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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. Jon_vr6

    Guru advice

    Merlin motorsport here you need a dual one BUT i cant remember which size you need http://www.merlinmotorsport.co.uk/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=sender&&page=5
  2. Thanks Mr and Mrs Meth the calenders look great big thanks for all the hard work
  3. Enjoy the Crazy ones remap mate when you get the cams in still enjoying mine
  4. Go 288mm, they are just as good as 312's and you can run standard wheels (solitudes/speedlines)
  5. Does sound very wiring related good luck
  6. Checked the connectors onto the lights for any corrosion?
  7. Uprated loom ? If so clean the connections up had same issue on mine
  8. Cool mate, let me know a price delivered
  9. Hi Dave have you got the battery positive and negative clamps including the positive to starter cable and negative to chassis in good condition?
  10. Should be fine nice easy job
  11. Looks like the wire breaking has caused the burning have a quick check on the base of the seat towards the back (on the heater element) there should be a silver discs shaped bit which a couple of wires connect this is where mine had broke worth checking while your in there mate
  12. Any idea what the standard cables amp is?
  13. I want to replace the battery to starter motor cable (positive one) with a new one anyone done it, where did you get the cable from ? Vw still sell them ?
  14. Well im currently in notts but my dad thinks he has sussed it the power cable from the starter to the battery was a bit corroded so he took it off cleaned it up and it started....thing is i dont want this happening again so i would like to replace that cable if possible anyone done it/what cable did you use ? Can it be bought from vw Cheers
  15. Will keep it updated searched through loads of threads some similar but then no end result by the original poster to say how, what was the cause and how it was fixed. Work, cold nights and it being dark when i get in isnt helping either ---------- Post added at 4:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:09 PM ---------- Old starter works with battery off the car so am i looking at wiring?
  16. Bump for any more ideas? Havnt taken the old (original) one back to vw yet so my dad is going to hook it up to my battery to see if that works
  17. No doesnt start when i jump it either, starts when i bump started it though.
  18. Thanks mate if you think of anything else let me know
  19. Will give it a try tomorrow. i know im at a bit of a loss really as it worked then didnt work so im clutching at straws really
  20. Yeah just a click from the starter like i originally had when i first posted this thread up. What would feeding a wire from the battery prove/help? My dad checked for power through the wire to the solenoid and all was good. For it to work straight away when the new unit was installed it says to me everything wiring wise is ok and that the re manufactured unit from VW is at fault everyone agree ?
  21. bump anyone? Just done an earth check by connecting a wire from the - battery terminal and to the engine to rule out the earths being at fault, tried jump starting to rule out battery still nothing. VAGCOMd it and only get an engine speed sensor fault - which i presume is because the engine isnt running Wrong time of year to have a problem with a car is freezing out there
  22. Right just had to bump start the car i know its a no no.on a vr but was the only way to get home. Got in the car after work went to turn the engine over and well that same click from the starter motor. So ive replaced igntion switch, starter motor and my dad has tested that there is power to the starter, the battery has 12.6 volts and 11.6 when i turn the key so all good there. What else can it be earths ? Where are they etc please help had enough now Out of interest how is the starter motor earthed? via the block then to where?
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