vw rule 19 Posted October 1, 2013 :offtopic: I know we're all living on this planet i.e 3rd rock from the sun, isolated in space orbiting the sun in our own rotational track, in this self contained galaxery with other planets around us. But what do you feel or think regarding millions of other galaxies out there holding life ????? I know we're all human and we've been told we've come from apes, but what if we are the aliens on this planet ?? We don't have any natural defenses against any attack from a predator, like a bear, lion, tiger or shark and so on. But we've got this brain of ours and so are the most intelligent life form on this planet, why ? We can make life or take it. We can make or invent anything. We built ancient structures thousands of years ago all over earth and they line up with the stars perfectly ?? How. Are we the gods or the aliens ???? Some people believe in God, say they've read the bible and believe. If so how could this one person heal people with nothing more but their bare hands, how could this person walk on water. If this really old story that has been told for so long is true, then God was not human ??? I'm not saying to believe in God is a bad thing, each to their own. I don't believe in God my self to me the bible is just a story book, where's the evidence to prove it all :shrug: But then on the other hand you have so called ghosts, that are unrested spirits or demons that can dominate a person or their home :tumbleweed: :shocked!: and the only way to get rid of the ill tempered spirit is to employ a priest ??? :angel: What do you guys and girls think ??????????? Si Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted October 1, 2013 I'd say I firmly believe that, given the billions of galaxies out there, all of which we'll never see in our lives, it would be insane to think that the conditions that fostered life on earth couldn't exist on one or many other planets out there. So yep.. I believe there is / would be life on other planets. As for whether we'll see them, or they'll ever visit earth... I mean there are compelling arguments and stories that say it has happened already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidwort 0 Posted October 1, 2013 vw rule said: What do you guys and girls think ??????????? Si you've been hitting the acid again??? my brain is extremely limited, so anything infinite is a real problem for me, but I suppose there's always the possibility there's another forum in another world in another galaxy where the Corrado isn't the best car on that planet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
easypops 8 Posted October 1, 2013 No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mic_VR 3 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) "The chances of anything coming from Mars were a million to one....... but still they come" Seriously though, it's just us. ;) Edited October 1, 2013 by mic_VR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqvila 0 Posted October 1, 2013 If there are an infinite number of universes then there are an infinite number of aliens/humans/ chimps writing the complete works of shakespeare. Anything is possible... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted October 1, 2013 According to Alien vs Predator, 'God' is this guy:- [ATTACH=CONFIG]75862[/ATTACH] Personally, I believe we are the real Truman Show. The stars at night; scientists tell us they are Suns but we all know that's bull. They are in fact just pin holes in a giant blanket letting light through from 1000s of bulbs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bristolbaron 11 Posted October 1, 2013 I don't know maaaaaaaan. There's endless worlds & galaxies with endless possibilities for an infinite number of other lifeforms. 'Aliens' as such? Nah, just friends we haven't met yet. Let's get high and hug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted October 1, 2013 Considering the amount of stars/planets/galaxies out there the odds are we are not alone. Weather it is intelligent life like us is a possibility. Put it this way. The univers is just a bigger version of our planet. Just look at the massive verity of life on our planet now and in the past. Now if you imagine the huge amount of stars out there some with their own orbiting planets then there is a very high chance that a good few of them will have some form of life on them. Best quote I have heard to sum this question up is as followed Arthur C. Clark -"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the univers or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vw rule 19 Posted October 1, 2013 Yeah some interesting thoughts. Scientists have found a planet very similar to our own earth, they say it's a moon or something in one of the other galaxies close to our own. Since the 1960's or 70's they've been transmitting a radio beacon and sending this signal out in to space, one day it could be sent back by ???? Well who knows. Plus in the next 5 to 6 years time or less they are going to send a state of the art probe, out in to space to this moon planet, they say it will take some years for the probe to reach this moon, and that the probe will be sending back photo's of it's finds. Prometheus here we come, lol I believe they will find other life out there, it's not if they do, but when in the near future. Si Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted October 1, 2013 Swompy said: Considering the amount of stars/planets/galaxies out there the odds are we are not alone. Weather it is intelligent life like us is a possibility. Put it this way. The univers is just a bigger version of our planet. Just look at the massive verity of life on our planet now and in the past. Now if you imagine the huge amount of stars out there some with their own orbiting planets then there is a very high chance that a good few of them will have some form of life on them. Best quote I have heard to sum this question up is as followed Arthur C. Clark -"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the univers or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" Never heard that quote before, Jake - it's fantastic :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stuarttaylor37 13 Posted October 1, 2013 Swompy said: Arthur C. Clark -"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the univers or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" Love it! I think that there is almost certainly other lifeforms in the universe- given the numbers of planets involved, the time elapsed and the fact that it exists here already means it almost certainly will have evolved elsewhere too. What I struggle to understand is how it evolved in the first place...at what point does an inanimate group of elements get organised into something that is now considered alive and how does that happen? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted October 1, 2013 Glad I can add something useful for a change, I'm not just a pretty face :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hofmiester 10 Posted October 1, 2013 The other factor to consider as well as the scale of the universe, is the insane amount of time it has been in existence and is likely to exist. By that I mean that right now, we could be the only life in the universe but that is not to say it hasn't existed before us or after. Also for a civilisation to be at the same stage of development or more advanced in order to comunicate, is also unlikley. For example there may be life at any stage of development, microbes to so advanced that we are not of interest to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wullie 1 Posted October 1, 2013 There is definitely alien life. I married one. On a more serious note this was in the news recently http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/10321227/Alien-life-found-living-in-Earths-atmosphere-claims-scientist.html Personally, given the scale of the universe, we cannot surely be the only lifeform. Also we seem obsessed with carbon based life but why shouldn't it be based on something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted October 1, 2013 Due to natural human skepticism and years of Alien movies, even if we did find evidence of alien life, we wouldn't believe it was real anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Bowen 1 Posted October 1, 2013 Its still quite hard to believe the whole dinosaur thing, let alone space and time. I do wonder if time travel has been invented but the future people are so sensible they won't allow anyone to come back or interfere with us in the past. Its probably Will Smiths great great grandson in charge of the world imo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiamondTony 10 Posted October 1, 2013 Due to the amount of 'space' out there and the infinite number of possibilities - I'd say that there is 100% other life out there. Whether or not they are like 'us' is incredibly unlikely - given that the atmoshperic conditions of Earth are such a minute possibility - and are more than likely non carbon based lifeforms, or simply non corporial. They may share liklinesses to us, but who's to know for sure until something happens! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dumptyboy 0 Posted October 1, 2013 I'm a firm believer that there must be other life forms out there, and I think you would be crazy to think that there wasn't. But who know if there is any life out there as advanced as us, we will never know in our lifetime as far as I can see? But the bigger question is that if other life forms were found then where would this leave the religions that people believe on earth? I'm not religious atall and never have been, but for people who don't believe in evolution and think God made earth and nothing else - they would end up having issues dealing with the prospect of another life form in the universe that no bible has ever mentioned. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mic_VR 3 Posted October 1, 2013 dumptyboy said: But the bigger question is that if other life forms were found then where would this leave the religions that people believe on earth? I'm not religious atall and never have been, but for people who don't believe in evolution and think God made earth and nothing else - they would end up having issues dealing with the prospect of another life form in the universe that no bible has ever mentioned. ;) Easy, they still wouldn't believe it. They'd probably deny it right up to the point that predator rips out their spines.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vornwend 0 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) YES of course there is! If you look into the sky in a non light polluted place like Hawaii and count 5 stars every second it will take you 15 minutes to count all the stars you can see but of course there are more stars than that so if you could see them all and count 5 every second it would take you 1,000 years to count them all. But there's more than one galaxy in the universe so if you could now count 5 galaxies a second it would take you another 1,000 years. If just one in a hundred of the stars in our galaxy (apparently a conservative estimate) had a habitable planet and you could visit 1 a second it would take you 60 years to visit them all but of course you will need more than a second to check for life so if everyone on this forum (say 5,000) could spend just 1 day checking a planet for life it will take more than 1,000 years to check just our galaxy alone. If it turns out we are not that fast and we could just check 1 per year then I'm afraid we will have to wait 365,000 years to get the full report JUST for our galaxy alone. So yes there is almost certainly life out there! Edited October 1, 2013 by vornwend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Portent 0 Posted October 2, 2013 I believe there is and have no doubt about that. There are far too many stars and planets for there not to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swompy 0 Posted October 2, 2013 I'm pretty curtain other life is visiting us already! I'm mean has any one seen the people in Gloucester they could almost be aliens in disguise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites