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Eh? Booked for driving and smoking?

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Smoking & driving


"If you're lighting up with one hand and have a fag in the other hand then obviously you've not got any hands on the wheel."


Eh? Who the hell does that! :shock: I personally perfer to have a fag in my mouth when lighting it!

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I can understand the fag in one hand lighter in the other scenario, not that anyone needs to do that. But this is going to get out of hand. I wouldnt be suprised ,though still appauled, if smoking does get banned while driving - Rediulous as it sounds.

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I'll always remember my dad driving us at 100mph along the motorway in one of our old Triumph 2500s, rolling a fag while steering with his knees!! Never did me any harm etc!


That said, with the amount of numpties on the road already, would removing another excuse for them to lose concentration really be such a bad thing?

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You can be booked for eating or smoking at the wheel, smoking isn't very different really...


It's a lot less distracting if you drop a sandwich than a lit fag...




All company cars are now smoke free anyway...

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I can understand the fag in one hand lighter in the other scenario, not that anyone needs to do that. But this is going to get out of hand. I wouldnt be suprised ,though still appauled, if smoking does get banned while driving - Rediulous as it sounds.




If you can't eat an apple and drive then why should smoking be acceptable?


I remember a conversation down the pub and the smokers were all recalling 'close calls' when they had been smoking and driving, fags ends setting light to themselves and the back seats etc..


And let's face it, most people could do with concentrating on driving the car these days rather than tabbing, playing with the sat nav, telling the kids off etc etc.

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I can understand the fag in one hand lighter in the other scenario, not that anyone needs to do that. But this is going to get out of hand. I wouldnt be suprised ,though still appauled, if smoking does get banned while driving - Rediulous as it sounds.




If you can't eat an apple and drive then why should smoking be acceptable?


I remember a conversation down the pub and the smokers were all recalling 'close calls' when they had been smoking and driving, fags ends setting light to themselves and the back seats etc..


And let's face it, most people could do with concentrating on driving the car these days rather than tabbing, playing with the sat nav, telling the kids off etc etc.




So which is more distracting...








The number of muppets I see weaving around the Motorways at night trying to read Glowing Sat-navs stuck to windscreens far out weigh the typical "Flicking a fag out the window" wobble..


And don't get me started on in-car DVD players..

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dont worry about it - when are you going to get done for it?

I see endless people going into work with no hands on the wheel on the M6 - no wonder theres a crash every day. Mob-phones, breakfast, makeup...

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I can understand the fag in one hand lighter in the other scenario, not that anyone needs to do that. But this is going to get out of hand. I wouldnt be suprised ,though still appauled, if smoking does get banned while driving - Rediulous as it sounds.




If you can't eat an apple and drive then why should smoking be acceptable?


I remember a conversation down the pub and the smokers were all recalling 'close calls' when they had been smoking and driving, fags ends setting light to themselves and the back seats etc..


And let's face it, most people could do with concentrating on driving the car these days rather than tabbing, playing with the sat nav, telling the kids off etc etc.


I dont agree with not being able to eat an apple and drive. I do it on the way to work and never have come close to having an accident. I never had a fallen cig end incident either (though im not saying it hasnt ever happened to other motorists). When i said its going to get out of hand i meant where will it stop. As already said above, will you be able to have a scratch while driving :lol: Will radios have to be off or volume set to low, passengers to sit in silence etc.

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I remember driving up someones arse years ago 'cos I was lighting a 'cigarette' and not looking where I was going :lol: - luckily it was in crawling traffic so there was no damage and the guy let me go on my way, I 'spose I was let off lightly.


Fortunately, I no longer smoke and now live in an area that has no traffic so the chances of that happening again are zero 8)

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I eat whilst driving all the time, stuff like crisps, choc bars, apples, things that dont require me to look away from the road, and can be done one handed. I wouldnt try eating a curry at the wheel though.

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I think they forget one rather large thing.....


What about passengers?


I dunno about you, but I find having a fit laydeee in the car, wearing say a short skirt, infinitely more distracting than a phone/fag(!)/choc bar, etc. Are they going to ban paaengers? I doubt it.


It's all bullsh*t. It's to raise revenue through fines. Same as the rest of the gay new traffic laws.

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Yep, as time goes by we seem to be having more and more restrictions/laws/rules put on us, it seems to make some people in our society feel safer. I can see myself moving to NZ in the future.

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Yep, as time goes by we seem to be having more and more restrictions/laws/rules put on us, it seems to make some people in our society feel safer. I can see myself moving to NZ in the future.


Mrsbeige and I want to move to France. They like smoking in France, in fact they tried to impose a smoking ban in public places, but all the French including non-smokers went to those public places and smoked, so the government backed down. I like it when governments listen to their people.


I smoke when I drive, I also eat the odd packet of crisps/sandwich or have a can of Redbull whilst driving, and I'm sure I'm paying far more attention to the road (and other drivers) than most of the muppets on the road....present company excluded of course.


They should crack down on people using their mobiles whilst driving first, but of course that doesn't happen because there are very few police on the roads to enforce it! I'd imagine its mostly just another means to get money out of the taxpayers pocket, either that or another offence to put down on the police's targets.


Tuppence paid....

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My mother in law lives on a hippy commune in S.France, it's a beautifull part of the world and you can get ALOT for your money out there, my missus and I have considered it as an option - but France is certainly not somewhere that you can just get on with your own thing and be left alone, there's a hell of alot of red tape over there.

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Seen this coming for some time now.


Half of me agrees when I see the state of some driving these days, but the other half is appalled at yet another dig at the innocent motorist.


Just another money making scheme.

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It's not a law, it's a guideline, and I think you'll find that you could have been done for "dwd" for the same thing for years. They just didn't explicitly write it down in the highway code as a "bad idea" till now.

DWD is the crime that applies in all the cases of so-called "new laws" that have come out in recent years. Mobile phones/smoking/reading a map/picking your nose.. all can be deemed as DWD if it causes you to have an accident. Even tuning the radio.

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I'm really starting to hate the way this country's heading. And to piss us off even more the bastards are going to add 2.35p tax to a litre of petrol.

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But just tihnk, if you've got the fag in one hand, and the steering wheel in the other and you need to heavily brake, you'll need a good strong arm to control it, cos you don't want that cigarette flying out whilst grabbing with the other arm :shock:


But it gets to a point where people are so used to doing it, they're genuinly better at doing it than other people are. So when some people are suggesting it should be banned because it's too distracting, others will be screaming no, purely because they can do it easily.

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