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Everything posted by MikeVR6

  1. MikeVR6

    C**TS !!

    Excellent! :lol: Though I'd have stuck a £1 note to him so he had to get change! :evil: We had a similar problem a few months ago. I was standing in my mate's drive around 02:00 having a smoke. Watched two pissed up 17yr olds staggering up the road. Stopped beside my mate's Omega and did a Karate Kid on his wing mirror. Then they meandered off. (didn't even run!) We chased them down with my mate's two Rottweillers and put the fear of God up them. (one of us told them they had a pretty ass!) :lol: Then held them until the cops showed up. Thankfully the cops were sensible and took them home to their parents. None to pleased to be woken by the Fuzz in the early hours I'll bet. Angry parents and very sorry kids appeared at the door the next day with £200 and a letter apologising. We did have the option to press charges too.
  2. Everytime I switch off the ignition. The MFA loses all its memories on both settings. The clock resets itself to midnight and the trip resets to zero. Anyone ever had a similar problem?
  3. Ok, swapped the sunroof over from my mate's old 16v last night. Tested the roof before removing from his car. Tilted and slid fine. Removed the roof from both cars, swapped the metal panel over and fitted the good roof to my motor. Tilt's perfectly (old roof only tilted on one side) however, it will not slide back. What have I done wrong? Speedy response appreciated as it's going to p1ss down this evening so I can only work on it this afternoon.
  4. Hi guys. Posting this message on behalf of a fellow VR6 owner in the Canary Islands. Originally posted on the Yahoo Group, but things are a little quiet there at the moment. Cheers in advance Mike Hi everyone, this is a cry for help from a fellow owner of a 1992 VR6.I have found that looking at the site has been extremely helpful to date I live in Tenerife and there are very few Corrados here as a result not many people have experience of the car.In fact even the local VW dealers mechanics .All they seem to do is replace at horrendous costs and not really diagnose so it becomes a question of elimination finally gets the answer.meanwhile the wallet has an enormous bashing My problem the car is overheating (the ambient temperature this time of year 30c) It runs at 110c when in traffic and on the minor roads in the afternoon Oil temps getting up 125c and even higher If I decide to let the car really have its legs and it wants to fly(Its so tempting but I am concerned at the moment) I have had the fan replaced, however it cuts in very briefly at 110c for about a minute then switches off !! (when I first had the car even when switched off the fan would run on for about 5mins) Is likely to be the thermoswitch?I understand the auxiliary water pump is also involved As the fan seems to work if only fleetingly Secondly I noticed the slave fan was not running and discovered the belt had come off fixed it but within a day it has come off again .It is a very thin belt, 2 things I noticed the pulley has 3 grooves on it likewise the slave pulley,the belt slots into one groove should there be more than one belt ? If not do think the belt has stretched and needs replacing as I am reluctant the put it back on for it to come off again ,,there seems to be no facility to adjust the pulleys Any advice would be most welcome regards Roger Port vintageport45#telefonica.net (replace the # with an @ if you want to mail him directly)
  5. Ok, I've got a sunroof from another Corrado to fit to mine. Same age and motor type. Definitely tilts and slides ok. (I removed it from the donor car and tested it beforehand) How do I actually get a the internals of the sunroof mechanism? I need to change over the roof panels as a blue sunroof or a red car would look kind of odd! :)
  6. I had problems getting Infinity's to line up correctly with the mounting holes. JBL's fit ok though. For both you'll have to cut away part of the trim to accommodate the magnet. If you want to be extra anal you can get the shelves from a breaker and butcher those. (that's what I did) :)
  7. MikeVR6

    Front Panels

    Is there a difference between pre-'92 front panels and later ones? I know the bonnet, bumper and wings were modified throughout the range to accommodate the larger VR6 engine.
  8. Sainsbury's - 92.9p per litre for Super. It's crazy though. Only a few years ago the country went mad when petrol breached the 80p per litre mark. Miraculously the price dropped to around 75p and held around that mark for over a year. Now it's crept back up again stealthily. :mad: If the Government would just reduce the 70% Duty they levy on fuel. Petrol would only cost 32p a litre if we just paid 17.5% VAT on it. Makes me mad, especially when you visit Iraq and see the thousands of gallons of crude p1ssing out of pipelines creating huge lakes of oil with no-one making any effort to stop them.
  9. Henny has it exactly right. Because I'd only seen these units on ABS equipped Corrados, I assumed they had something to do with the ABS. Hence I posted this in the Drivetrain section. Why would a '94 16v not have a fan run-on unit then? Did they all come with them? My old '91 16v certainly had none of this jiggery pokery going on. I'm going to borrow VAG-Com later this week and see what errors it throws up.
  10. I've been on here long enough to know about the dreaded ABS light not working problem. In-fact my VR had the light disconnected when I bought it. Thankfully it was only two dead wheel sensors throwing up a fault. I'm glad Henny has said this little box isn't for the ABS but the fan run-on. I did wonder since there's an ABS ECU in the footwell and a pump on the bulkhead, what function this box serves on a Corrado. Even if it's for the fan though. Why is it present on a '92 16v and not a '94 one? As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. So here's 3 pics... The First one is my '94 2.0ltr 16v, with the empty space where the little box should be. The Second's my own '95 VR6. (shiny clean) 8) The Third is my mate's '92 16v.
  11. Thanks for the re-assuring words Henny 8) Only just in from work so no time to check fuses tonight. I'll take a look tomorrow. Cheers! :)
  12. Clocking! :( Uh oh. I checked all the old MOT's and service history when I bought the car. I'll have a look again later. Not sure if it's eveytime I switch off or everytime I restart. I'll test this later too.
  13. Bought a 2.0 ltr 16v in need of a bit of TLC as a bit of a project. Nothing much wrong with it, save for needing a new exhaust, lambda, sunroof, heater controls and a good service. :) Spotted (or rather didn't spot) something unusual under the bonnet. The little back box for the ABS which normally sits beside the washer bottle is missing! The car's a '94 model, not much older than my VR. I assumed all Corrado's with ABS had the same setup? There's an ABS light on the dash and a pump in the engine bay attached to the bulkhead. A multiplug connects to this and leads into the loom under the expansion tank. The ABS seems to work ok, but the light NEVER comes on. Has someone half-inched me unit?? :shock:
  14. Hi folks, On my '94 2ltr 16v I have a bizarre problem with the clocks. Everytime I switch off the ignition, the clock resets it's time and the MFA loses all it's values on both memories. I assume the problem is a permanent Live connection somewhere. I thought though that the clocks have a multiplug connecting all the wiring to them. Seems unlikely one wire could be broken? Don't know if it's related but the interior lights, sunroof switch and sun-visor light don't work either :( The water temp gauge seems to be on the blink as well. It seems to sit around 70 degrees most of the time. Is this normal? This car's turning out to be a bit of a nightmare. Spent £300 on parts so far since last week! :mad: Most expensive part being a Lambda sensor. 85 feckin' quid from VW as it had to be genuine. :(
  15. Nice one. I was tempted by that one myself. But the mileage and distance from me put me off. Health to drive! 8)
  16. MikeVR6

    Leather cleaners?

    Absolutely. I've tried Autoglym cleaner (stinks) and Meguiar's Cleaner & Aloe Condtioner previously. I recently bought Gliptone Liquid Leather - Cleaner and Conditioner for £10 on E-Bay. Even after using the Meguiar's treatment not that long ago I was amazed by the amount of dirt the Gliptone cleaner removed from my leather. The cleaner has quite an overpowering smell of leather which lingers for a few days. That's the only bad point. The conditioner made the leather feel nice and subtle again. Great Stuff, get it here.... http://tinyurl.com/bpf5z Apparently saddle soap is also very good and cheap too.
  17. I believe the collective noun is a "Cluster" of Storms! :lol:
  18. Did you sell the kit mk2_20vt?
  19. No way! As if I'd bother with anything but tasteful OE look mods! :)
  20. Looking good mate 8) Get yourself up to some of our meets! :)
  21. The passenger arm is indeed too long. Also, if you open the bonnet with the arm in the down position it fouls on the rear edge of the bonnet and scrapes the paint off :( I've been making enquiries with a local motorfactor to see if there is an alternative supplier for the blades as £35 each is a little steep! I'm sure I saw some on the GSF stand at Inters for £20 per blade.
  22. Best just buying the entire list of parts then as a "Fix All" solution rather than repairing each bit as it breaks.
  23. Thanks Kev, That's exactly the info I was after. So essentially we have 3 faults that can lead to this problem. They don't necessarily appear alone either so someone with the "tilt no slide" fault could have any combination of them. 5 different combinations in total. Maybe, since this is quite a common problem, we should make this a sticky or copy the pertinent info into a new thread and sticky it?
  24. Thanks Kev, That's exactly the info I was after. So essentially we have 3 faults that can lead to this problem. They don't necessarily appear alone either so someone with the "tilt no slide" fault could have any combination of them. 5 different combinations in total. Maybe, since this is quite a common problem, we should make this a sticky or copy the pertinent info into a new thread and sticky it?
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