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Yandards' 16VG60 - Running Report 23 Jul 15

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Looking awsome!


Must be very exciting beong this close!!


You mentioned that you were going to run digi1? don't suppose you are going to do a guide on how wire to the valvers loom as well? LOL :D

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Spent the day spraying the crossmember, rad support panel and the bit that sits between the engine and front engine mount (console I think)


Decided on my intercooler setup finally, going to try the pro-alloy kit, not bad value for money for £650 that includes all the samco hoses, cast alloy section for the temp sensor/potentiometer, brackets etc and a spal slim line fan.


Looking at some other pics of an install I should be able to get the samcos supplied to mate up to where my TB sits with no major dramas.


The main reasons for the choice are that it is a good size intercooler, about the same size as a rallye one, only some slight adjustment of the back of the slam panel is needed, and I will not have to worry about my alt mounting arrangement obstructing the boost pipes; it runs straight from the RS charger outlet to the battery end of the engine bay. Cost for this one especially with the fan and hoses is actually not much more than a rallye cooler from VAG.


Just need the cash now ;)


Will be fitting the engine next week as 2cc is coming up to give me a hand with it. :)

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Let me know how you get on with that intercooler, that guys on my short list for my project along wih GRS and a few others.


Whats the story with the wiring on this conversion anyhow? which llom are you using?


Well done on all the hard work so far, I'll have to drop by next time I'm up that way and have a gander.

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Blimey is it Monday?


Spent the last 4 days working on the new donkey with the able assistance of the 2cc.


Chopped an old G60 engine loom around to get it to fit my engine layout, sorted out some heatshrink for the cables as they were not too great in some spots then checked all the pins on the loom for resistance, between us it took over 60 manhours!


Then it was onto actually fitting the bassteward to the car, this involves removing the brake master cylinder, clutch master cylinder and brake servo just to get to the cable into the back of the fusebox. A few hours later it was all swapped over and all the plugs correctly inserted in the back of the fusebox.


Today we spent rebuilding the brake bits and then finally fitting the engine into the car, a few issue became apparant, the 16v PAS reservoir is located in a bit of an awkward place. The clearance is ok on a valver but the G60 has wider pulleys so the PAS reservoir snags on the gearbox end, so a bit of engine unleveling and it eventually went in.


Next snag was the alt catching on the rad suport panel, out came the angle grinder and the alt casing was adjusted to fit (rad supports are more expensive than alts!) That was where we left it for now, still a bigish list of things to do but the end is in sight.

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Looking very sweet!! could look at that all day!


Good finish on the cross member, what spray did you use?

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thats a lot of work! best not add up what its cost overall in time and bits though! :shock: :)


really looking forward to seeing how it performs and maybe seeing it later in the year!

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Good work Yan. Are you using the G60 digifant management, remapped then?

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Nice one Yan. Looking forward to finally seeing and hearing your 16vG60! Should be quite a machine.

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Thanks folks, still some bits to do but it mostly plug/fit hoses now.


The rad support panel is sprayed in waxoil stoneguard, good finish on it and it should protect it a bit better than standard paint, finished it off with a coat of plasticote matt black.


Beigey - Yup going to run digi to start with, it was going to get way too complicated to start looking at squirting it. Going to use the 16vG60 chip BBM supplied on standard injectors to run it in and then get it mapped with some bigger ones.


Looking forward to getting it running, just not going to be able to work on it now until the end of June due to work and another project that needs finishing :(

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Looking good Yan, as for work getting in the way, just throw yourself down some steps and break a bone... That'll give you at least 6 weeks of extra project time! ;)

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Looking good Yan, as for work getting in the way, just throw yourself down some steps and break a bone... That'll give you at least 6 weeks of extra project time! ;)


Er not really sure that would give me any more time on the car. :wink:

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Neil, I spent a good few hours down at John's fitting up some of the bits that are on the car now a few years ago.


Yes I have taken a lot of advice from him with regard to the build although there a few bits that are my own.

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Looks like a really slick job. I spoke to John a few weeks ago and he's finally gone full time with a proper huge workshop. I'll have to go down and see him soon. :)

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Yeah I managed to chat to him last weekend, intending to pop over and pay him as visit whilst I am down south.

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Looking good Yan, as for work getting in the way, just throw yourself down some steps and break a bone... That'll give you at least 6 weeks of extra project time! ;)


Er not really sure that would give me any more time on the car. :wink:


Depends which one ya break though... ;)

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Nope, although I do have big box of stuff from GPC that I collected from inters and a nice shinny new intercooler that was delivered whilst I was away.


Need some free time before I can play with it :(

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Sounds like you've been playing with that new tool chest to much to me! :wink:

Let me know if you want the top bit to match! hang on... no! you'll never finish then! :lol:

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