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Something strange going on......?

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Anyone else noticed a strange air of tension around here at the moment?...maybe it's just me...but there seems to be a hell of alot of gripeing etc going on...whats everyones problem ??????? :(



CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?????? :) :D :) :wink: :p :x :? :lol: :o :wink: :roll: :oops: :shock: :D :? :) :o :lol: :-P :mad: :mad: :cry: :evil: :!: :wink: :?: :?: :?: :?:



p.s....my car's better than your's.....

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Judging by his short post on the mods forum, I think it is.. trying to find out what is going on but looks like he may be a gonner.

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hmmm..maybe i should have added dummy spitting to the list ....



whats up then jim?

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Whats going on then guys, just noticed this. Is Kev alright ?? ??


What thread has upset everyone then ?

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not sure that anyone other than Kev is qualified to answer that nick, I'm not going to make wild assumptions or gossip about anyone or anything and I dont think anyone else should either, not our place to do. All I'll say is if Kev's gone its a very sad day for the forum reguardless of the reason, hes an insitution around here, a mine of information and a genuinly nice bloke whenever i've had contact with him.

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yeah...twood be a real shame if something's upset him that much that he can no longer face the forum....a REAL shame....ive not had personal dealings with Kev but have had many a stupid question answered with just as stupid an answer from him and thats all i can ever ask for :( .


Its seems to me that there's alot of beef around at the moment..and too much beef is never a good thing....look at what happened to Elvis. My car is a hobby to me..an infactuation maybe some might say :wink: ...but its not worth getting all vexed up over ... people will always have there different opinions about things but it shouldnt have to get personal.


gutted. :(

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this forum is the friendliest forum i have ever been on.


on some dj forums (but NOT the one i moderate) i get abuse ranging from "eurofag" through "cracker" all the way to threats of violence. the only time mods wade in is (hopefully) when personal details are put up in threads.

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I thought that this moring as well. Very sad, I dont know whats gone on, but im not the only one who has been helped and appreciated Kev's advice and wisdom.


If it is the end, can i just say a big thank you and hope everything goes well in the future for him.


Forum aint going to be the same without him.



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I second all that. Kev has been very helpful to me. We all do a bit of digging and ribbing and everyone has different taste which is what makes the forum fun most of the time, but no need for anything serious or personal if thats whats happened.




Everyone will loose out if he's gone....

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Yeah, I don't really know what's happened - having just read the GB threads - but tbh, if Kev's leaving then it's his business not ours... I for one would think it a great tragedy to lose a helpful, funny, articulate, nice guy from this forum simply because there's been a bit too much bitching of late...


Having just joined the E38 forum, it seems that this forum has a bit of a bad reputation on other forums for being too quick to shoot people down and for being very cliquey. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing as I love this forum and think that the vast majority of people on here rock like big hairy crazy monkeys, and there is a real sense of community. Having said that, I can kind of see where and why some of these opinions are being formed... That's not a judgement in any way; I think that maybe sometimes we occasionally need to step back and give people the benefit of the doubt, and remember that at the end of the day, these are just cars and there are far more important things in life to get upset over...


Peace and love to you all, keep it real...


Big hugs to any of you that need em...


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bloody hell!! this thread's like a "KHW, RIP thread!!!!


Bit over dramatic shirly - everyone needs to lighten up a bit..

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bloody hell!! this thread's like a "KHW, RIP thread!!!!


Bit over dramatic shirly - everyone needs to lighten up a bit..


totaly agreed....no offence to Kev..but this thread was'nt started about him although it seems pretty appropriate timing for it....it was about the general buzz of the forum of late....people getting far to personal and critisism not being CONSTRUCTIVE....lifes far to short for stupid little arguments about each others cars ....it just all seems a bit silly.



EDIT---but my cars better than yours...

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lifes far to short for stupid little arguments about each others cars ....it just all seems a bit silly.


Agreed - that's the most sense Corradowales has ever made...... :D

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Haven't noticed anything untoward here on the forum. Probably far too busy doing car-related things :lol:



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there's always going to be some bitching and snipe-ing on a forum.... unfortunately that's human nature, especially when it involves something that creates as much passion (and work!) as a Corrado... the trick is to ignore the idiots/instigators and not rise to their insults or sink to their levels... :)


I find that if it gets to a level I can't stand, I take a step back, take a breather and let it run its course without me...



....or I simply delete the thread... ;) :twisted:

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Kevs been one of the most consistently helpful guys on the forum for a long period of time. He's certainly no s*** stirrer, unlike some.


Hope he has a change of heart...

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Generally I tend not to go public with my thoughts, I used to save it for people on the carpet in my office.

But I feel the need to say that we are all the poorer for this.

I'll try not to repeat what others have already said but Kev going will be a great loss to the forum.

I hope the detractors are happy now, but they certainly have nothing to be proud of.

You know who you are, and if you want to spend your time backbiting then nobody can stop you, but on a personal note I would be greatly pleased if you would just s t f u.

And if that offends you then its probably a gulity conscience!


Now please excuse me while I go outside and give my C a great big hug.


Rant over.

Now lets all be friends, use the place nicely, and help each other.

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Generally I tend not to go public with my thoughts, I used to save it for people on the carpet in my office.

But I feel the need to say that we are all the poorer for this.

I'll try not to repeat what others have already said but Kev going will be a great loss to the forum.

I hope the detractors are happy now, but they certainly have nothing to be proud of.

You know who you are, and if you want to spend your time backbiting then nobody can stop you, but on a personal note I would be greatly pleased if you would just s t f u.



i like kev and i like lots of other people on the forum but it takes 2 to have an argument so lets not start pointing fingers or slinging further mud - bloody pointless. this is what annoys me more than anything else

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Now please excuse me while I go outside and give my C a great big hug.


make sure you take a pic though :D

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My view is that no one person on this forum is less guilty than any other. Kev deciding it's time to leave is an extreme response, but frankly I know exactly where he's coming from, and at several occasions in the past I have deliberately "walked away" due to differences of opinion and stirring from those that should know better. (Yes Kev included.)

Does kev have an automatic right to stay when others go? He's a mod, he's got 10,000+ posts, and he's generally a helpful guy. But I try to be helpful too, and I've got N,000 posts. I might not always be right, but then, neither was Kev.

It takes a LOT of my time responding to people on this forum and trying to answer questions, people seem to forget that. Kev must be doing a LOT of thumb twiddling right now, wondering what to do..

If that time I spend turns out to not be FUN any more, then why the feck should I bother? People can help themselves.

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