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Everything posted by W3RKD

  1. W3RKD

    Like these?

    I think the problem here is that your seeing these lights as std( Lee is not seeing them like this at all)... I agree they look shite in std form. Think of it like this....if Lee told you he was gonna remove his glovebox before he showed you pictures of it done you would of all said nooooo it will look shite.... I think you will agree it dosent. Only my opinion of course... :-P
  2. andi > glad to see you dont mix your words... ps . i didnt know she was a teacher... :wink: nice one Ian
  3. Ian i can tell your eating well again... :lol:
  4. yes i agree a very nice feature to the forum... :lol:
  5. W3RKD


    totally agree with you there jim... it just had to be a bmw driver didnt it.. i bet he wasn't indicating either. :lol:
  6. [web]http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/album_pers ... SC&start=0[/web]
  7. W3RKD

    Like these?

    i actually think it could look bloody awesome if done correctly.. also would need colour coding surounds also.
  8. W3RKD


    thats what i ment... if the dizzy is a @ #1 lead when your @ tdc on cyl1 there is no problem, if not this is your problem which would of been caused by removing the dizzy and just simplying putting it back in 180deg out.
  9. W3RKD


    bottom of dizzy you got a slot. turn it a full rev 180 deg. then place back in hole...and start up. :)
  10. W3RKD


    i would go and give that dizzy a turn ... hopefully sit back and watch her fire up... then you are sure to get yr prize from ya EX.. :wink: :wink: then send me a beer. :-P
  11. W3RKD


    but how can a road angel lie ?? gps isn't it... i have heard it was in a M5 too ..
  12. W3RKD


    Yes mate I've had the dizzy out. Do you mean check the firing order? 1-3-4-2. i've done that two. The Hub Already in there mate :lol: :lol: :lol: All well and good till this type of thing happens!! no have you checked the dizzy aint 180 deg out ? is the rotor arm @ #1 when at tdc ?
  13. W3RKD


    just found this on another forum.... :roll: http://www.dubforce.net/forums/index.ph ... 1993&st=0&
  14. W3RKD

    my baby

    do you have any "under bonnett" pictures then ?
  15. W3RKD


    has the dizzy been out ? pull the cap of and turn the engine over by hand to check firing at correct time...
  16. i dont belive the audi A6 handles have been done to death due the the hassle of fitting them but on the flip side there is no better handle to complement the corrado than the A6 one in my opinion of course... :wink:
  17. haha i wasn't serching for you it was on a page of a news board when i spotted it. :lol:
  18. i lokie those alot... :lol: 17"s yeah
  19. asymmectric 268/276 schrick if any ... :lol:
  20. i would recomend you lock / mark everthing though to make sure it dosent slip,and you could hold the tension on the belt to stop it moving around on the bottom pulleys. should take around 10 mins max. remember you need correct tension for cam belt too. tools needed : 1, 15mm spanner 2, tensioning tool (can use circlip pliers if nothing else) 3, tie wrap to hold tension on belt if you dont have locking tool. 4, cup of tea. :lol:
  21. ok then guys whats been your best bits of 2004 then... For me apart from the birth of my first daughter which was great.. it has to be the midnight run myself and steve decided to make to vw mania in belgium. totally awesome in what only turned out to be around a 3hr ish drive to be thrown into what must be one of the most fantastic specticales of the vw scene. We will deffinatly be going back this yr for a few extra days aswell this time.. :lol: also the weekend of e38 was another great story but we wont go into that again... :lol:
  22. pin 23 on the g60 ecu plug should be missing as in there should be no pin/wire in the plug. have a look here also ... http://www.clubgti.com/forum/forum_post ... 1&get=last
  23. somthing your not telling us mate ..... :lol: Paul Horrocks M.E.N editor helps put a ban on air bombs - 15/11/02 Manchester Evening News editor Paul Horrocks has helped ban "air bombs" after his newspaper sent a dossier of horrific firework accidents to ministers, appealing for legislation, the Queen's speech yesterday announced tougher measures to deal with their misuse. :lol:
  24. proberly the most awesome/funtional corrado i have EVER seen there is more info about on google.
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