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Everything posted by CrazyDave

  1. Chris, are you coming to the Bath meet this Sunday? Cars looking tidy by the way. Glad you got the insurance sorted out, I went with Brentacre in the end, mainly cos John was very helpfull.
  2. My standard VR was 15.4 if I remember correctly? But I only did one run and the start wasn't great (too aggressive with the clutch and span the wheels a bit!). Twin turbo Supra.... 'twin turbocharged 2JZ-GTE making 276 bhp (239 kW) and 260 ft·lbf (352 N·m) of torque for the Japanese version' = No chance in a standard VR6 I'm afraid.
  3. Not sure if that would actually happen due to the pressure in the rail. But I do know that fuel temperature has an infulence on the performance of the engine. It makes a huge difference with diesels and the fuel systems used in engine test cells have temperature conditioned fuel feeds to give consistent results. Also the standard fuel rails on modern cars have a loop, not a dead end. So the fuel can circulate and the temperature is kept even by regular exchange with the main volume in the tank. Result, nice cold fuel rail at low and high injector openings. They also get primed when you open the door and when you turn the ignition on etc etc.
  4. Glad you got sorted in the end. Vince sure is committed when it comes to putting the time in! The LM-1 seems fine, but as with any O2 sensor I think you have to watch out for misfires as this show up as running lean, but will smell rich out the back. Currently chewing over this fuel rail issue (which I think you may have also Kev). When the rail gets really hot the fuel will burn differently (especially on no6, the end of the rail), and I think thats causing the slight misfires after a while at idle and hence the AFR readings going silly. Mine is doing the same thing. Take it out and drive it and it clears really quickly, but after idling and letting the heat soak again it's back. I might try lagging my fuel rail as an interim fix to see if it makes it any better. Cheers for the Birthday greets! Those beers went down a treat!
  5. Cheers for the kind words Kev. Was good to exchange ideas on which way to go next. Always good to stand back and take a look at how things look and get a second opinion. Your car is something else, would love a ride out when you get the new bottom end run in (how do you keep off boost while running in a new engine with a turbo that spools so low?). Still can't believe how big the tank and pump is on the Schimmel charge cooler! But I guess it is rated for 600hp! Having seen the kit up close I can understand why it costs what it does, it is 'the best'. I've done some more fine tuning of the squirt, and have been gradually building up the throttle use. I still havent been above 4k (about when a normal VR starts to really perform), and still with only 8psi it feels so quick. Thats the best bit for me, the performance is so lazy now. The 'around town' driving is also spot on, quite happy going to the shops etc. A bit more setting up and a trip to Vince for the performance mapping and it should be even better.
  6. Nice pics Ed, see you've been busy with the polishing kit. Good stuff ain't it! I particularly like the 'haven't you taken enough photos yet' shot of the other half. Guess I'm going to have to make mine all shiney again now. Looking a bit neglected as I've been under the bonnet so much lately.
  7. Well spotted Kev, that's why when I put the timing light on today it was off the scale! All sorted now, runs great. Dwell is 3.5ms Jetex is full SS and nice and thick. But, I have just had a look down the tailpipe with a torch, and it would appear to be 2.25" in the rear silencer as you suggested. Not sure about the middle box? Stick with the charger for now, but maybe consider a Squirt box to get it running better, I'll have all the bugs worked out of it soon. Bring the car down and I'll fit it in a day. No probs for a ride out, but I'd hang on until the mappings fully sorted, cos I'm having to take it easy at the mo :roll:
  8. Turbo is all I ever really wanted, just didn't want to do the extra work to make an exhaust downpipe. Was all worth it though, the result is a VR with loads of midrange torque, just what every VR owner ever wanted. The zorst is a Jetex full 2.5" stainless system. I had to shorten the front pipe by a few inches and get it V banded. As far as I can tell it's 2.5" all the way through, but I'll have a look in the back box and see what I can see (it's a dirty box at the minute cos shes a bit rich!!!). I have heard it catch the rear beam on a really bumpy road, but I mean really really bumpy back lanes that have giant landfill trucks drive on them all day (it's my route to the inlaws), and I haven't had the car on a ramp to set the exhaust up yet. Normal A and B roads it's fine. The turbo makes it really quiet, without it was a little bit louder than standard, well more boom at 3000ish rpm than loud. Managed to get the MSII Extra running tonight, really pulled my hair out with it at first cos the Ignition triggering is different to MSI, but finally got it sorted. Much smoother running and finer control of everything. I'll do a load more setting up this weekend and see how it goes. Setup for a VR6 is as follows: Trigger wheel settings Single wheel with missing teeth 60 Teeth 2 missing 78 Degrees BTDC Crank Wheel Ignition Options Trigger offset 30deg (This doesn't seem to have make any difference what so ever to the timing???) Skip Pulses 7 Falling edge Toothed Wheel Going Low Wasted Spark Output D14
  9. Remote fuel reg sounds like a plan. I'll run it for a bit as is, I need to get a gauge on and see just what the FP is though. Tial BOV is spot on, can hardly hear it in the car, just when you rev up under the bonnet! The whole thing is very quiet, even when you open it up! You do get the full on turbo sucking large amounts of air type noises. And a slight flutter when changing gear (think this is turbine stalling perhaps?). But other than that I'm really pleased with just how quiet and ordinary it all looks. My only experience of a SC VR was the other week, Ziderapple kindly gave me a quick blast round the block in his (with James' old SC). Nice linear delivery and makes the most of the VR top end. Cheers Chaz and CazzaVR, I might even give the old gal a clean before the next meet! I spent this evening modifiying my Squirt box. It's now got the MSII processor and MSII_extra code in it. Lots of improvments over the last version, but the main thing is the processor is much quicker, so the injector control should be a lot finer. And the AD converters are 10 bit instead of 8, so finer temperature, MAP and TPS readings.
  10. Thanks All. It's getting sorted slowly, the more I drive it and change map settings the better it gets. Did a full cold soak start this morning, started chugged a bit and then cleared after and ran with me holding the throttle for about 30 seconds, then idled spot on and revved cleanly though warmup. So it's getting better as it's tweaked. I don't think I like the Schimmel standard reg adapter, it doesn't leak (mainly because I used the same sealing compound that Cosworth use on racing cars! £30 a tub) but I noticed after a run that the rail had heat soaked from the engine and it was really warm. But because the pressure regulator is on the fuel feed end of the rail the warm fuel takes a while to clear and get the rail cold again? Could do with the reg on the other end of the rail so fuel is circulating like the standard rail. I had a run up the motorway to the inlaws yesterday, and you have to keep a real hold on the right foot! It just wants to go and go at motorway speeds! No need to change down anymore like a NA VR, it just pulls 5th gear really strong from 2500rpm, and thats with 8psi! And what a soundtrack to go with it. Nice collection SCpolo, small and low weight, always makes for some fun! But yes I know what you mean about the brakes, I had a Polo GT Coupe for a while, lots of fun down the lanes! Should be able to make the next meet at the Compass and hopefully have most of the mapping sorted by then.
  11. Thanks for all the comments! I'm just reading the MegaSquirt manual to remind myself how it all works. It has been three months since I did anything with that side of things. 440cc injectors are in and I think I have to change the Req_Fuel settings to compensate and then it should idle on the standard map I did. Then it'll be time to richen up the boost sections of the map and maybe ease the ignition timing a little. superchargedpolo, I love Polo G40's. I had my name down for a new one once. Didn't work out at the last minute, insurance problems when they found out what a G40 really was! The dealer gave me loads of hassle on the spec I wanted aswell. Gutted at the time, I'd even picked out the reg number J29 SOF if I remember correctly? Anyway, good luck with it, got any links to a gallery?
  12. Yeh, EGT and wideband AFR all connected into MS. The part throttle stuff will just be driving around with the autotune switched on in MegaTune. I did this before with the standard VR and it worked a treat. The full throttle stuff will be the problem. Been thinking of taking it to Vince to get that done. Just going to go steady for a while and let all the new parts settle in, then book it in.
  13. That hose pipes looking a bit limp????
  14. It's a runner! Finally got everything finished today and started her up, then stopped because I'd forgotten to refill the PAS fluid back up and hadn't released the belt tensioner! Second attempt was much better, had to spend a while getting the air out of the power steering pump, but it all settle down after a bit of working the steering back and forth. Sounds really quiet (although for some reason my video camera really picks up the tapping noises???). The cone filter sounds just right and is much quieter behind the bumper than in the bay. Exhaust is also very quiet now. Nothing seems to be catching or touching which is a big relief, just a few pipes a bit close and need some minor adjustment. Helix clutch is really spot on, no judder and nice and light. The rear vibramounts are also really good, I'm sure the handling feels a bit tighter? In fact I couldn't drive it to start with. Kept trying to oversteer, but maybe thats just me being used to the 'dog' (the MK2 red shed!) Turbo really whistles, especially when you rev up and back off it takes ages to spool down. Now I am still on the Motronic at the minute (just to get it all started and settled in, leaks etc). But I couldn't resist a gentle tickle up the road! WOW! even with really lite throttle it pulls from about 2200rpm and by 2500 the boost really comes on. Now I didn't give it any beans and kept a real close eye on the AFR cos on a standard map and injectors it'll be way short of fuel for anything like that. It drives really nice. The exhaust seems OK. It doesn't seem to be catching at all, but time will tell Chargecooler is nice and cold, even when sat idleing for ages. If you touch the pipes the inlet feels quite warm, but the outlet is cold. I've got test points for temperature probes but I don't have them on yet (another little job). Anyway enough of me rambling, have a listen! Video is 8mb so it'll take a few seconds to download. http://url.the-corrado.net/efc87b Tomorrow I'll be fitting the 440cc injectors and getting the MegaSquirt connected up for some real fun!
  15. You see, Paul (the new CCGB chairman) is not as sad after all, reading his old Sprinters! Good info, especially as I'm about to fill my C with G12.
  16. No probs, it's a lot of fun! The insurance was the bit I was dreading, but had a real good chat with John at Brentacre and it's all sorted. Should be on the road at the weekend!
  17. Cool.... always thought that switch was handy!
  18. Need to find a couple of rubber / silicon blanking caps. Just haven't spotted anything on my travels yet.
  19. OK I must be getting excited now, cos the mid week posts have started! Just got all my pipework back from the welders. They've made a fantastic job of it all. I had some worries that the alloy cast section would not take to the plate OK. Didn't need to though, VW must use low impurity castings, cos they welded to the plate a treat. I was even out in the dark trying the manifold out on the car. Fits really nice. I'm going to get it powdered black I think? Lots of exhaust, inlet and boost pipes, all in stainless. Welders even made sure the ports had all been matched with a grinding stone before welding the box closed. Really pleased with the whole lot. Guess whats gonna happen this weekend :D :D :D
  20. DaveStorm well I couldn't let you drive past my front door without having a little look at the C! My daughter wondered why you'd driven off in my car? MrSands, you are very kind. In fact so much so that you shamed me into washing the car (whist still on axle stands!). Looks a bit better now. Why wait till Bath, give me a shout and pop round when you like. CazzaVR, I hope so to, not as much fun at meets when all you've got to show is a handful of pictures! chazrad, well I did say I'd help out if poss, so I'll get that done when the C's running. In fact I was thinking about what to write last night! Goldie, thanks for the info on brakes etc. Good to have a look around your car on Sunday, very very tidy.
  21. Pretty sure I have a spare wire down that part of the bay, but I'll have a look later.
  22. Karl, I'd wait and see if it works OK first! Not sure about selling them, but I don't mind posting the details / drawings so anybody else can have a go. ziderapple, good to meet you to. Thanks for the ride out, charged VR's do go rather well (even if you didn't get a full map due to H.Gasket trouble). Always on hand to help out with MS. When I get running finally, I'll have a bit of sorting out to finish off the mapping, then it should be a good base for other FI VRs. Looks like vwchick is organising another meet for the end of the month, so with a bit of luck, I should be done by then. Fingers crossed etc....
  23. I saw one of these on a C at the Bristol meet yesterday, really nice mod. Passat estate isn't it??
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