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London Olympics 2012

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I have to say I watched for the first in my life Olympics opening ceremony and I liked it a lot. It started like 9pm and was glued to monitor for strong 3hrs! Additionally, finishing with "Hey Jude" was just a class on it's own... very impressed. Wish I could be there in the Olympics Arena - must have been amazing experience. Queen looked a bit bored tho ;)

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nah not overly bothered about them, didnt watch the opening ceremony. though did find myself watching the volley ball today. GBR got beat by Cananda..... :?


May watch the odd event but thats it

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I think it's brilliant, brings a tear to my eye seeing the athletes achieving their dreams after so much training, and the opening ceremony was genius, I intend to lap the highlights up every night for the next few weeks, definitely wish I had tickets for a proper event - but not football.

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Watched the first hour of the opening ceremony,

Made me ashamed to be British ! That rubbish was sent around the world !! 27 million and that's all they could do.

Danny Boyle should hang his head in shame !

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I'm not really a big Olympics fan, too much corporate crap for my liking but I must say, I loved the opening ceremony. Coming from a cynical Scot, that's praise...lol How they put that together is amazing, Bond was light hearted genuis, as was Bean. THe nurse bit was a bit OTT, but nonetheless, it was everything British.nd you had to be British to get a lot of it.


Proud to be British last night :)

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Thought the opening ceremony was a complete success, brilliantly done!


Watched every minute, Rowan made me cry with laughter!

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Watched about half an hour of it and in my opinion it was a load of bolloxs. What hacks me off is that it is paid by all of us tax payers, yet the free loader VIP's get the best tickets for free. And as per usual we had Mr "I Like Getting The Attention, I'm So Great Beckham" in it again. Is Beckham the only "British sports star" in the UK? You would think so judging by how his ugly mug crops up again and again. No wonder this country is bankrupt.


Apart from that, I like to watch the finals of the races, 100m 200m 400m...that's about it. Oh and the womans beach volley ball, for obvious reasons, although the British ladies are mingers.

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  DriverVR6 said:
Watched about half an hour of it and in my opinion it was a load of bolloxs. What hacks me off is that it is paid by all of us tax payers, yet the free loader VIP's get the best tickets for free. And as per usual we had Mr "I Like Getting The Attention, I'm So Great Beckham" in it again. Is Beckham the only "British sports star" in the UK? You would think so judging by how his ugly mug crops up again and again. No wonder this country is bankrupt.


Apart from that, I like to watch the finals of the races, 100m 200m 400m...that's about it. Oh and the womans beach volley ball, for obvious reasons, although the British ladies are mingers.


Take it your not a Utd fan? :lol:

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ben_wooduk I'm not a Utd fan, but I have alot of respect for Ferguson, best manager in my opinion. He should have got rid of Rooney, and he did the right thing lamping Beckham with the football boot he threw at him. Great shot!


What I don't get or accept is the way the usual suspects always want the limelight, and it's us that pays for it all. I looked at a picture on the BBC of the ceremony, and it just looks a mess. It's a bit of this, and a bit of that, but zero coordination. It seems like they simply threw everything into the mix, and vomit came out.



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Lol fair enough then mate. Agree it was the right decision to dump Becks at the time but still admire him for who he is.


Everyone is certainly allowed their own opinions about the olympics / opening ceremony, thats what this place is all about. I just watched it not thinking about tax payers money, VIP seating etc (to be fair that would **** me off no end if i did), but judging it solely as a viewing spectacle i have to say i really enjoyed it, slow start maybe but very good!

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Thought the opening ceremony was incredible! Quite moving in places, very British. Loved the inclusion of 'Bubbles' too- nice nod to the Hammers. The forging of the Olympic rings was mind blowing and the torch was amazing as well. Also liked the focus on music. Danny Boyle and Underworld did us proud.

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Have to say I agree cazza, I was really impressed, even the queen and 'mr bond' :)

so many subtle things hidden in the sequences, pink floyd pig floating above battersea power station and a few not so subtle marketing the uk type things, but it all worked I think.

watched it in 3d too and it was pretty cool, just a shame they had to end with macca :lol:

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C,mon the IRONS highlight of the night for me.Should make Bubbles the national anthem:cheers:

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I think I know why I didn't think it was any good, it's because I was stone sober, which means you lot must have been drunk! lol


And another thing that hacks me off is the way the BBC always seems to find plenty of money to televise things like the "Royal Weddings", Jubilee, Olympics ceremonies, etc. Yet they never have the money to keep World Championship Boxing, Premiership Football and now F1 on free to air TV. It's great, BBC licence fee paid by us, yet we have to buy Sky to watch any sport. Great, fantastic, brilliant....welcome to rip off UK.

Edited by DriverVR6

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I have to say I was generally uninterested.. I think the general negative publicity, the over commercialisation and so forth all served to put me off. But I must say I relented last night and decided to tune into the majority of the opening ceremony and thought they did a fantastic job.. some bits that genuinely made me laugh (Rowan Atkinson.. legend), and some bits that made me stare in awe. And as has been mentioned already, the music selection was first class..


I even watched a bit of the womens basketball this evening and found myself quite enjoying it :)

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Watched the ceremony and it was great until they started Parading the 204 teams and boy was that slow!!


But watched the swimming today and it was fantastic, would love to go in the aquatic centre.

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  davidwort said:
just a shame they had to end with macca :lol:


Hmm this has to be English thing then.

Just came back as, was out for beers with some English friends (I'm Polish) and every one of them said that Hey Jude and Mccartney was lame to finish the ceremony... yet, I really liked it. It's proper British, the guy can sing (or at least it's only me who thinks that), it is an ace tune he performed and he also entertained quite nicely like several thousand people... I mean whole arena singing the Na-na-na... wow, what else do you want ? :)

I'm just happy it was macca rather than dizzy rascal, or Rihana to finish the show ^^

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  anne t said:
C,mon the IRONS highlight of the night for me.Should make Bubbles the national anthem:cheers:


Aother Hammer? Didn't want the stadium before, but since that opening ceremony, I think it would be amazing for us! Retractable seating over the track should work well. Would attract investors to the club and give us some clout. COYI!

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The support is already in place as you say a move could only benifit us,started supporting West Ham

after listening to the Cockney Rejects many years ago Oi! Oi! LOL

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Anyone see the 15 year old Lithuanian breaststroke girl? She was fantastic and won gold.


Her coach at Plymouth, he used to swim at our club as a lad and sometimes comes up here and has coached my daughter a few times.


Random I know, but I was well impressed, an Olympic coach has coached my daughter!!

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Go Wiggo! Lol! legendary status at last with the general public :)

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Everything gone now from the Time Trials here in Surrey yesterday. You wouldn't even know that they had taken

place. Overnight, all the barriers and signs have disappeared and everything is back to normal. Hurrah!! :D

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Can anyone tell me why, as football is in the olympics, why arent countries just using their normal national team. I know its GBR no ENG but the likes of Lampard and Terry etc arent in the squad? Is there a reason for this?

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