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This place is dying a death?

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  Jamie© said:
I'm not really that into forums, but I've got to say I can't believe the number of active users this site always seems to have compared to the number of posts...


Thats because the time out value is something high like 12 hours. They arent actually all active at the time.

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I read on here a lot more than I post, however I think this forum is a nice place to be where forums are concerned and it is full of genuine, helpful members

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Yeh as above I read more than post and it's noticeably quieter of late, still remains the best forum I know though and will be sure to stick around a while yet.

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Don't worry. Looking at VR6OC stats for the last 9 years its always one of the most quiet times of the year once show season / summer has ended.

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Don't think we're doing too badly at all. Just a quieter time of year as others have said.


After talking to Baz re: clubstands etc, I do think it's worth exploring the option of a non CCGB reserve list for shows, although as Jim says, this does happen sometimes anyway. It's more open/friendly and will give a bigger turnout. However, we've had a couple of people on the stand at Bristol VF in the past who've said they'll join on the day, then said they're not going to. This takes the Michael somewhat IMHO. I'd rather we had a system where non-members aren't under any obligation to join, although they can be encouraged ;)


It will need to be discussed carefully...

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I still visit the site everyday without fail :)


My car is still my daily driver. I still have plans to do more to it but a demanding job, a 4 year old child and a house renovation project that has been eating all of my money for the past 15 months have put the Corrado at the bottom of the list for the time being. Also, I have found the keenness to get under it and get dirty and oily seems to not be there for me these days. I have thought of breaking the car a few times but always come to the conclusion that if it has mot and still brings a smile to my face i just cant do it.


Long live the Corrado forum!

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This forum is great... a noob like me, can get information in no time and usually get things fixed this way or another. Regarding searching the information, I know by my example I always try to search first, but then sometimes your search returns like +10 pages of information... but at the end you feel more confused than ever. These are the times, a simple question post (be it repeated for 90th time) is just only solution. Some people have just talent of spotting the obvious straight away... instead you can spend hours on search and still be nowhere.


On a side note, I could never understand why someone would NOT like to be member of CCGB. First of all you are officially part of Corrado club, then you get goodies through post (magazines, air fresheners, imba looking membership card, etc...). You can attend any show you like, you get another source of information... and to be completely honest, the payment for membership is like nothing! I mean we all spend more on booze every weekend. Blimey we own Corrados, it cost us fortune in petrol and repairs... cost of membership is virtually nothing, lol :scratch:

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  guildmage said:

On a side note, I could never understand why someone would NOT like to be member of CCGB. First of all you are officially part of Corrado club, then you get goodies through post (magazines, air fresheners, imba looking membership card, etc...). You can attend any show you like, you get another source of information... and to be completely honest, the payment for membership is like nothing! I mean we all spend more on booze every weekend. Blimey we own Corrados, it cost us fortune in petrol and repairs... cost of membership is virtually nothing, lol :scratch:


It's nice to hear some complimentary feedback on the club :) Thanks :)

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When i think of the ccgb i get the impression that its quite stiff and pompous, that may well be just the image it gives, which puts me off. I went to a show once, its not my cup of tea although the people were excellent (it was run by the VR6oc) so unless you go to a few shows a year i cant see the point in joining. I dont mean to be disrespectful to the ccgb just giving my point of view.


When i joined five years ago it was a different place with a backbone of regular posters, therein lies the problem, you can all too easily end up with an "inner-core" and people like me on the outside, are just that, on the outside.


However i think this forum, like many of us, has mellowed with age, it seems more inclusive which is no bad thing.

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Something else I've noticed actually is that the amount of active members threads is quite low at the moment. These for me are the best part of a car forum.


This is likely due to a number of factors, the UK economy, cost of ownership, higher average age (meaning mortgages, marriages, kids and so on) and obviously the low numbers of Corrados in the UK generally.


I think I'll try to make my own thread more active. Whilst progress on my car is slow I often forget to take pictures and post them.


Sent from my HTC One X

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I also think that the trend now is to keep and maintain a corrado in original condition rather than bling it up or add performance parts. So there is only a limited amount of information people can put in their members threads really. Having said that, I must get around to updating mine.

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Don't forget though there is a HUGE amount of information on here, almost too much and as a previous poster has said can be bewildering.


Maybe people don't want to do lets say a members/build thread because what they are doing has been done before, the days of ground breaking mods are far behind us.

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As the member with the most posts and therefore the most time spent on here, I've seen quite a few 'lulls' in activity over the years.


It's certainly not like it was 5 or so years ago, where it (imo) it peaked in it's fizziness and all round sense of community but I've seen some new folk join and seem like top people. So let's not write it off just yet :D They just need time to flourish and push the old cronies like me aside :lol:


Our lives have changed. We've gotten older. Interests and priorities change (kids, marriage, buying/moving house etc). The world has changed. Some of us don't feel secure in our jobs anymore. We've just come out of recession (apparently) but it doesn't feel like it. Money is becoming increasingly tight, but that doesn't stop loosely regulated thieves like banks, insurance and utility companies stealing our hard earned money more vigourously than ever. Not to mention the goverment continually raping us at the petrol stations. And we all feel down this time of year because it's cold, grey & miserable outside, heating our homes costs a f'kin fortune and christmas is coming up, etc etc.


So yeah, all of these factors affect both the frequency of forum visits and people's moods in general, such as Tom in his "I hate insurance" thread :lol:


When this country gets it's act together, then moods will improve and the good times will roll on here again :D


As for the search, yep, it is atrocious. Just as an experiment, I wanted to find the threads relating to power gains from 263 cams. So my search was 263+cams+hp and all I got was 5 pages of largely unrelated dog sheet. So I really do feel the pain of newbies trying to find information. To be fair, forum search engines in general have a long way to go, not just ours.


Cliqueyness. Yes, it's easy to feel outcast and ignored. You think this forum has that? Try Pistonheads and the Vortex!! If these forums were metaphorical parties, you'd walk in and everyone has their back to you. You shout "hello", and no one turns around. You are properly blanked.

Unfortunately this is just how forums are I'm afraid. It's human nature. People just cherry pick the threads that interest them. I don't think anyone intentionally sees a new member or a repeated question and thinks to themselves "what a dork, I'm going to go out of my way to ignore him/her" :lol:


Chin up peeps. We'll have no apathy or lack of enthusiasm on my watch please :D


In a bag.


Plus an egg.

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  daleyboy said:
When i think of the ccgb i get the impression that its quite stiff and pompous, that may well be just the image it gives, which puts me off. I went to a show once, its not my cup of tea although the people were excellent (it was run by the VR6oc) so unless you go to a few shows a year i cant see the point in joining. I dont mean to be disrespectful to the ccgb just giving my point of view.


I'm puzzled at this mate! I think it may have been the case to a certain degree around 10 years ago, but it really isn't like that anymore. Myself, Jim and Yandards are all club commitee members + mods on here. The vast majority of CCGB members are actually regular users on here- it's pretty much the same crowd! I think if you'd have come along to the last CCGB National Day, you'd have changed your mind ;)


As Lucasz says, you get a very good deal for a tenner 8)

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  Kevin Bacon said:
Cliqueyness. Yes, it's easy to feel outcast and ignored. You think this forum has that? Try Pistonheads and the Vortex!! If these forums were metaphorical parties, you'd walk in and everyone has their back to you. You shout "hello", and no one turns around. You are properly blanked.

Unfortunately this is just how forums are I'm afraid. It's human nature. People just cherry pick the threads that interest them. I don't think anyone intentionally sees a new member or a repeated question and thinks to themselves "what a dork, I'm going to go out of my way to ignore him/her" :lol:


Chin up peeps. We'll have no apathy or lack of enthusiasm on my watch please :D


In a bag.


Plus an egg.


Nah, this forum really is not bad. Although I have to admit, 100%, I don't understand everyone's obsession with ham, eggs and bacon...in bags.... You'd think after 500 posts I'd be up to speed :p

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  jamiehamy said:
Nah, this forum really is not bad. Although I have to admit, 100%, I don't understand everyone's obsession with ham, eggs and bacon...in bags.... You'd think after 500 posts I'd be up to speed :p


They're just slightly bonkers, breathing petrol fumes for too many years, it does get a bit boring seeing posts with the same questions time and time again, but I think most of us are pretty helpful especially to new users, it's nice to see a bit of an attempt to find answers in older posts though :)

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GUYS WE NEED TO DO MORE! the Corrado forum needs to organise more things? meets and so-on.... never anything going on man! and when it is its poorly organised! in brutal honesty! there is the corrado club, wich charge money, but i and im sure many others arnt members, think we need to stop trying to ne along side them and make the corrado forum its own thing!


---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------


Plus it seems alot on here dont even own corrados, they drive ****in family cars n shizz, and just sit at home judging everyone else.... just sayin! used to be with a beetle owners club n were always going to shows together meeting up n stuff. think the whole "corrado forum" and "corrado club" is allot of the reason for the sites lack of VAJAZZLE! (yes i just said that!)

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Ham and eggs are this forum's staple diet :D


I think a few warped individuals (myself included) inject a kind of humour that might go over some peeps' heads :lol:


In a bag.


Plus an egg.

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  EJ Taylor said:
GUYS WE NEED TO DO MORE! the Corrado forum needs to organise more things? meets and so-on.... never anything going on man! and when it is its poorly organised! in brutal honesty! there is the corrado club, wich charge money, but i and im sure many others arnt members, think we need to stop trying to ne along side them and make the corrado forum its own thing!


Plus it seems alot on here dont even own corrados, they drive ****in family cars n shizz, and just sit at home judging everyone else.... just sayin! used to be with a beetle owners club n were always going to shows together meeting up n stuff. think the whole "corrado forum" and "corrado club" is allot of the reason for the sites lack of VAJAZZLE! (yes i just said that!)




What about the forum meet that Wendy just organised, and you stuck your name down for... and then didn't show up to! In my experience of organising forum events, this is always the problem... you go to the trouble of organising something, people say they'll be there then don't show up!

Edited by Jim

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  Kevin Bacon said:
Ham and eggs are this forum's staple diet :D


I think a few warped individuals (myself included) inject a kind of humour that might go over some peeps' heads :lol:


In a bag.


Plus an egg.


I think my humour never makes it out the toilet never mind over peoples heads :lol:

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  Jim said:


What about the forum meet that Wendy just organised, and you stuck your name down for... and then didn't show up to! In my experience of organising forum events, this is always the problem... you go to the trouble of organising something, people say they'll be there then don't show up!


Cars been in the garage, thought it would of been ready by then, and it wasnt. Apolagies. but thats one event. Valid point though.

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You didn't have to come in the Corrado.. no one cares... I was tempted to come in my "family car" and I wouldn't have judged you ;)

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ok, i hold my hands up to that! the next one is planned a mile down the road from me so ill walk if i have to! ha

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  EJ Taylor said:
GUYS WE NEED TO DO MORE! the Corrado forum needs to organise more things? meets and so-on.... never anything going on man! and when it is its poorly organised! in brutal honesty! there is the corrado club, wich charge money, but i and im sure many others arnt members, think we need to stop trying to ne along side them and make the corrado forum its own thing!


---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------


Plus it seems alot on here dont even own corrados, they drive ****in family cars n shizz, and just sit at home judging everyone else.... just sayin! used to be with a beetle owners club n were always going to shows together meeting up n stuff. think the whole "corrado forum" and "corrado club" is allot of the reason for the sites lack of VAJAZZLE! (yes i just said that!)


It is up to anyone and everyone to organise Events not just the same folk all the time.

There are plenty of shows organised on the CCGB, but generally very poorly attended compared to what they could be.

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  corrado_sunderland said:
I think my humour never makes it out the toilet never mind over peoples heads :lol:


Your humour sometimes results in closed threads ;) :lol:

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