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Everything posted by dukest

  1. hope your're actually going to get some playtime soon though Charlie, i think its been quite long enough!
  2. It must still be possible to do this, there's still a fair bit of banking left. It would be amazing!
  3. It was a bit of an impromptu non-stop trip Yan, but I hope I'll be back soonish!
  4. from all the commentary so far on each launch, every car is acknowledged to be noticeably longer this year to fit the larger fuel tanks required by no refuelling.
  5. looks like the lead to a cd-changer Hasan - is it an alpine H/U? And sorry i didnt text you about those bits at the weekend. Was out and about the whole time. Trying to work out when would be a reliable time to suggest!
  6. dukest

    7.5 x 17 BBS ET46

    Standard ET is 43 on a 6.5in/15in speedline As OSV says, usual ET on a 7.5in/17 wheel for a C is approx 30-35 (not the 46 you have on your wheels). As you've seen on the calculator your 7.5in wheel is 26mm wider than your 6.5in one (10mm + 16mm). Reducing the ET by ~10mm takes the wheel a safe enough distance from the suspension but as you say will put it another 10mm closer to the arch (20mm + 6mm). In order to deal with that, you dont increase the width of the tyre with the wider wheels, but instead keep the 205 section of the standard tyres with a lower profile (ie. 205/40/17 vs the normal 205/50/15). This gives a bit of stretch on the tyre but keeps the the circumference of it far enough away from the arch not to cause problems. If you really drop the car then it might rub but ET35 with 205/40/17 is what 95% of people have with zero issues.
  7. thats asking for trouble! trust the old girl! i drove 1800 miles from london to inverness and back in october and mine didnt skip a beat! (holds breath :ignore: )
  8. If you can find one before i get a job then I'll 100% do this for you Chris. :wave: 8)
  9. looks like the battery's got to go to the boot! glad the stuff arrived ok though.
  10. :shock: :shock: please put up a pic of where it is now instead of whatever tom is sending you :)
  11. its a shame really, like people were mentioning in that thread, many people use PH as a site but arent necessarily massive post whores on there. I like the site, the news and the events but the only times i seem to have been drawn to posting there are to put responses back to some ludicrous opinion that someone has expressed on the forums/comments. whether their management like it or not (and i'm genuinely not sure either way) the impression the PH forums often gives is that they are populated with people who are either pretty rich (40k+ car budget), often past 30 & fairly elitist, or both. given its TVR-focussed origins thats not exactly surprising but I still haven't felt the urge to join in much because of it. saying that as someone over 30, on a vw forum that compared with others is sometimes seen as elitist too kind of reinforces that i think! again, its a shame though as every mention of the corrado in that thread was greeted warmly and i was almost going to suggest to eric that we contact them to see if we can gather a few cars together to go along. they'd have to then do that with some of the other clubs too though then and the same situation would result. we'll see what comes of the rearrangement though..
  12. remember that the most vocal arent always the majority.. and as said, my impression is they are against cheap chavved up mk3s anyway (as well as obviously those with no interest in PH). if you look at what will be on display at VW on the day then people aren't necessarily complain about seeing the similar higher end models of VW's past line ups.
  13. well the thing is that there probably will be a fair few of them! at least there was a bit of love for the corrados and sciroccos in it though :)
  14. to be fair, if i was more of a PH devotee than I am a CF one then i'd probably feel the same. lets be honest, none of us own corrados because we like having the same car as a hundred thousand other people. i would say apart from the handling reputation, the rarity of the corrado is the reason most people have one. I have no more interest in looking at hundreds of golfs than anyone in that thread. as many of each style as there are corrados perhaps (so maybe 50 tops) but obviously thats not going to happen. so i think some of its a bit overblown but i can still see their point about too many newcomers. :shrug:
  15. www.thephirm.co.uk are only 8 miles down the A30.
  16. f-ing stupid system, i knew this would happen on friday if you ask everyone to quote lists, everyone misses the last person to put up their name. have redone it about 5 times now but they'll just have to sort it out themselves
  17. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=82732&p=958099&hilit=vr6+conversion+4+stud#p958099 post at the end gives a bit of a list of what you need
  18. looks a bit like a ballet shoe :D i think its a bit short at the front and the screen rises a bit too quickly to balance that out, but i'm sure they'll sell eeeaasily.
  19. everyone will tell you that you shouldn't bother putting a VR into a valver because there are lots of other things you have to change as well as just the engine. depends on your budget and ability to do it yourself though. its easier but maybe more expensive to put a 1.8T engine into a valver but a VR is possible with the right secondhand parts. best off doing a search though as the question has been asked before and the information will all be there.
  20. yep, they're up to 275 out of 400 spaces already so get in there quick on Monday if you're interested!
  21. was going to say 1 series coupe until i saw the badge by the wheel arch, although if a 1 series had a 4.8 litre engine in it then that would help explain why it got crashed :D
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