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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Not a chance, its low enough... Whats happening with your car and whats it being replaced with?? I wouldnt care but ive just bought a Schrick and need it polishing, if id known yours was coming up i would have hung on. I have a set of cams possibly lined up but if that falls through id be interested in taking them..
  2. Ive noticed that already, a few places have been deemed no go areas after some scraping!!
  3. You guys are spending more of my money!!! :) It has been an expensive couple of weeks. I guess a little cheeky engine mount isnt going to make much difference..
  4. This car is absolutely stunning, you lucky thing.... New wheels look spot on..
  5. Im thinking ill do this at same thime that i put the VGI on, probably gonna reduce the chances of it clipping the bonnet..
  6. Ill agree with that, they look quality..
  7. The smoothed back end looks ace..... Nice car..
  8. Goldie

    Handle Removal

    Bugger, i had hoped i wouldnt have to do that... Cheers Andy.
  9. Always a relief to get them through the test... Another year of enjoyable motoring ahead..
  10. Goldie

    Handle Removal

    Tried this evening to remove my original door handles, get them out teh door fine but i cant see how to remove the central lockiing connections. Can anyone give me a clue as im snookered... Sorry if this has been asked a million times but couldnt find anything in the search..
  11. Get some bought, imagine how good your would look lowered on the gorgeous wheels.. Yip, theres been a couple of rubs up to now, its not as low as yours Andy, you must be constantly hitting the splitter.. alex303, glad to hear that recommendation for the VT mount, think its a good idea to get one in before i sort the Schrick. Well............no ta... :) I get the impression your car isnt about nice shiny panels, i think its all about the power for you..
  12. He made a loom from two ones that were knackered and got the leathers from a write off. Definitely the man to speak to as now his seats are the same as mine from the factory..
  13. Id get in touch with VR6-South (Martin), hes done his from scratch..
  14. I just couldnt help myself, only going for upgrades that suite the car. The Schrick is something ive been thinking about for ages and cant wait to get it sorted out.. Waiting to go on holiday and your still doing VWs, thats dedication if ever i saw it...
  15. Have seen this before and the cure was to get a piece cut from a car that was scrap and welded in place - by someone who knows what they are doing..
  16. Its further than 40mm Jon, i can just get 2 fingers between tyre and arch all round now whereas standard i could get my whole hand..
  17. To be honest Dave neither do I, if you look in the brochure it is as low as mine is now, its like VW knew it looked wrong and filled th boot with bricks. Thats right, yours will be the one with the mahoosive brembos that is getting the full treatment, that is gooing to be one serious piece of kit when Darren has worked his magic. The Kws are excellent, they are reassuringly firm but but not too hard, from my limited experience id recommend. I was admiring your VT front mount, feel i may have to have one of them..
  18. That looks nasty... Look forward to seeing a photo of it all sorted out..
  19. Agreed.. Did yours go any lower once the kit had bedded in? How many fingers can you get between your wheels and your arches ojut of interest.. I remember seeing the pics of your car ages ago and thats what got me started on lowering it..
  20. I dont mind, just let me know.. TBH im well happy with the look of the 15s, i appreciate that if youve had big garden rollers on before then they will look tiny but i dont think the Solitudes look lost, id only ever take these off for a set of 301s and thats a few years away yet. Cheers Andy, it looks like a different car, my only concern is as they bed in that it will drop a bit more, if so ill wind it back up a little.. The rears are tinted with Savage spray followed by lacquer...
  21. It just sounds worse than what it is. Youre right though, i dont fancy knocking the sump off...
  22. I dont mate but if you let me know what you want measuring ill get back to you. (its about 2 finger gap on front and rear) I do know however that the speed bump outside where i work is going to kill the 90mm chin so it may have to go..
  23. Nope, i think they charge about 80 quid for the pleasure.. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7209 Click on this link and have a look and see if there is anyone near you who has it, might be worth posting up and seeing if anyone would help you out..
  24. I know mate, if you look at some of the earlier pics of my car in this thread it looks rediculously high.. No robbing taking place, im setting myself up for a quiet summer but itll be worth it, fingers crossed cams and manifold should be in by the end of june. Its going to be getting modified slightly before going in. Mapping will have to wait for the minute though unfortunately..
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