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Everything posted by dukest

  1. Ok but tbh anyone who owns a corrado will most likely spend more on the car than the car is worth I know its not good econmics but kinda goes with owning a c. In this case thoe I can completly see why its better to cut your losses now. oh for sure, i'd spend what a corrado was worth on a good respray if i had the money, but i'd never fix that kind of rust damage unless it had some kind of distinctive history to it or i got it for free. i say that having spent a lot of money fixing mine from just crash damage which I shouldnt really have bothered doing.
  2. Not sure I'd want to buy anything metal from that! Good job you'd already made the decision to break it.
  3. what do you want from a car (or from a corrado if you have something else apart from these two)? and if either one (or both) of them doesnt have whatever it that is, what would you need to do to fix that? for example, would you be prepared to make significant changes to the minty original valver to make it faster if that was ultimately what disappointed you about it? or, might you be prepared to go to town on the VRs suspension to make that better if thats what you preferred? or are you just happy with having "a" corrado and you dont really mind which one given each has its plus points?
  4. News story from 2000 that someone found on another forum.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/800040.stm Untitled.png[/attachment:13jcm807]
  5. cheers, yup, am going to have a good read and probably give it a shot
  6. yup, thats all they do so they will know exactly how long it takes, but I agree, thats how they'll have quoted. kind of makes it worse though!
  7. was going to be part of a bigger job which is on hold but the short story is that i've sold the 268s and need to put the 263s in instead. the guy's been waiting so i need to get on with it!
  8. Yeah, I don't see a schrick makes it any more difficult but I didn't even mention it anyway! Still thinking of doing them myself but just not confident retiming on my own without having done it myself before.
  9. A well-known garage just quoted me 4.5 hours labour to change the cams on my car. Given that another well known place quoted me 2 hours (they're just further away), I wonder how many cups of tea the first place would get through in their extra 2.5 hours?!
  10. ah right, yes, those will fit fine. speedlines are 6.5" and ET43 so those being ET42 at the same width are basically just the same fit. would agree with gareth that a bit more spacing on both is never a bad thing though. there arent many one piece rx's around in 16 or 17 no, if you do find them though the 16s are 7" and ET37, the 17s are 7.5 and ET35.
  11. please dont ask questions twice... :? people have replied in one place and dont want to duplicate their effort. will remove your posts from the other thread
  12. could be, but those would be RX not RS?
  13. no, tyres need to be 45 profile on 16s. offset is ok though, but is the bolt pattern 5x100 or were they using adaptors?
  14. yup, they obviously had ipod premonitions 12 years before their time :)
  15. that does all say alot! from my point of view the alfa exterior looks max powered.. but that is how they are standard isnt it? if you did to the alfa some of the things that make the corrado so good looking (single glass headlights, rear spoiler blended into the bodywork, more subtle chin spoiler) then it would be a lot better imo. I keep looking at mine when i'm walking back home and thinking that the headlight symmetry with the grill is really what makes the front. everything follows everything else on the C, it just works together. that said, i'd very happily have the alfa's interior, the corrados is understated but the alfa's echos cars that are far more expensive.
  16. bought one of the exclusive-to-them philips DAB headunits the other day, havent fitted it yet but seemed to have reasonable reviews. never play cds anywhere anymore but DAB (reception in london should be good) plus some kind of line-in will hopefully be perfect, not too pricey either.
  17. have you considered a G60 instead? it might be better?
  18. yup, on the round outside edge - thats what you're aiming to dig into (hence needing new ones afterwards when they're trashed!) from memory i worked them on a little way while attached to the ratchet and then took the ratchet off and firmly tapped the irwin on further using whatever solid thing (ratchet handle?) i could get down there. once it felt like it had a good purchase then i got the longest extension i could back on there and started slowly pushing it round but still checking that the irwin was still gripping straight while doing it. although one bolt gives you more room to work than the other, you'll work out eventually that you may have to undo one (either top or bottom) and then do it up again so that you're still holding the carrier still while having a crack at the other.
  19. to be honest, that was my first thought Karl, do you actually fit into a TT?! looks like a good one though :thumbleft:
  20. dukest


    welcome! when are you going to do your test?!
  21. :censored: It's never simple is it........ As for current upgrades, there are none, it's completely OEM, well....nearly , it's been lowered by @30mm, that in part is whats tempting, but I take the point on getting the shell sorted. I'm going to a bodyshop on Saturday to get some inspection and quotes and I think I'll take it from there..... I think its the best plan. If yours wasn't a Storm then perhaps it would be more of a question, but given that the difference of Storms is basically all cosmetic, you're more likely to make your money back if you ever sold it if it has good paintwork rather than updated mechanicals
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