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Robrado's rado she is staying

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Thanks Matt , Sean . I glad I'm getting it sorn this year , as when it's taxed I never do those sort of jobs and they end up getting left .

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Haha, I know the feeling mate! For someone like me who has all the detailing gear too, I'm ashamed to say I've not even washed mine in about 6 weeks!

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Just read your entire thread, a very enjoyable read.

Really like the subtle mods to the outside and a some nice goodies in the engine bay:-)

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Thanks kerrly , very nice of you to say so , there will be more to come ! . I'm in a cooling off period ATM , with the non starting problem , I find it best to walk away for a bit then go back to it . Very frustrating .


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^now that I can relate to, I picked up a vr6 recently which needs a few jobs but was* running perfectly other than a dodgy ignition switch. We all know that is pain in the ass of a job that is but after messing about I went to start the car only to find it's now running on 5 cylinders. Open the bonnet and it's like the coil pack is performing a fireworks display.


Im on the bus now until the weekend until more new parts arrive - sooooooooooo annoying.


On the plus side my brother's VR6 is running so i can still get a fix!!!!!

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Not yet clumpy , I did a few jobs on Sunday , but I didn't have much time . Hopefully I will get a good few hours in next weekend . The car did start after spluttering and ran fine on the drive , I then turned it off and put the tools away , tried starting again but it was just turning over and backfiring . Also tried to fit the new lambda sensor but gave up untill I get it to a garage with a lift . I just couldn't get to the nut properly , to undo it .


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Just read from start to finish , amazing job you've done bud , going out in garage now with a cup of tea to look at my recently finished project , and to think I was going to sell now it's Done , I've got the love back ha ha

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Just read from start to finish , amazing job you've done bud , going out in garage now with a cup of tea to look at my recently finished project , and to think I was going to sell now it's Done , I've got the love back ha ha

Thanks Mofish , everyone gets the love back , they cant help it !

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Well tomorrow if it actually stops raining i will get to spend some time on the car . Before i start again ,trying to find the non start, start when i feel like it problem , i have to remove the passenger seat and get the sodden carpets sorted . All this rain has finaly made its way in through the passenger door . Guessing the membrane needs looking at . Really going to have to force myself to do this ,tbh theres not much love there at the moment . Its a case of having to work on it ,when it should be a case of looking forward to spending some time on it .

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Still not starting Rob?, thought you got to the bottom of this, ecu or something wasn't it.

My old CRX used to leak, I ended up buying a cheap car cover for it, well worth it, also put a dehumidifier in it for a few days, amazing how much water it managed to suck out of it.


Give me shout if you want a hand with anything mate, I'm working the next few weekends but get days off in the week.



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Very kind offer of help Rog thanks I will let you know . We ran out of time the last time we looked at it . We think it's the ecu but not sure , I've rang him a few times as he was booked in to have another look but failed to show , but it was raining . I don't want to send the ecu off till I know for Definate it's shot , otherwise I'm spending more on parts I don't need to again . So until I get an auto electrician around she will sit on the drive .this car is really trying my patience now !

Edited by robrado974

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Well tomorrow if it actually stops raining i will get to spend some time on the car . Before i start again ,trying to find the non start, start when i feel like it problem , i have to remove the passenger seat and get the sodden carpets sorted . All this rain has finaly made its way in through the passenger door . Guessing the membrane needs looking at . Really going to have to force myself to do this ,tbh theres not much love there at the moment . Its a case of having to work on it ,when it should be a case of looking forward to spending some time on it .

Well it has stopped raining up here it was hellish yesterday I have got bit's to do with car as well Rob Hopefully weather is good for you down there too. These car's are like that they have a good try at destroying your spirit keep going mate you will find the cause if problem ;)

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Souns like your still having a nightmare i feel like that sometimes with mine and up to now nothing major has gone wrong , i did have a car full of water like you though , i stripped the car out , seats ,carpets , center tunnel and all the other little bits ! Then i set up a hose pipe so it was like heavy rain fall and litrally just sat in the car until i could see where it was coming in from ! Front door seals both sides and was coming in quick !! I had alraedy bought two good condition seals and some tiger seal and bonded them on with that stuff , its never leaked again

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just read start to finish, current problems aside you have done a great job mate looks schweet, I hope now ive had the badge delete I don't change my mind! did you ever fit the front full bra, wondering how you got on with it.

im also after a leather interior and now thanks to the pics can look at cream as I think it looks rather good mate


keep up the good work

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just read start to finish, current problems aside you have done a great job mate looks schweet, I hope now ive had the badge delete I don't change my mind! did you ever fit the front full bra, wondering how you got on with it.

im also after a leather interior and now thanks to the pics can look at cream as I think it looks rather good mate


keep up the good work

Thanks mate , i did have a full bra and tbh i would not bother again . Aside the hassle of putting it on each time you go out on a journey and taking it back off again , they do mark the paint . The problem is that they have to be tight to stop it flaping around so you have to pull it around to get it straight to line up with the lights and grill etc, this rubs the paint . In the end i sold it .

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Got all the plastics off and removed the sound deadening this morning and proped up the carpets . Everything is absolutely soaked !.I am going to have a long hard think over the weekend and decide weather its worth keeping the car any longer .Ive owned it for nearly seven years now and its always had what it needs doing to it ,but its getting to the stage where i dont know if i can be bothered any more . Obviously as we all know its very hard to sell a corrado atm , let alone a non starter ,but i just dont have the money right now to spend on it getting looked at and then replacing what ever parts it needs and i cant stand seeing it sat on the driveway in bits .Im not going to jump the gun and make a rash decision ,but if it comes to it i may have to break it , i would get more money that way .Then think about buying something more modern like an r32 . Sad and confusing times at the moment , theres always that thought in your head of how much you love the car , but as i said its starting to really get me down .


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Good to read that you're not going to rush into a decision regarding breaking/selling - though I fear you may have already decided :sad:


Just keep plugging away, a bit at a time. It looks far too good to break, and the non-starting problem could turn out to be something simple (though I appreciate it could take a while to track it down). But really, would you be happy swapping to an r32? I know it would be more practical, reliable, newer and possibly more economical - but where's the fun in that?!


If you do give up and break it, I think you should be forced to have 'Corrado Killer' tattooed on your forehead! ;)

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We really need to have a beer and sit down to have a chat about cars mate. I won't let you rush into any rash decisions! Most new cars are so boring and soulless.

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Rob, not being funny mate but your car is stunning, it's the right colour, the right wheels, the right interior with the right mods... basically it's awesome.. however it has a few minor problems, I'm sure it's all fixable with a little bit of time and some nice weather... be a proper shame to see it sold or broken when you have put so much effort into it.


As for a newer car, forget it mate.... boring with a capital B, yes it will start every day and yes it will be nice and dry but you'll just get really bored driving it, it'll eat you alive every time you drive past another R32 and don't even get a nod of appreciation because most modern cars are not owned by enthusiasts and imagine how gutted you'll be when you drive past a nice Corrado... been there, done that when I sold my CRX and bought a DC5 Integra.


If it's really getting to you mate just buy a car cover and walk away from it until the weather improves, at least you wont have to look at it every day... give me a sound if you need a VR6 fix, more than welcome to have a drive in mine mate, remind yourself what awesome little cars these are.



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You better not I have not seen it or met you in person yet mate DBP Corrado don't get any better than that I have plenty of issue's with mine pal I haven't used it in 3/4 month's plenty of stuff to be done before it come's back out for mot but I wouldn't sell it not a chance....

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