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Everything posted by dirtytorque

  1. one of these? http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/Bosch_124.htm
  2. still a very uniue car but alot more tasteful now. In fact in looks brilliant. You must be pleased with it!!?
  3. Just noticed something with your ignition setup. Are you controlling the coil directly ?
  4. where's the old leather? Sold already? Why am I asking. really can't afford it anyway. :cuckoo: Looks v nice btw.
  5. Lara AKA Hells Belle but I think she would eat you alive. Err can I be eaten alive after Tom please? :luvlove: I think she will be full. Hi Tom. :wave:
  6. enjoy. :0) http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3953067
  7. No.What we are saying is once you have upped the boost by using a smaller pulley your next challenge its to get that boost into your engine where it will do the most good.
  8. You work in the automotive industry then ? I got my EGT probe from the states. http://www.zeitronix.com/installation/E ... lation.htm
  9. do those engines have an idle bleed screw thingy on the back of the throttle?
  10. yeah i'd use the piezo transducer. I also have an egt probe. I need to get the boss welded into my 16v manni. I think i will have to wait until ms start producing the general purpose i/o board so i can incorporate in into my setup. Yeah knock detection is tricky but saying that i'm not sure VW's system that they used on cars of our era where that sophisticated.There juust aren't that many sensors to the ecu for a start. Anyway a good map will negate det,but it will be nice to be able to sail closer to the wind in some areas and be able to cope/make best of different air/engine temp conditions etc. :)
  11. The setup in the pcture looks like you wouldn't need any welding ?!? :shrug: or am I missing something. The reason i have developed an interest in all this is because I want to try and use a tpic8101 chip to process knock.The best statergy to use is to look for knock in the "knock window" so to lessen the likely hood of false triggers from all the background noise.Sooo i was thinking if i could get a fix on engine position then I could maybe incorporate that into the setup. The tpic8101 needs a PIC or somethim similar to control it so I would like to feed the output of the Vr into the pic and have the PIC activate the tpic8101 in the time period it was expecting det,i.e during the power stroke. It might prove to complicated but i'll keep looking into it for now.I'm just wrtiting some code at the momment so I can test the tpic8101 on the bench.
  12. Oh yes, that is definitely on the cards. Was planning on going Ford EDIS with my MS1 V3.0 Extra, but having done some research, I think I'm going to use the COP coilpacks, and drive them directly off the Megasquirt. It's only two more resistors and a couple of transistors to run them wasted spark. Didn't really want to put Ford poop on it anyway :lol: Talking to saysomestuff the other day, he pointed me at a very interesting Lupo engine component that could come in very handy when I eventually go turbo as well.... it's a 60-2 toothed wheel, and apparently they are only like £40! funny you should metion this as it is something I have been looking into.. I want to use tooth wheel setup with a VR setup so that I can get another signal at TDC.Would I be able to tell how many degrees before or after tdc the engine is from the signal coming from this? Or does it just trigger at TDC. I was thinking that each tooth must represent x amount of degrees before or after tdc!??.
  13. good stuff.it will be nice to see another project car on here.u should squirt it 1st. Go on you know you want to. :twisted:
  14. would you still like to huff this car?
  15. you will need to t-piece it i rekon.
  16. 300 should be enough tbh.maybe increase it to 400 rpm to help things along. Are you still getting kick back every now and then? So you can feel a definate change since you changed the pwm setting? Like you say when i changed mine it made a big difference and i felt like it was just a matter of time. You just have to find the sweet spot on the dizzy now. As long as you have a good spark and a reasonable timing value and compression the car will start.
  17. right. 30 % and fingers x'd. :D Be prepared to move dizzy if need be.
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