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Leak - Rear Passenger Footwell Soaking.

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I've seen a few threads posted about leaking problems recently...


I have one of my own, just wondered if anyone could give me their opinion.


My rear passenger footwell is sopping wet, the front passenger footwell is bone dry and so is everywhere else which seems odd to me.


I've read a coupla of problems with windscreens recently, just wondered if this could be my problem too. The seals around the passengers side don't look great. Any chance the water could be finding its way in here, missing the front passenger footwell and running to the rear???






The paint sprays on the rubber doesn't actually look that visible in person, looks awful in that picture!! :eek:

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Well worth doing a little strip down and pull the carpet up. From the rear passenger footwell you should be able to trace the wet patch up to the source.


Failing that after the strip down, shut the car up and spray the car with the garden hose with someone inside the car.


Should find the culprit weak area.


---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------


Oh and my monies on door seal.

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I thought it might be a case of carpet out... I wanted to do that at some point anyway to concentrate on rattles and road noise.


Are you aware of a thread detailing removing the carpet?... or is it in the Bentley manual?... I have a PDF copy of that.



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could be. Wipe some oil along the door sill and then sprinkle some talc on it. The oil will help the talc stick. Then see if you get any water trails through the powder.

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I thought it might be a case of carpet out... I wanted to do that at some point anyway to concentrate on rattles and road noise.


Are you aware of a thread detailing removing the carpet?... or is it in the Bentley manual?... I have a PDF copy of that.




Dont think there is a quide as such. If you get stuck on a trim removal just ask. My advice is to take loads of digital pictures of where each screws go as a reminder when you need to put everything back again.


You might aswell give the carpet a wash once they are out.


Dont rule out that leaks could be coming from perish door membrane too.

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So I stripped the interior of my car today... Good news is, there is no leak!... Bad news is, I was slightly (massively) mislead (lied to) by the garage that replaced by Heater Matrix over a year ago!!


It blew about a year and a half ago and sent floods of liquid into the passenger footwells, had the garage replace it and they told me they replaced the soundproofing under the carper but the carpet was still wet so I'd have to dry it out. I left a heater in there for hours at a time and eventually, everything felt bone dry.


The rear of my car has been stripped for ages so it isn't ever in use, it has probably been soaking ever since but I just didn't notice.


The soundproofing that hadn't been replaced was absolutely dripping wet with antifreeze when I removed it... there was a large puddle beneath it too!


So, I've stripped everything out... but the sound proofing behind the dash is still sopping. Going to remove the dash soon. Anyone know if it's possible/legal to drive without a dash?


What would people recommend to replace all the factory soundproofing. I'm going to cover the entire inner shell with Fatmat while everything is out. Gonna do a proper job on it and bit my bit, get everything re trimmed and refitted. Would like to look into climate control while I've got everything out too I thinks.


Any other jobs that are worth doing whilst everything is bare??













Edited by UseOnceDestroy

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You're in the same place as me at the moment, but mine is leaking from the cabin filter area. I'm looking to replace all of the horrid soundproofing too and am really interested in what you're going to use and how much it'll cost.


My car has been fitted with the diavia a/c System which I'm looking to remove and just put back the standard heater system.


Good work and good luck mate

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seems like you found the culprit, i wouldnt worry about leaks from the windscreen, those seals and trims are there just to fill the gap and make it look neat, the screens actualy glued in.

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So...... I thought I'd found the problem and buried it...


However, after it p1ssed it down the other night, I saw water coming down from behind the sound proofing in the passengers footwell.




I need to remove the rest of the sound proofing and maybe the dash to trace it properly... but before I do, any ideas people??

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Are the rain channels on the edge of the scuttle panel clear?


Also the seal over the heater motor is that sealed??


apart from that i can only think of the windscreen seal

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As far as I'm aware, I think the scuttle panel is clear... and I wouldn't have a clue about the heater motor :/


Looks like its gonna be the screen :( How do people go about claiming on their windscreen cover?


Pretty sure I've got it but does it not just cover cracks etc?

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The heater motor is incredibly simple to check. It's literally on the left hand side under the passenger undertray. Once you remove the undertray it should be a white cylinder shaped item that sits below the scuttle. It might be black if it has been replaced. to remove it you just twist it right (I think) after gently prising a tab up behind it.However I doubt it's there. worth a quick check though.Maybe you should pop off the lower screen trim (carefully because the tabs break) and take a look at the bottom of the screen. It might be possible to find the leak there and seal it with some silicone? It's a bit of a bodge but it might be worth a try.

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I'd be very suprised if it was the windscreen seal, the sealant they use is incredibly tough and almost re-seal's itself after you poke a hole in it.


My guess now would be the "Foliage Seal" for the heater motor cover.


See here for details: http://wiki.the-corrado.net/changing_heater_scuttle_foliage_cover_seal.html


Incredibly easy and satisfying to change & stopped my leak dead in it's tracks.

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Watch out for the clips that the windscreen seal pop onto as they can break when you remove it. I managed to superglue my clips back together though.

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on the doors, i covered the holes individually using various pieces of PE sheet. The main one of course is the one at the bottom. There should be some pics in my gallery showing this but i'll try and dig them out just in case.


---------- Post added at 1:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:29 PM ----------


on the doors, i covered the holes individually using various pieces of PE sheet. The main one of course is the one at the bottom. There should be some pics in my gallery showing this but i'll try and dig them out just in case.


here you go:


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For me, the water came in at the top of the windscreen in the corner on the passenger side. The difficulty in tracking it was caused by how the water was flowing once it was inside the car.


I couldn't see it, but eventually discovered that it was flowing down the inside the A pillar to behind the dash (god knows where it went next) but it ended up looking like it was coming from behind the dash.


After spending out to get the windscreen fixed I also discovered that one of the weather seals was fubar so make sure you do ALL the cheap/free jobs before paying out on the screen.

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Cheers lads, hopefully I'll have time over the weekend to check all of the above. I'm sure I'll be posting here for advice very soon!! I'd love to get the dash out, but got a feeling when its out, I won't get it back in!

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The trouble with using the rado as a daily and working throughout the daylight hours is finding the time to get things moving!


I think the Foliage Seal voters are the front runners, traced a leak to the heater motor so hopefully replacing the seal will sort that out. Will order the seal and trim clips 2mora, what are peoples recommendations on pollen filters?


This forum massively increases the life expectancy of my rado! Cheers again

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So I ordered the parts today, turns out the "5 x Trim Clip Insets for the windscreen lower cover panel 535 853 837" are now obsolete as of the 1st January this year. Anyone know anywhere they can be sourced from?

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