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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. Sorry if it looked like we had scarpered and left you mate. Me and Ray got back to our cars had a chat then got on our way home. Your car had a great stance on the wheels you have on it not usually a fan of 17s on a raddo
  2. Ill take the gauges please paypal or bank transfer?
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GOLF-MK3-GTI-VR6-CORRADO-BRAKE-PRESSURE-REGULATOR-C72-/221088124536?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Model%3ACorrado&hash=item3379e10e78 And the rear brake bias
  4. Good little meet and good to see the few that made the effort to get along to it took a few pictures Didnt get one of your MK2 Andy but its one clean motor
  5. Yeah im sure oil grade does i ran 5w-40 before and at 70mph oil always sat at 100deg
  6. Mine being a fully rebuilt engine when at motorway speeds for long distances the oil can get up to 108/110 during the hot weather we last had as soon as im in residential surrounds though it drops to 100/102
  7. Each to their own though if people want to put a 24v/20vt in then by all means ive got nothing against it but for me a corrado is known for its VR6 engine and roar
  8. Mines standard apart from a few tasteful mods and thats how its staying fully rebuilt engine and if ever I came to sell it, it would be easier to sell than a 24v.
  9. Last i heard they were obsolete mate
  10. We are having a corrado meet on sunday up that way have a look in the events section
  11. Yeah thought I still saw a cam in a video I saw on a breakdown of the engine
  12. Kev bacon did something similar on his except he used the standard vr6 airbox looked good
  13. At least you'll remember how to take it out again, just thinking before you do take the dash out have a look around the scuttle in the engine bay (where the blower motor gets the air) and see if theres any damage to the seal/build up of leaves around it which is letting water in. Or you could just sniff your passenger carpets to see if its sweet smelling coolant
  14. Red VR at awesome gti in manchester anyones on here, im sure i recognise the numberplate https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1009874_10151662007853334_1577697196_n.jpg
  15. Heater matrix, got damp carpets on passenger side?
  16. Nice easy fix, corrosion is a right pain as said above same happened on mine
  17. When I had problems with my vr starting(got in one morning and just a click from starter) after replacing starter motor and ignition switch turned out to be corrosion on the positive wire to starter. Cleaned up and started first time.
  18. Saw this on ED38 and found it rather interesting. 30% power gains sounds good
  19. Some bint who cant drive i guess, these people with 4x4s should be given extra lessons as they are a danger to everyone
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