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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Nice one Phil, that makes life a bit easier. Definitely sounds like a good idea, we are all gonna need these at some stage.
  2. Goldie

    Another MFA Q

    If we are only talking a few mins then there is always a slight inaccuracy within a clock, either digital or analogue and over time the fractions of a second will add up to give you slightly the wrong time.
  3. Top man Phil, ill get in touch with them and go from there.
  4. I can honestly say that while i think the porsche is nice im not mad about them and can think of many other things id rather have. Therefore im gonna say no intention to have one.........
  5. If you go to a car bodyshop they will have the tape which is like the foam stuff. Just cut it to shape and your in business. Remove all the old stuff left on the car with a hairdryer. Golden rule is dont use superglue. If you do and someone has the badges away they will take half the paint with it.
  6. Car looks lovely but the rims dont look quite right. They do look nice on Golfs and Polos though.....
  7. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... oor+handle thats the link for the repair kit from daves16v.
  8. Have a search on this as there is loads of info. Forgotten the guys name but theres a fell on here does a repair kit, itll come up in the search. Dont pay 150 notes, even if you buy a new handle its a straight forward transplant you can do yourself.
  9. Thats a great price for a storm, you lucky so and so!!! I wish mine had been that price. Is it your first Rado?? Enjoy it!!
  10. Ah, sorry mate i just looked at the pic. I reckon clear is gonna be your best bet then.
  11. How much did he charge you Phil and do i need anything else for the install that wont come in the kit?? Cheers
  12. Clear is always a winner unless you want a contrast against your light paintwork and then you may wanna go smoked.
  13. Have made the purchase. Read through the old thread for this and Phil K, who did you get to fit them for you?? Im not that far away and if i could would be interested in popping up and getting em sorted.
  14. I might just persuade it then.........
  15. Goldie

    Dial Bezels

    Phil K, stop showing me photos of your car!! You are spending all my money!!! Just ordered some of the gauge surrounds and im gonna have to have those console gauges as well.
  16. Hows about if if you screen is tatty and has got one fairly sizeable chip in but not bad enough to fail an MOT. Can i still take advantage of the windscreen excess without having to damage it further??
  17. They look so good, very tempted to get a set of these. Are they hard to wire up?? Can you post the details of what you need for the full install please.
  18. Although it was the owners club do id imagine a high percentage of the people are on here as well that were present. There was a thread where a load of photos were posted but it must have expired. Try having a look on Castle Combe own site, there was a load on there at one point.
  19. Goldie


    Welcome, what you got planned for your new toy then?? Looking good.
  20. How would you know if this was knackered??
  21. That sound like a good idea, two birds, one stone. That way there will be more people present which can only be a good thing for the club.
  22. The Mk4 dash would look so sweet in a Corrado, some one do it and then tell me how.
  23. Unless they do beige gaitors id need to be able to disconnect it. Definitely given me something to consider here.
  24. Depending on where you get them from they should come with the orange bulbs that you need. Think i got mine from Halfords, have seen them in other mototring places and theyve had the bulbs as well.
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