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Everything posted by dukest

  1. i was wondering what the lowest a pilot was likely to get in doing these things, i guess based on what you say then the answer is
  2. look in the thread display options section at the bottom of the page. make sure its set to sort threads by last post time in descending order. I think all the different sections are meant to be set to this as standard but it seems like for the moment this one isnt somehow.
  3. Just thought I'd try and help this along so I rang them up (http://www.p-i.co.uk/ as opposed to http://www.pi-suspension.co.uk/ who seem to be just a branded retail website). The guy basically said the same and said that effectively they (the importer) just outsource the spring manufacture to a "spring factory" where its likely many of the same brands will all get their springs made and to a very similar set-up. It sounded like the spec given to the factory is "a bit stiffer with an XXmm drop" and the factory dont actually tell them the exact specs they come up with. I would say that he was just trying to get out of giving me the answer but then he gave me the phone number of someone that would make up springs for track work to your own spec so its not like he was trying to save any potential business! I told him I had H&R and he said there would basically be very little difference (other than the added drop). :shrug:
  4. Number 3 does have to be the best :)
  5. sorry, looks like moderation doesnt work the same way in there as in the rest of the forum so we'll have to wait for Andi or VR6 to have a look at it.
  6. sorry about that, i suspect most of the Mods hadnt realised it was going on. I'll have a look now and we'll add it to the list of things that we need to work out how to deal with under the new software.
  7. i rang g-werks about replacement disks and they said i had to get a price direct from Bahn Brenner (apparently Eurospec the original suppliers aren't trading currently?). will report back with what they say but has anyone else replaced their discs yet?
  8. dukest

    shocks springs

    or about £8 incl VAT...
  9. dukest

    shocks springs

    combined your wanted threads, 1 should be ok
  10. I have all 3 and never felt there was any negative side to the improved feeling they give.
  11. both helpful suggestions, thankyou. we'll take them on board the next time the issue gets to be discussed in a bit more detail amongst the admins/mods.
  12. not going to jump on you for not finding an answer, but at the same time, until there's an answer its not necessarily the best thing to start a new thread either. was there one that you found some good discussion in that we could continue and attract attention to with background in it? thats better than another new one where everyone is effectively starting from scratch.
  13. its an ongoing discussion tbh. probably will be got to once the new software issues have all been resolved.
  14. depends how much punishment you're planning to give it i guess, but DOT5.1 is ok to use too and has a ~40deg higher boiling point if you're planning any track stuff. couldnt say which brands are better than each other though. i suspect its one of those things where new vs old is potentially more important than brand vs brand.
  15. yup, apart from the shooting into the crowds and bombing airstriking the funeral processions in libya that is.. seriously though, it was kind of unpleasant that there was a sensation at one point that bahrain was cracking down so hard just to make sure that they could still hold the grand prix. i'm glad that even if that wasnt the case, they've decided to concentrate on sorting stuff out.
  16. not wanting to make a big deal of it but among other things i dont think its obvious enough that people should look in it, nor does its content get returned in searches you might do on the forum. its not that i dont think its worth having but it needs to be linked to left, right and centre and made simple to update or at least have guides or someone in charge of it to do update from submissions if they are not easy themselves. just my view though, i'd be very happy if others dont agree and think its a well used resource.
  17. believe it or not I have been through and removed quite a few in the last few months, but then I've also turned a few threads into new ones so its probably all balanced out :). and its been said before that the new forum software possibly has less info per page by default than previously. so, in terms of keeping the forum going by stimulating new discussion then yes, i think good idea. personally i think the wiki needs to be leaps and bounds better maintained before people will start regularly using it so would be reluctant to move stuff there until it is. lastly, well maybe i'll just stop there :)
  18. dukest


    dont worry about that mate, they're only small, just remind me your address and I'll send them over to you
  19. More or less, although the more you increase, the less the propoportion of the tyre will make up of the overall diameter of the wheel and tyre and therefore it will gradually be less and less than half an inch height increase for each diameter increase, but that wont apply to any great extent over 1 or 2 inches. Yes, so thats the reason for dropping down to 45 or 40 profile for 16 or 17in wheels respectively.
  20. dukest


    what do you need? i've got two front indicator shaped pieces :)
  21. i must admit i thought that too but have been double checking recently and its about 10mm difference. it doesnt sound much but if you think my comparison photo above (mine on the right) makes it seem a little high, then even tbat little bit more, combined with the visual effect of larger wheels, does seem to make a big difference.
  22. ah sorry, read that too quick, didnt register you meant the basic ones. that is a fair difference then. the H&Rs are meant to be something between 30-35mm afaik. its not an exact science though, I would say more like 30, just like the weitec springs say 40 and are more like 50. this is a picture of mine in front of Fla's when he was on PI/Koni vs my H&R/Koni. somewhere in between would be nice for looks i think because if you go too low on 15s then it shows that they are tucked too far into the arches. then, if you put 17s on with the H&Rs it just looks a little bit like the car is on tiptoes as the overall diameter is larger it raises the car up. I only had these TTs on for track days, but also had BBSRX11s in the past and felt that both looked a bit out of place at the height the car is. its personal though, and you dont get any rubbing issues with the H&Rs and 17s which can often be a problem when you get lower.
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