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The TopGear thread. Where did it go wrong?

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Ok, I'll admit it, I do watch TopGear when I remember its on, but its not the programme it used to be. It used to be the type of programme that you would sit down with your mates/family with and watch, or you'd record them all so you could watch them back whenever you wanted, or watch the re-runs on 'Dave', or pray that someone day the BBC would release a DVD boxset of the entire show in series order...


However, in recent weeks I just find it boring. I watch it if I want to kill time, or I'm wating for something else to come on, no longer is it the show that people discuss the next day at work. Its no longer genius, or intelligent. Its target audience has grown so wide over the entre spectrum that its a show that tries to deliver to many, yet fails to deliver for the majority of motoring enthuiasts.


What happened to the car reviews? What happened to the interesting and thought provoking out-of-studio videos?


Now its just car crash TV, its crazy crashing into things, or participating in stupid races. Jeremy Clarkson might 'do it' for the pre-pubesant children who love his far right views and stupid comments (I'm 'to the right' also politically before I get acused of being a Labour voter etc), however he doesn't really appear to know a great deal about cars, and he has become a parody of himself, constantly trying to out do his shock value bollocks that he comes out with.


Show us cars, show us interesting views, skip the utter shit that you've been lazily putting out lately please. Even 5th Gear is a honest contender to a worthy car/motor enthuiast show now! :sad:


Apologies for my spelling, was having a rant.

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I don't know why we go over this over and over again. Car shows appeal to car enthusiasts.. i.e. the minority. Entertainment shows where stuff gets blown up, people fall over, and they have random celebrities on appeal to the masses. Top Gear wouldn't still be on TV if it wasn't for the nonsense - simple as that. It would have been cut by the BBC a long time ago and replaced with another X-Factor or something equally dreadful.


For all of the crap and filler they have on Top Gear, they still produce some brilliant segments and I for one am still glad we have it at all. Clarkson may be a parody of himself but I'm glad there is still someone on TV upsetting the miserable feckers who sit at home and ring up the BBC to complain every time something even REMOTELY offensive to even the most easily offended person is broadcast.


Long live Top Gear - even if it's not entirely the show we wish it was.

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imagine if they dropped a piano on a rado! what the complaints be on here


leno's garage made it for me tonight utterly amazing!

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i enjoy all top gears, its entertaining, people that dont enjoy car anticts or clarkson. dont watch, last week with the fiesta was awesome

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imagine if they dropped a piano on a rado! what the complaints be on here


leno's garage made it for me tonight utterly amazing!


I have it on good authority from a contact at the Top Gear TV show that they'll never do that, as they all love the Corrado too much! Thank god!


And as for Jay Leno's garage.. if you have many, many hours free you can easily get lost enjoying his cars at this site:




They add a new video every week - Jay gives a little history and a test drive of just about everything in his garage. It's fascinating!

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its a really good program just think there running out of ideas, i dont really want to see people racing bus / coaches.

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Its target audience has grown so wide over the entre spectrum that its a show that tries to deliver to many, yet fails to deliver for the majority of motoring enthuiasts.


Disagree with that completely.


Look at all the car magazines in WHSmiths. Only things like Car Mechanics and Welding Weekly have no women in them.


Now, I'm sure I speak for the rest of the blokes on here, but the Hydrogen car sketch on the beach was made 100x more enjoyable by the addition of 3 very tasty bikini babes :D TG couldn't have got their target audience any more c0ck on with that. Cars and women; are the esscence of a blokish car fan.


People always criticise Clarkson just because he goes against the grain. Well good on him. I bet the people who slag him off secretly wish they had a 10th of his intellect and wit and with TG, the humour flows naturally. It's not wooden, scripted and unfunny like 5th Gear.


And how many distinguished guests have 5th Gear had on the show? Not many....


It will be a very sad day when the cardigan wearing dullards get their own way and can the show.....

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Not a bad show after the start IMO.

However, the runty hamster went down in my opinion with his crashing-touring-cars-item back in the 60s and 70s. I remember that era well - I was there, he was not. There were NOT spectacular crashes all the time and the understated Mini seemed to win nearly everything it competed in against much flashier looking and bigger opposition.


Can't help thinking of four "boys" (15, 16, 17 and 21) burning to death in a stolen Subaru last week has something to do with the puerile treatment of motoring on the telly, DVDs, etc. However, a reasonable upbringing would almost certainly have spared them. Having said that, I believe car fatalities peaked back in the mid-1960s, pre-seat belts, MOT, good crash barriers, etc.


Par for the course, the BBC shows poor judgement in that program every other week, or so. Nevertheless, on balance, I do enjoy Top Gear and Clarkson and Co' s banter most of the time. The hydrogen powered car item may prove to be a classic - I remember seeing a CD being played on Tomorrow's World after having peanut butter spread on it then wiped off, never dreaming that some day millions of us would own several hundred of the things.


Now, do you feel a draught? where's that cardie?!

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I don't think TG should change their content every time something happens out in real life that might offend someone. If those idiots didn't steal the car, they wouldn't have crashed and burned, simple as that. Mine's a car thief and chips please :lol:

It's getting ridiculous. People will be too afraid to say anything soon and what kind TV will that deliver? We may as well go back to the tediously dull and factual programs from the 50s....and go back to Black & White too whilst we're at it.

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It still makes me laugh, to me it is light entertainment. The Honda review was a very important piece of journalism as that seriously represents the future of motoring, the fact that Top Gear lightened it up a bit shows you the talent of the program makers, yet gets the story across. I still love it, and if people feel the need to critically analyse it then possibly they just don't 'get' it.

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I love Top Gear its brilliant fun.

Its an entertainment show mainly focussed on motoring so you have to expect jokes and bits that will offend people.

I have read that alot of the script is written by comedy writers and Clarkson himself.


I dont get people who week after week moan about it, "oh its not as good as it used to be"

If you dont like it then dont watch it, simple.

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