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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. I dont reckon either of the RHs are in keeping with your Storm. Dont get me wrong they are nice wheels and i can imagine them on a heavily modded VR turbo or such alike but not on a Mystic Storm.
  2. Goldie

    Fog lights

    In comparison to alot of other cars the fogs are too high up. In the Leon i had they were on the deck!!
  3. Wow thats expensive!! Second hand mate would be the road id go down otherwise you might want to think about getting samcos!!
  4. Good plan by removing all the windows etc yourself to save a few bob. If you want a good job they need to come out anyway or youll get the edges where the paint has been masked. As for price id be prepared to part with at least £1000 and up to £1500 depending on where its headed. If it were me id do a lot of research to find a really good paint shop, you only want to get it done once at the end of the day!!
  5. Every time for me, they are gorgeous wheels and are in keeping with the car. Would be good if someone could photshop these for you.
  6. They are blue indeed, unsure whether that would cause the problem. I personally think ordinary water will be fine until you can get some G12. The coolant wont really do any harm so long as your electrics arent soaked, if they are theyll need to dry out otherwise the car probably wont start.
  7. Very nice of you to say Phil K + NickVR6. Especially as i think both of your cars are superb!!
  8. Thatd be Cazza's Valver then, good recommendation. Dont think youd get a better one up for grabs than that at the moment.
  9. £6 each sounds about right as thats how much my BBS centres were from the Dealers.
  10. Very nice Golf there, i wouldnt wanted to have had to sell that!! Good luck with finding yourself a Rado.
  11. Yeah its a pain. I got some of the stick on ones but havent tried em to compare yet.
  12. They do, if you zoom in on the pic youll see the orange stripes. These arent the GB ones, i painted them myself. I bought a "go faster stripe" that was 3mm wide and used that to mask the indicators and reverse lights.
  13. If i ever do change the rims for mine i want the BBS splits that OSV has on his Stunning Rado (without the black centres). I think theyd look great and in keeping with the OEM+ look. My plans this year is coilies, exhaust and a schrick. Think thall keep me going for a while. You gonna keep yours standardish under the bonnet??
  14. Plan away, if you get Cream Recaros before me then ill be dead jealous... In all seriousness i think itll be a couple of years before i alter the seats..
  15. Dont think you can go wrong with that idea, thats the look im after with mine.
  16. When the time comes for me i reckon theyll be doing mine. I saw A1 VR6s car at the National day and i thought the seats were stunning!! Got to admitt Cazza, not sure whether the 5 spokes work on the rado, dont think you should go back to a 15 though.
  17. You were just teasing me that day you put the photo up of your Recaros vr6storm!! Deep breaths, i will be patient!!!!!
  18. Common someone buy this mans valver so he can get his hand on the VR!!
  19. Appreciate the nice comments. Looking forward to Saturday, have to get the camera out and get a pile of Photos.
  20. Good work, are we gonna get to see this bad boy at the weekend??
  21. Looking really good, nice low and aggresive stance. You are making me want to spend money!!!!!
  22. I do like the whole dial kit but just didnt think it would like quite right in mine. As for Coilovers im not sure, ill be looking to get some in February all being well, i dont want anything to firm, its the stance im after really. I made these, have got some covers from the group buy but think i prefer the painted ones. Looking forward to the weekend, all being well should be a good afternoon out.
  23. Now then, theyre rather nice..
  24. When i get round to it and ive robbed a bank im gonna get any colour and condition recaros and get them retrimmed and matched to the rears. Are yours electric??
  25. Im liking those mate, alot. I want Recaros in mine!!!!!!!!!! When you getting the keys then??
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