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Everything posted by Toad

  1. yup, GreasedupDeafguy. :wink: yeah i do mate. paypal? Bank transfer would be cool, just fire over your address and I'll sort them, can't post before the weekend though, I'm up to my testicles in stuff. :(
  2. Looks good dude... Is that GreasedupDeafguy from E38? Did you still want the boot lifters?
  3. Yeah, next time he'll steer more to the left... :lol: Lol, a couple of weeks back you complained that this forum wasn't friendly, all because a couple of people disagreed with you, then you come back with that statement (not the for the first time either), I don't understand, do you want people to be friendly or not?? I could call that hypocritical, but that wouldn't be friendly of me, would it? :lol:
  4. Don't give me that smug raised eyebrow smilie. You take that light and shove it where the sun don't shine, oh and by the way, that won't be in your exhaust manifold now will it? Don't ever say I don't give you nothing. A good kicking while a man is down is a very generous gesture. :D Where's that handbag smilie???? Lol.
  5. I concur. Nature vs Nurture, very few kids are born little $hits, but plenty grow into it. The way I see it, they are more unlucky to be concieved.
  6. There's a couple of methods, spray binder material (like tar) onto the road (already swept etc) then put chippings down, sometimes spray and chip, and repeat, sometimes chippings then tar. Not all counties use the same methods, Hampshire use surface dressing, and are actually one of the main users I believe. In optimum conditions, a road has a 40 year lifespan, it should last 20 years then be surface dressed 3 times at 7 year intervals to maintain the surface texture, then dug up and completely rebuilt. In reality, nothing gets that kind of attention due to cost. Some instances where surface dressing is used is actually for safety reasons. In the town I live in 3 people were killed, and a couple driven into where the road surface became too polished, it's been surface dressed and is now nice and grippy. There should be boards up warning you a few weeks before. Otherwise, if you are interested in lookign at roadworks or want to find out how long they are going to be in an area use http://elgin.gov.uk, sadly it doesn't cover your area Dave, but under the New roads and street works act, all activites which break up the surface of the road, or involve resurfacing must be noticed publically, and you should be able to check them with your local council. Gully cleansing? The contract is worth millions... over 200,000 gullies that need cleaning once a year in Hampshire, I spend a lot of time at the moment breaking down the electronic records from the contractor, converting longs/lats to Eastings and Northings and sticking it all into our mapping software to interrogate it properly. Fun eh?? Arguably there might be better methods, but surface dressing has been deemed the most cost effective method here. On the continent they use a material that we've banned in the UK because it turns into an ice rink with a bit of rain!
  7. Sorry, but I don't agree that it is a "lazy" method, road surfaces like many things suffer from UV degradation, they also get cracks, and the texture of the surface becomes poorer (and thus the skid resistance decreases as the stones become polished by traffic) However, the sub base of the road is still sound. By surface dressing the road, the bituminous binder material fills micro cracks, and protects the sub layers from UV, it is also slightly flexible. The chippings spread on top provide the texture vehicles need for gripping. The size of the chippings is dependant on the type of road, speed limit, traffic etc, most of what you might see around Hampshire will probably be 10mm chippings with a further layer of 6mm to help lock the 10mm chippings into place and get a better macro texture. Unfortunatelty, the embedment of the chippings is dependant ont he traffic flow after they are spread, and you clearly need to apply more chippings than actually required to ensure proper coverage. The surface dressing site should be swept within a few days of the surface dressing, and further sweepings should take place as deemed neccessary. Obviously, further sweeping would be preferential, but you can't have everything sadly. The Highway Authorities do not get enough money, not by a long long way. There are 9000km of publically maintainable highway (excluding motorway and trunk roads) in Hampshire. We get £35million to maintain them. By the time you factor in everything that is carried out in the name of maintenance, it's a pittance. As well as resurfacing/surface dressing there is pot hole filling, gully cleansing, hedge trimming, lining, maintenance of street lighting, footpaths, salting during the winter to name a few activities. Add on to that drainage schemes, changing road layouts etc.... You might think resurfacing the road is better, but it costs £20/square metre compared to less than £2/square metre for surface dressing. More and more of your taxes are actually going into adult services, i.e. looking after old people. Highways on the whole are taking cutbacks becuase of this. At the end of the day, it sounds harsh, but people have to put up with minor delays and inconviniences for the long term benefit of the road network.
  8. I get 28mpgish round town and anywhere between 32 and 38mpg on longer runs. The valver seems to be a lot better than it has been at the moment.
  9. To be honest I use one road on my way to work and the chippings have all embedded or been swept up in a few days, and now a week on it's a lovely fairly smooth grippy surface :)
  10. I prefer freely bouncing breasts. I'm such a weirdo. :scratch: What's wrong with snuffling a pair of soiled y fronts while sitting your balls on an electric fence? You losers....
  11. Hahahaha. I might have something to do with that.... :wink: Surface dressing is a very good cost effective method of increasing road lifespans and skid resistance. Have you been observing the 10mph signs put up by RMS? I guess other drivers don't, but it's the best way to reduce the number of stones being dislodged. Nothing really to do with potholes either, although gangs will have patched any holes /imperfections over the last few months in preparation for the surface dressing program. :dorky:
  12. Room for a chubby passenger?
  13. I have mostly fitted a set of G60 BBS wheels recently, thanks to DanVW who lent them too me. I love them and will be looking to buy a set sooner or later :) Other than that I haven't been doing nearly enough to my cars recently. Here's some pics with the wheels anyway.
  14. That's weird. No doubt some firendly mod will move them for you :) Welcome!
  15. Edit the first post and change the title of that.... Keep the Super Ts....
  16. Toad

    adjusting toe-out

    The toe is generally adjusted/corrected by the tie rods though. the toe is affected by setting the camber, then adjustments can be made with the tie rods to bring everything back in spec.
  17. +1 But I base all my actions on the half arsed, ill informed opinions of people who don't actually know me. Isn't that the most efficient way of doing things??? I do seem to be spending more time in public toilets recently. ;) It's like asking someone to test drive a car for you and buying it off their opinion, what they look for and what you look for are completely different. I guess that's why there are dissagreements over car mods, you don't know what you're going to get till you've shelled out your money, and by that point it's all far too late.
  18. ;) TBH, I don't think anyone is trying to tell you anything you don't know Rob, you've clearly spent a lot of time thinking about and building your car. You were also alongside me in Simons car when my buttocks tried to consume his back seat and know what 350lbft feels like. When I finally start to build a 16vt, I'm looking for 250lbft and 250bhp to start with, then think about building up.
  19. Exactly, I'm in no rush to strap a magnesium grenade to the front of my engine with a pulley far too small. /stops stiring..... Too late. I know where you live. don't make me wake up the gimp. :) Hehe. Looking forward to catching up again.
  20. :) Good luck. I seem good at talking myself into jobs on other cars instead of doing mine too.
  21. Interested to see the Made in Mexico stamp, yours isn't the first I've heard of with that.... You on target for September then? 1 month to go..... :)
  22. Exactly, I'm in no rush to strap a magnesium grenade to the front of my engine with a pulley far too small. /stops stiring.....
  23. So, soul = torque? :nuts: I like jap cars too, but I think you will miss the soul/character of C if you sell it. Or does soul = breaking everytime you buy a shiny item to fit it? :lol: If I just wanted to get in a car and drive it, I'd go Jap, reliability is so much better, take 4x4s, Landrover = toss, if you really want to go somewhere, Japanese is the way forward.
  24. Can you tell us all the downsides of this light you are showing us like cracked manifolds very high under bonnet temperatures melted s**t etc. Last time I checked this was the corrado forum not the turbo-a-vw forum FFS. :camp: He's onl messing about mate... He's actually got a standard G60 now with a massive gimp mask bonnet bra.... ;)
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