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Everything posted by ozowen

  1. Cheers Marc. I looked in there tonight but it was getting dark, managed to find a fair bit of debris will open her up tomorrow and get cleaning. By the air intake heater thing I presume that is the black box near the ecu. If so I will clean that a give it a good glub of sealant. Thanks for the response, will see you for another chat at The Stealth Rolling road day, should be a good un. I am hoping to bring both VR's but if I can't get wife to come or Bro will be in the original want to see if she is performing right.
  2. As described. The VRT has been sat doing nothing since the Air Balloon and has been rain'd on quite a few times during its idleness. Anyhow today wife in garden cleaning me at front giving the daily VR a 3 stage meguilars polish and hoover etc. I remembered that the VRT still had dust from the meet so opened her up to hoover it and as I started cleaning the mats notice the water, it was quite sodden too. Does anyone know where it might be getting in from so I can resolve this before the real bad weather begins :help: :help: :help:
  3. Gets my nod of approval. I was in Saudi and due to their capital punishment there was hardly any crime. Sorry to hear about both your loses. you don't think it had anything to the Union Jack on your roof that made whoever pick your ride :shrug:
  4. I'm afraid not. I hate football and I'm not much of a drinker, although I do like the odd cocktail occasionally :hic: Glad I'm not all on my own though - its nice to see there are other women on here that share the same passion :smurfette: Thats probably a good thing as it gives you more time to do the car, I only get the weekends and thats when the footy is on forcing me to make a choice :brickwall: Like you say, its great to see how many ladies are on this forum and how passionate they are about their Corrado's :clap: :clap: Anyhow get cracking on the motor and I can't wait to see it in the flesh
  5. Excellant work will be looking out for it when complete. So doing all the work yourself, thats brilliant now I have to ask the two other questions most menfolk will be wondering. Do you like drink and interested in football ? If so, God certainly broke the mold with you.................top top lass :clap: :notworthy: :nuts:
  6. I am with the olde skool. Take it back to Karmann and get them to rebuild to how it was in January 1993 when it came out of the factory. Keep it for about 60000miles then sell as a 1owner before all the little niggles / traits appear. :D
  7. Hya, Haven't received a PM yet. Do you require payment now :)
  8. Although the modded one looks very good, I'd have to go original, or have one of each sorted :norty: . I am amazed though, when lowered how much wider cars tend to look :tumbleweed:
  9. Only had one failure and I sort of new it would as i tried getting it through without CAT. Other than that since refitting it never had a prob :dance:
  10. I can't really help you in pinpointing the problem. All I can say is reading through the forums and experiencing it myself you either by luck find the problem or learn to live with it. Mine ain't so severe I get occasional stalling on slowing right down i.e coming to a giveway roundabout etc. I had it changed all the likely suspects, it went away, then appeared, got worse and now is better but still stalls. I think this is the worst type as there is no pattern to it. 5 days no stalling then 1 day maybe 2 stalls then maybe 9 days without. I hope one day it will clear (probably by luck).:cuckoo: good news is there are lots of links here and people with the knowledge to help you. :grin: :clap: Just to let you know you are not alone, Corrado ownership is frustrating but oh so rewarding too :grin:
  11. ozowen

    Corrado 1.8T

    :luvlove: the car, can we have a few internal pics aswell. Looks sweeeeeettttttt :bonk:
  12. My first ever car was a S reg Vauxhall Cavalier GL. It was brill and gave me about 4 years good and almost trouble free motoring, then one day I lost it in the wet and it went to scrapyard heaven. I quickly then purchased a similar on on a V plate in white and regretted it almost immediately it wasn't like the first and gave me so much hassle :(
  13. I have had my original blackberry for 10 1/2yrs. 2nd owner. My other one 9mths
  14. Been doing the desert thing for years; body became immune to the heat, missus hates the permanent suntan though :grin: will await the pm and payment details cheers
  15. Mine was nice and simple. Now i am permanently in the UK and using the VR daily, I checked the tyres all under pressure but consistent with each other. Then it was awater and oil check levels good and oil still clear. Job done ready for another week of driving :dance:
  16. Admiral Multi-Car policy works well. I have a VRS & VR6 covered under this policy. When I bought the new corrado vrt I had to take all my no-claims discount to keep the price down which meant my original didn't have any. Under the multi car both cars get the no claims bonus that the wife has built up :clap:
  17. Thanks for the info. No I am not considering something like that, one of my blackberries has at some point had a mobile phone cradle and now it has gone the dash has 3 holes in it so I want to fill and spray and when I saw your link I though right man to ask. :clap:
  18. ozowen

    Conkers VR6

    Welcome. Tidy looking motor and as above if I see you will do the Corrado thing.
  19. Spotted blue J reg G60 possibly heading east on the A419. You were at the top of Blunsdon and I was comin onto A419 heading the other way. Anyone
  20. Hya, Sorry I missed the last batch but I was sent to the desert again. Could you put me down for one as I am now in the UK for a while and the winter nights are drawing near. I need one for a 94 Corrado VR6 and if i see the light then I will need another one later for the VRT. Cheers
  21. Absolutely brilliant... :clap: :clap: :clap: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: . But I would like a little :help: on two fronts. Could you tell me what stuff you use to sand and fill the plastic and also the textured paint you use and finally where you can get it all. Second one the Led lights obviously came from Maplins; is that where you got the glue to stick them in place too Look forward to the response
  22. I think all the Magazines and Car programmes like the Corrado's. Evo magazine did there 100 top driving cars recently and the C was in there ok only just and it was the VR but it made it. :clap:
  23. keep it going ben there is a differance :clap: . I would like to get into valeting when I get out of the mob but wife keeps telling me I would probably lose money as I wouldn't know when to say thats it :epicfail:
  24. Now't better than giving your car a good once over. Like the organisation in the garage; my cloths are all in a plastic bag. :notworthy:
  25. :clap: :clap: very nice corrado. Liking the clean look white defo new black. Look after it and drive safe :D
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