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Dial-face template

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I was gonna say insufficient markings on the speedo, and no "MPH" printed.

So technically a fail for an MOT.


Whether it would or not is another matter.


However, I've just noticed there are tiny markings for the non-labelled tens, so that should be ok. Still no "MPH" label though :lol:


I am warming to them though, do look quite trick ;)

Intruiged to see them in the dark though!

The polished section should be a brighter green - could be a really cool effect.

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I'm currently making some R32 style dials for my C. Artwork should be done by tomorrow so i'll post a pic. I'm going to have them professionally screen printed on the reverse side of 200mic PVC/RA for a better than factory finish.

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I'm currently making some R32 style dials for my C. Artwork should be done by tomorrow so i'll post a pic. I'm going to have them professionally screen printed on the reverse side of 200mic PVC/RA for a better than factory finish.


Good effort Lee, can't wait to see photos of them once their on.

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Here's the art work. A little tweaking needed. I'll trial fit paper ones and post a pic later.


It's Volkswagen, not Volkswagon!

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I've been meaning to post this up for ages... :) 8) I've also got the later style ones, but they're at home, so I'll add them onto this thread when I get back tonight... 8)


They're zipped to keep the resolution high... 8)

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Ok, here's the late dials too... admittedly a little later than I planned, but hey... :lol:


Print at 300dpi... :)

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I've been busy making my dials over the past couple of days.. gone for DDI replicas kinda. Still need some tweeking as they're not quite lined up right etc.


Was wondering if anyone had a good method of cutting out the digital display panel? I've used a sharp craft knife as andi said, however it still looks too home made for my likeing, anyone found a better method at all?


Once I've finished mine I'll post up pics and my template if anyone wants to copy :)



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Well I opted for a different method of printing on transparent plastic sheets (like the ones used on over head projectors) this meant I made the window in photoshop and didn't need to do any cutting. I think they look a lot better than any of the others I printed off... but I'd still prefer to get the real DDI ones...


Anyway pic attached, quite upset that I didn't have the camera on me when the clock turned over to 150,000 exactly, lol :)

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thta is an interesting aproach. i think it looks pretty sweet. that is the only second pair of dials i have seen that are black. i love the dark look and the aluminium bazels really accent it well. =]


the only issue i see with it is that the tacometer looks a bit bubbly, is that because the material is so thin?

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The picture and the lighting make it look a lot worse than it does in the flesh... but it is slightly indented where the two screws are either side of the needle, because as you say its so thin. This is the only reason I'd like some proper ones... I'd love to print onto the originals, but don't know where I could get this done, and whether it would be worth it for so little gain...


Either way I prefer these to the original ones, not keen on white dials as I had these in my old 306, and after a while I thought they looked tacky, so I went for the black again.

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hi all i have made some dials for my vrs corrado hear are some pics please let us know what you think i also got them to light blue with some halfords leds sounds naff but i think the finished result works

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I'm liking mine less and less now :? might go back to the originals with the aluminium surrounds... lol after all that work :roll: :oops:


Randomly saw this pic on the CC of Canada:




Very informative :wink: :lol:

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Dazzy has (maybe had) some silver dials, but they were better than that as they actually had details on!!

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Super looking dials Andi. Whats the best way to cut the slots for the 2 LCD screens without making the edges look ragged? Do you have a template with the slots cut as I don't want to remove the old dials, trace and cut the slots and then put the new ones in.

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Here's the art work. A little tweaking needed. I'll trial fit paper ones and post a pic later.


Lee, you still got this file? be interested to see it.

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