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Everything posted by dukest

  1. good, didnt know if there were going to be any catches with it - glad its helped some of you!
  2. Spotted on another forum Order your parts up then in online checkout enter "box20" Gives 20% discount There is a rumour its only valid until 6th Jan.....
  3. it wasn't a criticism, more just drawing attention that you didnt appear to be selling anything at the moment! is there any issue you know of between you and stromaluski?
  4. although he's been around for a while he's only got 4 posts and isnt selling anything right now so is there a reason for asking?
  5. the classic green was available as a standard colour yes, but pretty sure the mystic blue was unique to storms though (although obviously not VWs in general).
  6. it wasn't a normal top gear though? it was a middle east special which is meant to allow them to go and muck about in cars in other countries. whether they've run out of ideas for the normal show's is another question, and quite possible, but this one was what it was meant to be surely?
  7. just watched tonights show on iplayer and, although I was almost put off to start with when it was the usual amount of over the top-ness, it actually got very good and really pretty funny, especially in the last 15 mins :) feel very jealous about the bit where they were driving around the roman track at Jerash in Jordan - i've been there and it would have been amazing to do that!
  8. the main question is what do you like cars to do for you? some people who've had a lot of cars dont always "get" the corrado straight away. eg. recently someone test drove one but didnt take it above 3k revs and then complained it didnt come alive for them when they'd not even got it to the part where you have fun. with decent suspension/roll bar, 288mm brakes and a good engine map, a standard car will be a lot of fun on exactly the kind of roads you're talking about - and you should expect all of that from a £5k car. it would be worth driving one first but if you like the sense of the unknown then i cant see you'll be disappointed from an example you buy at that money.
  9. Yeah James, I did buy some at the same time but couldnt find them when I came to send the bits to you! But yes, you can get them :)
  10. his is the other thread! :D happy christmas all :grin:
  11. dukest

    Gruven Parts

    Strictly Dubs were distributing for them I think.
  12. if you download the WMP version from the Iplayer website can you take that home and watch it on a different pc? or is it limited to the machine you downloaded it from?
  13. dont mean to keep spamming the forum with youtube videos but this was pretty good too :) [youtube:1myhuap0]UeX5rHSnNNA&feature=youtu.be&a[/youtube:1myhuap0]
  14. you mean ici in the title then?
  15. shame it doesnt end badly, i was waiting for the cartwheel effect! [youtube:2rfxse44]VAPwizp_Kj4&feature=player_embedded[/youtube:2rfxse44]
  16. do you think these were snow tyres?! [youtube:u7a6nzui]SSZLSfBDyhs&feature=player_embedded[/youtube:u7a6nzui]
  17. edit: i just wince at what they're doing to those cars
  18. was about to say please make clarkson step away from the mercedes, then hammond goes and stuffs it too... :roll:
  19. if the budget is £1500 incl labour (implying he's not doing it himself) then i think its still going to be too much..
  20. not for dramatically more power no. considering that, whatever you do, a remap to make the most of it will cost >£250 and then that labour probably makes up almost half of whatever you're doing, that only leaves £600-700 for the engine and other bits. you're best off with a good 2.9 some decent cams, a shorter final drive and, if there's money left afterwards, as good an exhaust or exhaust manifold as you can afford. if you can afford £2.5k then a supercharger could be better if thats what you like, but its always a slippery slope to spending more once you go for charging of any kind! alternatively, for that money you could probably also have an R32 conversion, but if you dont have it then thats not much use!
  21. dukest

    Patch or respray?

    Definitely wouldn't be £100 a panel anywhere nearby then, more like £150 - £200 depending how bad things are. just so you know what to expect.
  22. i cant decide if she forgot, or if she just genuinely was so stupid she couldnt put 2 and 2 together? she hardly made any effort to get back in and stop it??
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