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Fuel Prices

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What happened, week before last, fuel at 101.9 for Super Unleaded.


This week 103.9 !!


Back to costing me £60 plus to fill the tank.


Not happy. :(


What happened to all the rallying around that happened some years back when fuel got to over a £1.00 a litre?


Is everyone else earning significantly more now or just being letharic in attitude to this?


Think I will move to Bournemouth - always significantly cheaper there !!

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98.9 round here for regular unleaded.. though I laughed out loud when I stopped to put a tenner in the car on the A45 outside of Birmingham yesterday at Texaco. They're always expensive but I picked up their 97RON superunleaded and the price flicked round to 1.11p/litre! Needless to say I went with regular!!


Its seriously getting towards Corrado retirement or at least crappy daily driver time. I just don't enjoy driving the car THAT much for over a quid a litre and 23MPG on my daily commute :(

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I paid 107.9 on the way to the CC show filling up the TDI... i'm used to getting ripped off for fuel but it's getting silly now, they should put a cap at £1 per ltr

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Fuel goes up, we pay more, but the big oil company profits are always in profit!


Maybe its there turn to take some of the pain out of the increase in oil.


Can you imagine the US if they paid the equivalent as us for thier fuel?

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The sub contractors at work get paid petrol expenses. They get paid over the top, so after 2-3 days driving to work and back they've been paid enpugh to cover all week. So the extra they get pays for their weekend travelling. In essence, they dont pay for fuel :(

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The sub contractors at work get paid petrol expenses. They get paid over the top, so after 2-3 days driving to work and back they've been paid enpugh to cover all week. So the extra they get pays for their weekend travelling. In essence, they dont pay for fuel :(

When I realised this about 15 years ago I decided that if I couldn't beat them I was better joining them. It's not all a bed of roses being a contractor though, 40p per mile for the first 10,000 per year may be a good point, ensuring you have a job to go to after each contract, keeping up with all the tax stuff/accountants/bookwork that you do outside of the normal working day is a downside. And of course the mileage allowance is for running the car, not just fuelling it.


Oh, and it's a few pence per litre here in Saudi for 91 octane. But then the government here doesn't rob the majority of price paid in duties to support the welfare state.

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I put £92 worth of fuel in my Corrado last week, its criminal. Mainly driving to work and back, its way more than usual. I've just come back from the states where it was costing £12 to fill a car up. Whoever voted for Labour last time, I hope they're happy now.

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What happened, week before last, fuel at 101.9 for Super Unleaded.

Think I will move to Bournemouth - always significantly cheaper there !!


You reckon? The petrol station across the road from our office has 95 unleaded at 103.9p today, with S/unleaded at 106.9.

Of course the pubs are cheaper here :o) You're always welcome, haha

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The good old Bi-Annual - "We're running out of oil, the price of a barrel has gone up $XX, due to the Asians suddenly demanding more"- excuses to extract more cash from us.


T'was funny how the price of petrol fell soon after the protests last time. "The price of crude has come down so now we can reduce forecourt prices". Bollocks. They're constantly prodding us and testing us to find our breaking points and the limits to what we'll pay for a litre.


And what's saddening and worrying is the government allow the oil companies to profit (very heavily) from our most basic of needs. To travel.


The means and the technology to run vehicles with alternative energy sources is already here, but the governments won't allow it.....for the same reasons they won't ban cigarettes and alcholol, they stand to lose too much revenue.


I'm sorry but all governments and all oil companies are complete Cnuts. I know most people have realised this for a long time, but stunts like this just reinforce my feelings about them!!

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Meh. To be honest I hope it carries on. As much as I adore the Corrado, I can't help but think about how ridiculous it is using it on a daily basis. I sort of want the high fuel costs to continue to finally FORCE me into driving something boring to work every day. Frankly I'd be happy in a 1 seat bloody POD, provided it had a radio and a heater, and some room for shopping if I stopped at Tesco on the way home!

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:cuckoo: Why do you want to drive something boring to work everyday? Something cheaper to run perhaps, but surely not boring...


Petrol currently costs me £60 a week, the vr is my only car, but if I got another car that could do 50+mpg then I could probably run them both with no difference in cost - the economic car for commuting, and the vr for fun - but then I'd probably not use the vr that much and it would be come almost pointless owning it. But it may come to that if petrol prices continue to rise like this. :(

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Calling you again Jim? :lol:


TBH I'm binning £40+ just to go to and from the station every week! Add on top the £50+ it costs me to travel into London a week.. so all in all Work's costing me £100/week! :shock:


Dole time! Wonder if I can get my fuel paid for by trhe state being a job-shy oink....

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That Fiat 500 is gonna happen, I can tell you.. starting price is like £7,400 something. I think its awesome.

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What are we going to do with you Jim? :lol:


I think it's time you hung up your driving gloves permanently, get your OAP bus pass and sit back and enjoy the stress free life of Public transport :-)

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What are we going to do with you Jim? :lol:


I think it's time you hung up your driving gloves permanently, get your OAP bus pass and sit back and enjoy the stress free life of Public transport :-)


Or possibly get a boat.

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I'm afraid I share Clarkson's view on boats - unless boats have a powerful engine, they're dull and pointless!


Which ever way you look at it your screwed.


You know those teleporters in "The Fly"? Not many people know this.....they actually worked. And my new design of teleporter fits in a brief case and you can teleport to any number of telestations dotted around the world by dialling them with your mobile.


All I require from users is a minimum 18 month contract @ a minimum of £35 a month and I want £500 for the teleporter.


If you lose the teleporter, I will require you to start a new contract. You cannot buy a teleporter on it's own, even if insured.


If any of you hack my teleporter to be open to any network, I will send out an update that renders the teleporter useless.

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The good old Bi-Annual - "We're running out of oil, the price of a barrel has gone up $XX, due to the Asians suddenly demanding more"- excuses to extract more cash from us.


T'was funny how the price of petrol fell soon after the protests last time. "The price of crude has come down so now we can reduce forecourt prices". Bollocks. They're constantly prodding us and testing us to find our breaking points and the limits to what we'll pay for a litre.


And what's saddening and worrying is the government allow the oil companies to profit (very heavily) from our most basic of needs. To travel.


The means and the technology to run vehicles with alternative energy sources is already here, but the governments won't allow it.....for the same reasons they won't ban cigarettes and alcholol, they stand to lose too much revenue.


I'm sorry but all governments and all oil companies are complete Cnuts. I know most people have realised this for a long time, but stunts like this just reinforce my feelings about them!!


The current situation is being caused by a number of factors. Obviously worldwide demand is on the increase, particularly in India & China, at a time when worldwide supply has reached a plateau. The supply problem has not been helped at all by continuing difficulites in getting supplies out of Iraq, and the Russians are also ringfencing thier own supplies for thier own use.


But the current particular "run" on fuel prices has two distinct causes. Firstly America's sabre-rattling with Iran is putting a lot of uncertainty into what is already a nervous oil market. The prospect of sanctions (or war) with Iran potentially threatens 15% of the available world oil reserves. But of greater impact currently is the fact that investors and banks worldwide are reacting to both the weak US economy and the recent sub-prime lending crash by moving thier cash back into more solid investments. Translated, this means that the futures in stocks like Oil & Gold are going through the roof right now. The price of Gold has doubled in the past 12 months for example.


To an extent the oil companies are seeing some of this money, but a lot of the price increase is being swallowed by the markets too.


Finally our own Goverment is taxing the crap out the UK gallon as well, and it's worth mentioning that in addition to the recent 2p/litre excise increase on fuel, the Government has also benefitted from the recent surge in prices by a further 2p/litre due to the increase VAT they put on top.




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Good points. I forgot about the middle east / US conflicts and how much Bush whacker relies on their oil!


That's the annoying thing about our government though, they just won't cut us any breaks with the fuel duty in order to maintain an equilibrium. They know what happened last time prices got out of hand and yet they keep turning the thumbscrews. Bastids.


And what are they doing with the revenue? It doesn't appear to be going back into the road infrastructure as promised by the Blair Witch....

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RE the 40p a mile for Sub Contractors that was mentioned earlier.


I agree - this is a price paid per mile, but is to cover all the costs of running the car.


I keep a running total of all my annual car costs to enable me to compare it to the 40p per mile.

This I do, to ensure I am claiming to my best Tax Advantage.

(Hence being able to accuratly record the true running costs in an earlier post !!)

This last year - I would have paid approx £20 less in tax by swopping back to claim my actual car running costs.

I did not however take this option, as at this point i had handed my Accounts into my Tax Accountant and it would have cost me more in his fees to administer this.


Wow, you guys are certainly paying handsome prices for fuel and i thought it was bad here.


I don't need to get started on the condition of our roads and the increased prices not being put back into this.

To say it winds me up - very badly is quite an understatement. :evil: :multi:


This has scarely made me think of the heating in my home - OIL !!!

I can't imagine what price hike that has had - UGH !

My neighbour advised me earlier that heating oil is however pretty much static at around 36p per litre - as has been all year. This should be increase has been passed over to Vehicle Fuel prices, to stop people turning off their heating or freezing to death in Winter. (Bearing in mind, when I moved here 7 years ago, oil was 19p a litre. !!)

Anyway, Not sure about this, as the few people in the scheme of things that have oil central heating in the country does not equate to the surge in fuel prices.


I wonder how many Forums around the country are discussing this right now?

And, what are any of us doing about it apart from letting off steam ?


Maybe we should ?!

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I wonder how many Forums around the country are discussing this right now?

And, what are any of us doing about it apart from letting off steam ?


Maybe we should ?!

We are a nation of "moaners" rather than a nation of "doers". If the same things were happening in France the country would be at a complete standstill until something was done to resolve it.

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