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Everything posted by dukest

  1. um, speaking of Mod capabilities Andi, are there any?! :)
  2. will put this in the wanted section..
  3. glad things are looking up for the car and your enjoyment of it Charlie. hope you haven't had to pay for the whole three years worth though..
  4. merged with main F1 thread and added a link to your first picture - cars are looking pretty smart! but that C's a bit of a spot! whats a UK corrado doing in a spanish breakers yard? (apart from the obvious "broke down halfway through a road-trip" guess!)
  5. they look good, hope the trackday doesnt take too much out of them being so new. let us know how they feel on it though!
  6. dukest


    yeah, i guess the design would be fairly similar, just upscaled, so maybe not great, but at least you would have a bit of extra width to help given that your brakes arent huge like some of the brembos etc :shrug:
  7. dukest


    here you go Mic - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=74643&start=45#p919778
  8. dukest


    even though you can get the AP 330s under the 16s too though Kev?
  9. have just looked at the page for this again and it seems like they've turned it into an open pitlane day (probably to entice a few more along). bit of a bargain for the full day now.
  10. dukest


    just measured 60mm on my 288s - i would think you'd probably manage it. you can get vag 312 set ups under 15in comp MOs as well so, depending on the caliper shape/size, you might not even need to drop down on the discs if you're lucky - it would be close though :)
  11. thank god theres now pictures of them not in that horrible burnt orange colour they started out with..
  12. for anyone trying to work out the lotus nonsense :) screen-shot-2011-02-01-at-19-23-16.png[/attachment:sn4uy8ml]
  13. when i had to replace my bonnet the bodyshop managed to get the very good set off the old one successfully and it looks almost as good as new on the replacement bonnet. I'm guessing that that involved a lot of heat on the old bonnet though which probably didnt do the paint much good, but as it was getting binned then that wouldnt have mattered. depends if you care about the spare that you have i guess?
  14. only if you do it with the car in a safe place, like this :D FerrisBueller.jpg[/attachment:2vboqekv]
  15. they're just so ugly.. (the corrado estates, not the er, seatbelts..)
  16. i think you're right in that its more common than people think but they just dont realise it because its not visible when the spoiler's down. mine has it but doesnt seem to be getting significantly worse so havent fixed it yet but probably should do one day...
  17. not necessarily there are people out there who will do it for less , im not saying they all would do a top job . i had mine done for £2.400 , that was for readys though , and they did some of it in there own time. to be fair, that means that if it went though the books and they'd done it all on the company's time then it would easily have been over £2750 wouldnt it?! ;)
  18. as above, it depends how much you want painted? if you dont want the engine bay painted then you dont need to take anything out of the engine bay. if you dont want the insides of the door frames painted or if you dont want to take out any of the glass then you dont need to take any trim or interior off. but then Mr McCrotch's advice above is for a proper job. a million people will tell you that their mate can do it for a grand in their fag breaks over 6 months, or an average place out in the middle of nowhere will do a blow over for £1200-1700, but it depends what you're after and where you're prepared to travel to and whether reputation is important. with these questions it seems to me you either need to have a budget in mind beforehand so you can fit the work you can afford to that budget, or you need an idea of how much work you want done and then to find who can do that work for the best price. to show you the other extreme, G60SC_Stoney with his car for sale on here at the moment paid well over £5k for his paint job because he knew he wanted the absolute best.
  19. ^^^^ I've often thought this. if i lived anywhere that had space to keep a few shells then instead of completely breaking anything i got my hands on (mentioning no names) then i would definitely be looking to create the basis for some A1 restorations. i think the market for rolling shells for people to build up to their own taste is very un-explored.
  20. dukest

    Stretch Me!!

    dont you want 205/45s? if you're stretching you dont want to lose any more profile than you have to do you?
  21. look at big ben's car with the compomotive's on it - they are ET30 at 8J. I believe there is some rubbing with that set up but basically, with even a small to average drop, if you go any way above a combination of ET35, 7.5J and 205 width tyres then you should be prepared for some possible rubbing in corners/compression/when carrying passengers. thats not guaranteed, but the risks start there.
  22. would you enjoy doing any of the work to swap stuff over even if you're not sure of your skills Jim? if the answer's no then given the lack of people/places to do that anywhere nearby then cosmetics is probably the way forward. if you would enjoy it, but thats caveated by preferring a bit of help, then given that you said that you have an off-road space to work in, asking for some forum help over a weekend to swap stuff could be a good way forward, and, depending on the donor, potentially even pretty cheap too. i'd be happy to be a spare pair of hands, even if then you'd still need another pair which knew what they were doing!
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