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Everything posted by dukest

  1. I posted a receipt for £82 or maybe even more last year or whenever prices were last this bad - that was when i paid £1.26. Yesterday I paid £1.23 at Shell and BP was £1.24, so with the extra 3p tax about to come in we are basically back to that level already - it was front page news at that point too... And those were just prices near me - I would say we'll be over £1.30 on motorways in a few days if not already..
  2. dukest

    AMG Wheels

    stueyB and mariojoshi broke a Corrado with some toplines on but they were only 15x7 - they might have a pic if its of interest
  3. dukest

    BBS RXII's

    i guess you wouldnt have to but i should think they'd look pretty bad and wouldnt last well if you didnt.
  4. dukest

    Momo Arrows?

    what are you waiting for! surely 95 quid is a bargain?!
  5. looking very good! i like the wheels what are they?
  6. there is a whole thread about doing it by Kris, have you tried looking? edit: here
  7. whats happened with the grand plans? :(
  8. wow, they will make things easy to see under the bonnet! i like it though!
  9. 300 miles? I get 400 from mine and it costs around £75 (optimax) - then again yours isn't standard I suppose! lets not go there again, its not non-standard enough for that though.. :scratch: thats a mix of london driving and open road though so it can be better depending on the journey, but it can also be worse too (270 not so long ago)..
  10. wow Mic, you must have uncovered something pretty dodgy in their books for them to be treating you like this ;)
  11. sounds like exactly the same issue i was talking about the other day Jim - that all 3/4 of them are quoting the same ultimate insurance company (highway) and so you cant get them into a bidding war. i think the extra mileage will be making more of a difference than you realise too, upto £70-80. as someone said in your thread the other day though, it will be worth it :D
  12. if i did as many miles as some people on here then i'd definitely be thinking about it but as i dont I'm just gritting my teeth for the £75-80, 300 mile tanks
  13. Pw motorsport is the place walesy - official uk bbs distributor.
  14. heard the good news about which one it was the other day Jim, great to get one you really know the background of!
  15. Thanks a lot James, £1900 on their website earlier! :D They did call back and say they'd put me in touch with other insurers but it didnt sound very promising! oh, yes, i'm sure you're right, maybe a bad turn of phrase, I just meant dont ever forget anything, didn't mean declare stuff thats not on yet (although this is tempting when they charge you a fee for any changes once its started..)
  16. better to tell them too much than too little, brakes and suspension would definitely count. and yes, in some ways i'm lucky to live here, although i'm not sure that means i should get charged more just because i may or may not be able to pay for it...? but its not just the price i'm frustrated about, its just the basic monopoly on cover that means there's no alternative within 40% of the cheapest company's price.
  17. yeah, out of 80-odd companies only 2 will quote on confused.com as they all run a mile at any modifications. the cheapest is £900..
  18. yep, but they were quoting highway too - its the same policy from AF/HIC/Brentacre & Chris Knott. Marginally cheaper from Brentacre but only because of higher excess (350 vs 250). I might go with them as they seemed quite easy to deal with and nothing like a change every now and again but still..
  19. I've been with Adrian Flux for a few years now but always ring round the usual suspects each year but since they're all brokers they all seem to end up quoting me a policy from Highway. So this means that none of them can offer me a better quote as Highway wont compete with themselves and HIC will hardly even quote me because they're a sister company to Flux and therefore it makes no sense to create extra work. So i've gone from around £480 in 2007 with Flux to £590 now because of a poxy extra 20bhp (yes 20% more for 10% more horsepower..) and there seems to be no-one else that will compete. I'm 33 with 13 years no claims, one expired SP30 and some nil-value/non-claim other incidents. I do live in central london and the fact that Leonard on here who i guess doesnt is paying £300 for the same cover with the same insurer does piss me off too, but surely there must be more people out there that are interested in our business (insurers not brokers)??
  20. I've seen the R1R and was tempted as it seems to be slotting in below the r888 as a bit of a compromise (and to facilitate the horrific price hikes they've given to r888s this year :shock: ) The problem is that the only vaguely corrado size they do it in is 195/50/15 - on 17s the smallest theyve got is 215/45 which is much too big obviously. Apparently they're might be more sizes later in the year but i wouldnt hold your breath. So just for everyone's information, R888s are now £112 for 205/50/15 and £158 for 205/40/17 - thats around a £34 and £45 increase respectively from last year. I love them but they're hard to justify at that price..
  21. dukest

    Momo Arrows?

    :rofl: should have guessed!
  22. dukest

    Momo Arrows?

    Tempests corrado has them too
  23. you can pay getting on for a grand just to rewire a standard VR to OBD2 so to supply and fit an engine (what about gearbox, driveshafts etc?) as well on top of that seems almost too good to be true?
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