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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. Great sounds like there may be a few of you. I have the email address for Steve Neil who will arrange passes to get your car in - its £5 per car - that way you may be able to avoid sending form in and he said he will collect money on the day. Just needs an email with details of your car (and you of course and he will email a pass PM me if you want his details


    PM on its way..


    Will work nicely with my plans for that weekend.. Haven't been to Stonor in years, last time i was there i had a very large oil leak on the way home through a pressure switch, i hope it doesn't happen again..

  2. AFAIK = as far as i know..


    And yes i think you are right that you need them all done..


    When they are made the lips have lines in them that are from the pressing process, this is then lacquered over. If you machine any damage out you lose the lines..


    Best to check with Mike..

  3. AFAIK the original finish on the dishes cannot be reproduced.. Certainly whenever i have spoken to Mike he is of the opinion that RSs should not be refinished unless they really have to be for that reason..

  4. The garage area is mine mate, my missus is very tolerant.......she must be as there are 2 part broken corrados just out of view to the left, and it's only coolant(I think), the drive needs a good power wash anyway :lol:


    What about the ludicrous amount of wheels you have... Womble..

  5. Genuine G60 wheels are years obsolete (round holes) but i believe Passat winters (D shaped hole and often referred to as G60s) may still be available...

  6. Is that gearbox oil on the drive ? , if it is your Mrs is going to kill you lol!


    No spillages, i wouldn't want Mrs Easypops kicking off..


    Oooof!! That looks like a major job, glad you got it sorted though.


    Was a big job, can see why it may be better just to take the whole engine out...


    Is it off? :lol:


    It was all good fun mate :)


    Is it on? All seems well and better for being properly laser aligned.. And a polish..

  7. Front original finish on the RS.. polished gets lost against the tyre in that picture..


    ChrisL.. Time to start taking some credit. Yes the car was amazingly well cared for but you now have the baton and the standard of work you have done to continue the overall quality of the car is second to none..

  8. Have had a busy few days on the daily 8v.


    The clutch went on me, no slipping or smells just one minute i had gears and the next nothing. Genuine part sourced from Eurocarparts for a reasonable £80 and then the work began. I know people say the 8v is an easy to work on engine bay but the gearbox still has the same amount of room to come out so it was a bit of fiddle to get the box out and then to reposition it. The changing of the actual clutch takes about 10 minutes,the job however took hours..


    All good now though, fresh clutch, coolant flush, oil and filter, air filter should keep the old girl going for a while. Car is off for tracking this afternoon after having to disturb some of the alignment


    This is one of the few pictures taken, definitely worth taking the front end off to help access..




    Hes as modest as they come but thank you to Easypops for towing the car to his place and listening to me saying the gearbox was off about 50 times before it actually did leave the car...

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