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Posts posted by OSV

  1. I have a video of a friend going against one in his VR6 Corrado at Santa Pod a few years ago, whilst no records were broken by either the Corrado finished marginally the quicker on this occasion. The driver is a key factor of course and i'm not in a position to give a informed opinion of their merits, just that it can be done.

  2. (I'm sort of tempted now to do the 24v into my mk2 rather than the VR - what with you and Phatty leading the 24v revolution!!................decisions, decisions....)

    Given that you are starting from scratch and have already got a 24V engine ( I undertstand) the decision seems simple. 24V makes sense from where i'm standing.....

  3. Thanks for the feedback people always appreciated.

    Whilst not the lowest of ride heights it has enabled me to run both sets of wheels without any arch mods whatsover (keeping the body stock and saving money too) The car sits reasonably low but doesn't have any of the potential associated problems or clearance issues and from an aesthetic point of view they sit very balanced in the arches with a nice rounded relationship to the arch. I looked long and hard at performance vehicles which are supplied with larger wheels and low profile tyres as OE to judge an appropriate ride height.

    As for the wheels I like the new look to the car the RHs have acheived but for me the BBS RS301 is THE wheel for the Corrado. I read the other day they were designed to use on VWs Corrado motorsport programme. 8) Don't know if this is true though?

  4. Your intentions are key here. If you were to sell the car to find you would like to build another Corrado to the same standard plus the engine and drivetrain you had planned then it would be best to see your current project through rather than start from scratch.

    If you fancy a total change its unlikely that the car will repay you the additional costs of the 4wd conversion when its time to sell, so would be best sold as is.

    You will however be selling a very distinctive car and as such the car will always be known as Jay Renshaw's Corrado, this can effect the price either way. The quality will never be in doubt but the new owner may never truly make it their own.

  5. Such a difficult one to answer, I suppose my styling tastes in Corrados is pretty conservative but its some of the many and varied projects that make the forum so lively and interesting. From handling mods, and engines to styling, interiors and now drive trains its just great. The Corrado is a pretty good standard product so you got to hand it to those who dare to make their own car more distinctive, the down side is it isn't always sucessful.


    For all round appeal it would be Asim's Moonlight VR


    But amongst my favourites for varying degrees of the reasons above and for keeping us entertained in no particular order the cars that spring to mind are


    Phat VR6, A20LEE, Biggerbigben, Henny, Kevhaywire, Coxy Laad, G60 Renshaw.

    These boys are always up to something. :shock:


    To anyone who has been kind enough to mention my car, i'm genuinely humbled :oops: in such high quality company on this forum.

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