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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. congrats on your pending marriage mate , its all good because you're keeping the mileage down and not spending on it , beautiful car btw
  2. if you see something you want in the for sale section i would pm the seller , i'm positive most people would hold stuff for you
  3. iirc isnt it best to replace the gearbox mount with a solid mk2 golf diesel mount ? instead the gooey oil filled oem ones solid mount will give sharper acceleration but they arent to all peoples tastes , some love them others say they are too harsh and change to oem or the much more expensive vibratechnics if you arent too bothered then go for an oem , you know you were happy with that, they are easy to fit
  4. gusto, paul phatvr6 just sold an absolute mint set with recaros iirc , not cheap but def top quality cant you get online while you're away ?
  5. not often that happens , you deserved a break though , i know you were a little more than gutted when it all went pear shaped nice one !
  6. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... =handbrake always try the search mate :-)
  7. they look ok to me, much better than the black plastic
  8. you'll never beat the cow pic :-) you've peaked ! isnt the sill plate supposed to illuminate some nice pics there mate
  9. Ronan, off topic ! theres already a thread about Dirty, filthy Dinkus :-)
  10. Please, not on a public forum :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:
  11. check you have a pulse :-)
  12. Leavon, cheers mate, i've got koni fully adjustables on mine, its nice to be able to set your own ride height
  13. i like it because its subtle :-) just superb imo we want a full blow by blow :wink: report on that lee that sound takes me back to freezing my billocks of in a forest at the lombard rally :wink:
  14. heavy engine ? did you get the rims recently ? if so where from cheers paul
  15. :lol: you've go to love that sound 8) clicky here
  16. Nice ps skills , the back could do with a slight drop ,just to level it a bit more with the front imo i really like those ZW1 rims , are they the same width all round ? very clean its a credit to you
  17. i just reversed the polarised filters in the lcd and fitted blue led's to give the mk4 red/blue look , also did all the switches with red leds not as good as ddi but def cheaper :wink: you could just do the lcds and leave the green floodlight to keep them oem look (lcd will be any colour you like ,just depends on the colour filter you use not a good pic, look much better in the flesh


    mine have the smoked/tinted top
  19. easy to do kev and the lcd and back light are totally separate issues , as i say to everyone, if you change the lcd then wire it to an ignition live (easy done) otherwise it wont be bright enough during the day and it looks a lot better on the windows ? very very fine line on tints , between chav and classy i want new wheels but i just cant decide porsche cup 3 rh zw1 borbet e or even a nice plain 5 spoke like khan rsr just dunno ??
  20. does it pull all the time or just under acceleration or braking ? does the car lean at all , have measured the center of the wheel to the arch, to make sure each side is equal stupid but have you checked tyre pressures ? what about the top mounts ?are they worn? does the left wheel get hotter than the right ?
  21. he'll just say "i'm locking this one " and walk away :-) sorry to hear youre not feeling too good , generally with a lot of accidents there is a delayed reaction before you realise what damage is done, hope you get sorted mate, the osteopath is a good idea
  22. i think my "green" vr does less than 40mpg when stationary :-(
  23. looking good trigger , strange how these cars can look good modded or standard , usually its one or the other
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