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Everything posted by dukest

  1. dukest

    8v Front Brakes

    I have 280mm carriers and calipers if you need them! £40 posted - pm me if interested :)
  2. woudn't a grey to black swap be a lot easier chris? must be people out there wanting to go the other direction from you?
  3. you dont actually say why you're looking to get rid of it? or what you're after in its place? while it will cost a bit to sort out the front and the door, a tidy blackberry is the envy of many a corrado owner and would surely look great once its done? if you're just looking for something thats not so much of a money pit then thats understandable, but theres always the "better the devil you know" angle. i've spent a lot of money on mine in 4 years and tbh i'm almost completely happy with it but it STILL, after a lot of investigation, pulls strongly to the left. if i was working, i'd buy another corrado that i knew went straight and swap things around till i'd found or got round the problem. but its not enough to make me get rid of mine outright by any means, partly just because of whats gone into it already. let us know if there are any other angles you're needing to consider, but personally i'd say they're not worth enough to sell these days if you have space to keep and work on them..
  4. if it was full top and bottom end rebuild then hopefully closer to 3 than 2 then :)
  5. around 3k depending what engine/suspension renovation work you've done
  6. well done for getting through it at this time of year..!
  7. maybe this helps? viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7209
  8. pmsl! so many potential comments Kip, must resist..! :grin:
  9. i'm not excusing him but someone who has offered to give you a refund just sounds like someone who's disorganised/snowed under, not a conman. i'd understand reporting him to the police if he'd never got back to you, but for £25? I dont know, sounds a bit extreme when you've already raised a dispute via paypal..
  10. i guess the fact it seems to be from greece is the reason for it being a bit more tongue in cheek than normal for them!
  11. i thought they were definitely more comfortable but ironically for a "performance" seat maker they dont hold you in the seat as well since they are wider with less upright bolsters.
  12. Not very BMW-like i didnt think, 59aF9.jpg[/attachment:1vm056ft] but it made me smile anyway :)
  13. Not actually heard of anyone using them tbh. I would very likely have been doing so last year if anyone had had them in stock but i needed something in 36 hours and almost all KW stuff comes direct from germany. I should think they'll be pretty good though, given the reputation of the V1s and all the Weitec stuff (lower brand in KW family) they couldn't really be bad!
  14. i'm sure jay renshaw would have had it in his 24v, it was basically a complete mk4 in a corrado.
  15. I'm not sure they are that exensive John, I seem to remember them only being about a tenner each? Or mayube I'm going bonkers :cuckoo: You're right, think i was thinking of bushes not mounts :D
  16. you need to replace the top mounts all round unless they've been done recently (doesn't sound like it). this will be somewhere [edited] around £50. regarding your shortlist you'll need to search on those terms within the suspension thread as most peoples experiences and other info you'll need are in there.
  17. this thread may be of use to you. link if you're sure that you dont want too much of a drop then the Koni/H&R might also be of interest as they're a traditional set up and give the drop you sound like you're after. all told they'll still come to nearer £600 similar to the KWs, and thats before top mounts which you'll also want to replace. so keeping some originality might be more tempting but i understand that original replacement shocks can also be very expensive. there are cheaper options out there (look on europerformance etc for selection) but it depends how strict your budget is. Mine on Koni/H&R: 16092006019.jpg[/attachment:nsoncq8w]
  18. i've done the nurburgring and several sessions at castle combe on them in a year and a half and haven't had any issues. i think you'd have to be absolutely killing them for them to start breaking up so unless you're planning on going round for hours without a break i think you'll be pleased with them. hth!
  19. or a front room with french windows ;)
  20. thats worthy of a display team, a bonnet leading, a wing on each side, doors a roof skin and a rear hatch would work well :D
  21. You WILL be driving around in a minty G60 and Megan Fox would be lucky ;) Stay positive dude, you have all the means to turn things around when you're good and ready.
  22. it might be heresy on here but I had my 1.6 petrol 106 for 8 years with no problems before the C.. i brought the other half a citreon c4 vti and its really not a bad motor as it goes and pete is a citroen man at heart :norty:
  23. :confused4: For gods sake don't get her anything French! it might be heresy on here but I had my 1.6 petrol 106 for 8 years with no problems before the C..
  24. thats because he was driving a beemer!
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