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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. We will assume they are good mate. :) I'd say you should have your pwm setting at 30%. http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/configure.htm
  2. Cool. I think we could do with something a little different around here every now and then. 8)
  3. Actually I just thought. That was from the megamanual site.The official verison of MS. Was it the MS extra site that you looked at ? It was this parameter along with dizzy position that held me up. I had mine configured for pwm because for some reason I thought a g60 had low Z's in it. Gawd knows where I got that from. :scratch: Anyway,dec will need to use PWM as he has Low Z's on there. Are they ebay injectors?
  4. what board are you running? your current limit is set to 70 % at the mo.
  5. . will still need to create a new project(Car) in megatune as my setup is configured for MS2 not MS extra. It will generate erros otherwise and I won't be able to view your tables etc. doing it now..
  6. ok,i'll try and have a look at your msq today at work. I may have to do some jiggery pokery 1st as my megatune is set up for MS2. One other thing to be aware of. A couple of times I fouled plugs in the beginning when I went through this stage. Maybe keep a spare set knocking around. :salute:
  7. Have to admit i'm getting quite curious about this one now.This raddo was very ill. If you pull this off I will have to tip my hat to you.Those black alloys alone have made a huge difference imo. Very nice choice. Everyone likes a good "turn around" thread.
  8. Ok,so lets concentrate on fueling. Can you have a go at putting your msq up again mate? Vista must let you change the file extension name somehow?!! What required fuel number are you using?How did you calculate it? Did you use the MS software to do it? Are you using low Z's or high Z squirters? Is it catching or spluttering at all? Can you post up a pic of your crank pulse table maybe? The smoke is prolly petrol fumes from all the no starts i'd guess. Are you doing flood clears every now and then?
  9. You can't eat it.It is part of CF history now. It should be pickled and so preserved. :salute:
  10. I take it back. Your not a lazy git. :) Nice work.Keep at it mate. :salute:
  11. dirtytorque


    No.The engine makeup is different.The compression ratio would be too high. do a search on 2.0 litre g60. They are differcult to do.
  12. for pure engine cooling water is better than coolant.Coolant though has other properties that help your engine. Anti corrosion and obviously anit-freeze etc. Do you not think that this is all related to your previous coolant problems? Obviously not circulating properly . Are you going to start with the stat?
  13. I remember reading that they are interchangeable. I'd try the valver one personally anyway..
  14. i fink I have a spare g60 coil knocking bout too. I'd come up and give you a hand but I hate the drive to Croydon from here. :lol:
  15. :wink: I have to find the chip though.I think it is at work in slough. Might be going through there tomorrow.Depends..
  16. been a bit distracted this weekend i'll pm you re postage costs for the ecu ?
  17. is yours a j reg? Mine(j Reg) got its signal from the ecu. Hmmm. are you still having the running prob too?
  18. thats ok... Geez.. wot a let down. Lazy git. :cry:
  19. :lol: Just what you needed eh. It's funny how life decides to have a little kick at you when your down. Just move the dizzy in small increments in one direction at a time until it catches. If I had done this from the start it would have saved me weeks of toil. Once you get it started you can then use a timing light to set it up properly.
  20. I have found that the kick back is caused by trying to crank the car with Waaaayy too much advance. I still think you spark timing is out. Can you post the link for the procedure you are using? The one from club gti?
  21. dirtytorque

    JMC's G60

    hmmm.. g60's generate alot of heat. Stealing power. :)
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