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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. 9 days later.. We're of the same stock. :lol:
  2. hmm.. for me id say it all depends on the paint, what exactly is wrong with it and what money is needed to sort it. lifting laquer on a wing is not a problem at all being a removable panel, lifting laquer around the windscreen is a massive job and could be hiding rust. based on the car having good history, some tax and a decent mot i'd say anything from just under 2k if tricky paint fixes to 3k+ if easily sorted. initially though, the first question i'd be asking is what do YOU think its worth?
  3. my guess is drivers door card membrane. if it was passenger side i'd be saying foliage cover, but drivers side is likely to be door card. other options, sunroof blocked channels & wiindscreen but less likely.
  4. sukh's car was a bit later, theres a thread here about andres which also has a pic from another german car which would fit the bill if its not andres youre thinking of. Also check this twin turbo VR.. a lot later from these images, but have no idea about the history.. http://neutec-tacho-design.de/german/KFZ-Gallery/-/Corrado_BiTurbo/corrado_biturbo.html
  5. :lol: that looks mental!!! I cant believe how high they are standard.
  6. I bought a 94 VR6 last monday and have been having trouble getting it to idle. I have no history for the car except a receipt from last year for a crankshaft sensor, so im currently not ruling anything out! When i bought it, it had been laid up for a couple of months and the battery had been allowed to run flat. It was started up and running rough. We took it for a drive to warm it up, when driving it was perfect, but as soon as the revs were allowed to drop, back to rough idle. I drove it home [100 miles] and the idle was fine when i got back. perfect. The next day i started it from cold, and it was back to rough idle again, hunting through the rev range to the point where at times the engine will cut out. Once warm it clears, with occasional lumpyness but wont cut out. I had a play the other day taking a few things apart to search for anything obvious. I cant see and splits in any intake hoses, the ISV was very clean inside and the wires in the MAF look intact. I changed the coolant temp sensors as they're a cheap fix and the only other thing I could think of! Today I tinkered again and hit the ISV a few times as recommended. The idle was much better at this point. I then went on a 20 mile drive to make sure everything was running okay and on my return home the rough idle came back. I tried a few more hits on the ISV, but its not having any of it. I don't know whether it's because it wasnt the problem in the first place or because its properly knackered. The other thing to note/ask.. I unplugged the MAF [6 pin] and theres only five wires in the loom - is that normal?! Sorry for the essay, thought its worth writing everything then missing something out! Cheers Baz
  7. Like the turd that wouldn't flush.. :lol:
  8. vdo 10 bar pressure sender m10 x 1.5 twin pole. merlin are very very expensive though, i'll see if i can find one cheaper and post a link!
  9. search for hennys for sale thread..
  10. i have this! along with a very lumpy idle when cold, which gets better, but not perfect on a run! will update if i find anything..
  11. would a coat of WD40 or even vasoline not work as a quick fix if its just for storage? otherwise if you want to buy something then this type of thing: THIS would be my best guess.. other option would be a rattle can of primer and any paint to coat if they're going to be properly painted at a later date anyway. please bear in mind i have no idea what im talking about and will not be held accountable in any way if any suggestion goes wrong :lol:
  12. well you have a nice and rarer colour so personally i'd stick with it unless you were planning a flat out show spec build, especially if you're not planning on painting the bay too. nothing worse than an unpainted bay!
  13. yeah ASN is the main pace uk people go.. pretty helpfull bunch, farily similar in demographic to here. not your 18 year old polo types :lol:
  14. what are the offsets? just did a quick google search and getting conflicting opinion. im pretty sure they wont fit, but prepared to be surprised!
  15. New MINIs [and i would guess BMW's] have had heated screens as a factory fit option for a few years now so i would guess somethings happened on the patent front.. they have lines, but very very thin ones!
  16. swap anything over now that you want for the VR then sell the 16v as a daily/project. look around at similar cars for a value, £500-£1500 is 16v money.
  17. wow, great idea and good price! i'd love to get involved, sadly i dont keep a car long enough to justify it! :lol:
  18. I bought a replacement household light bulb the other day. The guy in the shop said will you be putting it in yourself? I said no, it'll be going in the living room.
  19. quite a few have summed up why ive stayed put so many times, its an older car but doesnt drive like, or really have the needs of one if well maintained. ive never spent much money on stuff that i didnt want to, and each time ive managed to uprate at the same time as replacing so its been worthwhile [exhausts/suspension/brakes etc] The only things i really miss from when i had a new company car are air con with quick windscreen demisting! and the fuel card!
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