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Everything posted by beastie4126

  1. beastie4126

    Sunroof runners

    Don't know if this isof use http://www.arz-tuning.de/shop/product_i ... B3-B4.html. I really must stop window shopping :)
  2. Well if you are feeling flush - http://www.arz-tuning.de/shop/product_i ... rrado.html have them new.
  3. Take a picture of the pothole and the busted rim then write to your local council claiming compensation for the damage. I did this for a buckled rim, busted tyre & broken exhaust hanger on my A3 and they paid up fully. Also report the road crater to the highways agency and they might get round to dropping a couple of handfulls of gravel in it at some point.
  4. I like the standard-ish look on the outside really, would rather spend money under the bonnet :) Mind you I have a set of 16 inch BBS RX's being refurb'd to replace the Speedlines.
  5. Spotted black VR K*** WRJ on Hempstead / Watford Road, Kings Langley, Herts it then turned up towards Chipperfield. Looked nice and low but needed a wash :D
  6. My condolences but at least you are ok which is what really matters. Makes me think I should check out my wiring or pray someone does a GB for fire extinguishers.
  7. Looks like I'll spend a day moving this thing around the front of the car until I decide whats best :) good idea for painting the possible rusty bits though.
  8. Age and additional drivers on the policy seem to have been the key factors when I have been insurance hunting. Adding the wife to my policy and vice versa dropped the price approx £40. I plumbed for the Admiral multi car policy this year which worked out at about £830 for the VR + 16v + A3 + Golf GT, All fully comp and with mods.
  9. Cheers for the info VAG-hag - I was thinking that in front of the rad would be best position and probably the easiest place to fit.
  10. Purple one M*** BGW right outside my office in Ashford about an hour ago. Probably going to Barclays bank, didn't see any barlaclava's :D
  11. My good lady gave me a 16 row oil mocal oil cooler and associated parts for Xmas and I am just getting around to fitting it over the Easter break. For those of you that have done a similar mod is there a "best" location for maximum cooling efficiency or is it a case of fit it where there is room and be done with it?
  12. Took these last year following a 4 hour polishing session, looked like it needed to be done again two weeks later :brickwall:
  13. Wasn't Boyd driving the car in which Mike had the accident :shrug: Foose for me all the way the way, the guy is a genius.
  14. Rain-X'd the windscreen, headlights, mirrors and front windows then proceeded to anti fog the inside. Refitted ciggy lighter with some sticky foam to stop it rattling. Cleaned rust off spare wishbones, removed old bushes and fitted new ones followed with a good coating of satin black - phew !!
  15. BBS RX 16 x 7 ET35 weighed in at 8.8 Kg minus tyres.
  16. I did this swap a while back using the carriers and calipers from my A3 (mk4 platform) which had previously been upgraded to 312mm brakes. no issues with the calipers however the discs where too shallow.
  17. I ordered a set from PW via Ebay on sunday and they arrived yesterday, all very nice. http://www.pwmotorsport.com or seller pw-motorsport on Ebay.
  18. Spotted white N reg with black/silver Alloys waiting to turn right down Kingston road on the way to Sunbury. Would have waved but sitting in the passenger seat of a Mondeo might have mad that look a bit odd :)
  19. A very small dab of super glue to hold it on whilst you get started which will shear off once you have fully tightened the screw.
  20. My local car parts shop makes these up for me to length leaving me to make the bends etc. Might be a cheaper method unless you plan on replacing the whole lot on the car.
  21. Big thank to shaung60 for a prompt delivery of parts
  22. They weigh a lot less than the standard system so that is a good start, power to weight and all that. Mine did feel like it revved easier although it would be hard to tell without a before and after dyno test. Sounds superb with out being too loud on motorways etc.
  23. beastie4126


    You are probably looing at about £15 from somewhere like GSF for a boot kit, fitting it will involve taking the hub off so not a ten minute job. I would be more inclined to get the drop link replaced and then do both cv boots along with the wishbone bushes etc.
  24. beastie4126


    I believe they are called drop links. Make sure you get the right ones as the VR ones are different.
  25. why does getting them out sound easier than getting them back in :shock: :lol:
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