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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. Pics needed for the 'show some love corradowales style' thread! That's not been bumped in years!!
  2. Eeeeasy! You've built up enough contacts over the years to get this smashed out in a day no probs. Chuck a new clutch in for peace of mind at the same time and you'll be good for years. By my calculations £250 max for engine and clutch + BBQ & beers will see job jobbed.
  3. In principle i think its a great idea.. the thing to bear in mind would be if you're hiring a camper, you're hiring your bed too so i would expect a significant difference in hire prices - or for you to offer a route including b&b's you've pre booked on my behalf. Personally, i'd love to do a drive around scotland - especially in a corrado and i can get flights from bristol to inverness!
  4. cor! where did you find that!? cracker. whats the spec on the a4.. post an ad up
  5. I have a brand new boxed grille - in fact 2 :lol: £20 posted..
  6. bristolbaron

    ebay VR6

    nah.. with that mileage it looks 'alright' for the money. there would be other doors id be knocking down..
  7. :lol: you first - i don't think you've owned one for 9 years!
  8. ergh i hate it, cant get used to it, its horrendous etc etc.. :lol:
  9. bristolbaron

    ebay VR6

    yep - now revised :(
  10. Its gone :( chap thats collected it though is lovely, its defo gone to a good home. I've pointed him in the direction of the forum, so could make an appearance! I'm off to search ebay for another :lol: :bonk:
  11. bristolbaron

    ebay VR6

    hmm.. i could do with a corrado.. :lol:
  12. This is very much true Jim.. if its just down to thinking 'will someone pay that' its worth advertising/putting feelers out, which I expect [hope] is the case here. Some people have a sense of 'I couldn't bear to see my car ruined' so would rather break, which to me is madness. Put the right money in my hand and you can literally set the car on fire in front of me :lol:
  13. I'd never break one - too lazy :lol: Saved a couple over the years from breakers and poor modifiers! This one had a dodgy exhaust and badly tinted lights but luckily I found it before it was too late :cheers: I'll be on to sorting out my mk2 next, in fact I might do a thread for it as it could get interested.. another project 'save me'
  14. Another one?! Whats going on? Personally I think breaking is madness, although thats gonna give you potentially the best money so if you're gonna go that route: Full interior - everything - don't break down further. Engine Charger Wheels Shell Do you have parts to put it back to standard/ish?
  15. yaaaaay! much better choice than the 205, go for it!
  16. I know I know.. silly really, but so pleased to have everything in one place now and the thought of clearing it all is even better! To be honest, there's loads up there which really is just junk.. old broken bits I took of and for some reason didn't bin? Others will come to good use. Best bit will be working out how to fill it all again once its empty! :lol:
  17. what do i win?! http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=50335 it does look half tidy now to be fair.. it was always okay, but seems to have had some money spent on it. Nice set of seats in there and you'd be laughing.
  18. I believe it was owned by someone on here from Bristol.. although I'm struggling to remember user or real name! Dom?
  19. Yup, first viewer! Collecting thursday. Popped up the garage today to start sorting things - might take a while..
  20. I've gone ahead with the ebay order.. didnt have time to spare with a deadline so job done. Cheers all.
  21. What do they say about rats and a sinking ship :lol:
  22. It's corrado/b3 passat specific, thank you for the offer though. Hmm.. Might work, although twice as much work and less end result! The eBay seller isn't the rip off guy, but unsure of he'd get one over soon enough now. Was hoping someone local had a door sat around with the module still in it! Cheers :salute: ---------- Post added at 9:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 9:31 PM ---------- Dave does it look exactly as above? I believe - I may be wrong - that the 'A' is a smaller/shorter module for the petrol flap and tailgate..
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