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Everything posted by gradeAfailure

  1. Yup, count me as a vote for #3 too...
  2. Cheers MikeEdwards for the quick delivery of the VR6 clocks (which have had the needles stolen now, and are awaiting new lighting gels to change the illumination colour!).
  3. Yeah, that'd be great if you could PM me with it... :left thumb: Little update - went back to the place where it happened, and the s0dding council have filled in the potholes! I suppose at least it'll stop it happening to someone else, but... Ah well, ya win some, ya lose some... Still gonna have a crack at compensation but tbh, I'm just happy to have found some spares. There's worse things happen at sea, you know... Cheers for the support, been much appreciated! :D
  4. Looks very very tasty mate, good purchase! 8)
  5. Them Keskin people must be making a mint off Dub owners! :lol: Looking lush, although I'd say lose the mudflaps when you get it dropped... ;)
  6. Can you get the Escort Cossie ones on? Reckon that'd look pretty good...
  7. Gotta remember the problems BigEastside... and CandyWhite16V have had selling theirs though - lots of work done to them as well... Think chrishill's only went for about £1800 too and that has had a gorgeous full respray... Not to urinate on your conflagration or anything though, sorry!
  8. Don't they have that in Italy? Until you're a certain age, you're not allowed to have anything over a certain power:weight ratio, or something...?
  9. (*^(*%$ £$^$&%^$ *&}{:~@>^$)*^)$ *&%^ )(&%( ^$£(*^%(^ $(&^$ )*&%}{@~>@~>}}{%)*&%$ )*&%!!!!!!!!!! (I thought I'd do the swear filter's job for it... :lol:)
  10. We used Hellfrauds bodystyling stripe - the really thin stuff! - to stripe the indicators and reverse lights whilst tinting... Though if you're doing them smoked, you won't need to do this as you're effectively not changing the colour, just making them slightly darker... :)
  11. Well, I'll keep an eye out for you at No-Rice tomorrow; living so close you have to pop down! :)
  12. Nooooo, the bad times are there to make you realise how good the good times are....! That blows goats though mate, I feel for you... :(
  13. Fnarrr fnarrrr... ;) Edit: seriously though, I was thinking about this as I live in a very hard water area... Hmmm, might have to take a gamble on it!
  14. Edited: Pic removed cos Darren sorted his post out! ;)
  15. I'd venture a guess that a visit to G-Werks would be more than worth the mileage... PM Darren (g-man) and see what he says... He could probably change your crank bolt while you're there! See this thread...
  16. Mup-, and indeed, -pet... Well, at least mine seems to be levelling off now I'm getting old - got a quote for a 944 Turbo valued at £7k for a laugh earlier this year - £475 fully comp! :shock:
  17. Alan, whereabouts are you in the UK? There will probably be a good VW specialist within an hour of you, wherever you are - someone'll know which! :D
  18. damn man, that's looking the nuts! 8)
  19. Ach, be sensible when you hit 40! BMW 328i Coupe?
  20. I'm gonna side with Ant on this one and chuck a vote in for the Audi Coupe S2 20V Turbo - class in a glass... 8)
  21. Definitely keep the centres black! I was saying at the SE meet today that I wasn't a fan of white cars but I may have to eat my words - looking very nice... 8)
  22. It's a tv programme on Channel 4 in the UK - if your sense of humour isn't slightly skewed, or British, then you may not understand! :lol: Bo' Selecta homepage
  23. Two today, woo! 8) J*** BHE, green G60, on the A264 near Horsham, early afternoon. M*** KHO, green 16V, in GW Bridges dismantlers car park, also early afternoon. Anyone?
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