10. Found on Club GTi forum, I actually think the guy who posted this believes its partly true "i recently posted on here about a guy that comes in my works who has a 1 series bmw 120d and he was saying its 201mph. now he reckons its the only road version of this as the other 395 were bought for track use. said he does 0-150 mph in under 4 secs. ye right. that would be quicker than F1 cars wouldnt it he said that he took it out on silverstone on the weekend and got a speed of 237mph out of it. the speedo goes up to 140mph so i ask him how did he know he was doing anything near 237mph. he said when the speedo gets to 140 it changes to digital display. he also said that the whole car is titanium and carbon. even the block. reckons it weighs 250kg. 2 litre twin turbo diesel. asked him to look at the engine and he showed me. didnt look any different to a standard engine. couldnt see any turbo never mind 2 as there was plastic covers over the engine. cost him £47,000 brand new from germany. reckons he has been offered a million pounds for it off racing companies and he has turned it down. what a tit. it is 5 door, bodywork felt like normal metal. wouldnt start it up for me as i wanted to listen to it. if it was a race breed car is would have some kind of boost gauge, air/fuel meter, but no it doesnt. says that he never has to service it or buy a tyre or brake pads or anything like that. all he got to do is ring them evry 3 months and they will travel from germany and do it free of charge he pointed at the door card and said thats titanium and it was just plastic. carbon fibre windscreen wipers. everybody in his works are laughing at him. as since he came out of hospital they are saying he is heading for a breakdown or medication is messing his head up as he is lying about every thing. reckons the money he bought the car with was from his boot of his old car as he found £40000 in pound coins in his boot he forgot about. and reckons he is now a milionaire"
  11. Never hang around long enough.....easier to bail out and try again
  12. Drivers window stuck down today, refused to budge......left for 10 minutes only for it to work perfectly normally....was getting a bit anxious as storm clouds were gathering
  13. I have got the last one - currently sitting in his garage - John says it's only financially viable to get them done in batches of 10
  14. Toothed belt drive does make an awesome noise - looking forward to having my JMR one fitted
  15. Coming back from the West Sussex Club GTi meet this afternoon, torrenntial rain so travelling at no more than 50mph Hit a patch of standing water that I just did not see and before I knew it I was totally out of control, slewed about 90 degrees and then back before hitting the kerbin the outside lane. Amazingly there was no damage, not even a scraped alloy - very, very lucky, honestly thought it was going to be a big smash
  16. Caroline, his other half makes a mean cup of tea as well
  17. Nice, standard M plate VR6 in red outside Lindvale VW in Chelmsford today
  18. Not as rare as Nugget
  19. The G60 outside Colbornes was mine - apologies fort it being dirty
  20. Aaron, the parts guy at JCB in Gillingham, I enquired about a black temp sender at lunctime today, didn't have any in stock so went to their Ashford dealer to pick one up for me - was ready and waiting for me two hours later - not many dealers would be so helpful
  21. Blue Joe - the up/down adjusters should look identical to the ones on your original lights - must admit I found it strange that they did not come with them pre-fitted
  22. The Angel Eyes can be used with electric adjustment, the connector is there ready and waiting
  23. The lights I have got came delivered with side to side adjustment but not the up and down - I suppose they could come pre-fitted with these now though. The Angel Eyes are VERY difficult to see in daylight as well
  24. Well sai Blue Joe, each to their own - the important thing is that you have seen the light and are going to buy a Rado
  25. I had one for a long weekend - great fun car. Yes its tail happy but overall balance is better than a C. Very strong engine, real downside is the usual Peugeot flaky build quality
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