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Blue Joe's G60 - FIRST DRIVE!!

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New part arrived to hopefully end my exhaust issues!!! ILOK Motorsport Flex Joint capable of withstanding up to 1100deg and about the strongest in the business apparently - Thanks to Kev for pointing me in the right direction!!!!


In theory it is all going on tomorrow providing the new centre box turns up tomorrow!!!

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They are 8's


And nothing less than Goodyear Eagle F1's - Don't think I'd ever have any other tyre - The grip on these are AMAZING!

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  Phil K said:
Looking sweet bro... but, I still think they'd look better with porker centre caps ;)


But it's not a Porsche an I don't need to pretend! :lol:

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Well - Just got back to a very brief journey to the petrol station! Got 30 secs down my road, went to turn left into a single lane road (but not one way!) doing about 10mph if that. It's a blind bend as there is a building on the corner.


Coming the other way was a fiesta with 2 guys in the car. They were going too fast to be approching the corner as it was. I stopped. They skidded into me. :(


Nothing too major than kfully. I'll need a new set of indicators and fogs. New Rieger bumper. New bonnet. Well I wanted it resprayed anyway!!!!


Can you all keep a lookout for an good condition early bonnet as they aren't available new anymore!!!! Also might be a good opportunity to get in-pro fogs for nowt on the insurance!!!!!


Gutted though!!! Bet you it ends up a 50/50 claim!

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Blue_Joe, GUTTED Not if you stopped mate!! If you were not moving and hit you, then its his fault. get onto a civil claim for unisuranced loses, time etc calls, asap use this website if you have to mate http://www.miic.org.uk/ it will provide you with there insurance details if they turn out to be false.

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Thanks for the comments guys! I'll get it sorted! Think I've found a bonnet already! Does anyone live near fareham that could collect for me!


Then I can start to arrange getting it to me!

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Does anyone live near fareham that could collect for me!


I do but am heading up to Durham for a few weeks so couldnt do it until Jan.


You could try Dub nut G60, Mike G60, im sure there are others as well.

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sorry to hear bout the car!


If you were stationary when he hit you then there its his fault, but if its just your word against his it could get awkward!


Drop me a PM bout the bonnet in fareham and ill see what i can do to help!

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  NickVR6 said:
GUTTED dude, does'nt sound like your sulking though, straight into repair and make better mode ;-)


TBH - I've suprised myself, I haven't moped about with it at all, just as you said straight into "lets get it sorted and lookig better mode"!

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Right attitude on repair, not like me... I live right by Fareham if it's the one in Hampshire, but what would I do with it then?

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Well so far the insurance company has been great.


Asked if I wanted them to arrange repair or if I had a garage I would prefer to use. Said I had a garage. They said take it to them to start get the quote done and they would get an engineer to them within 3 days to approve the quote. As soon as that is done the work will start straight away. So should be early in the new year and it will all be done.


They are going to spray the whole car as well sorting out a few minor issues with body work and a few body modifications while I'm at it that I've had in mind for a while. But I'll keep them a surprise for now.


Personally I think it was my Fast's fault as it was his first ride out in the car!!!!!

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