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Everything posted by dukest

  1. they're not replacements for the original fans but are you after these brackets for these fans?
  2. very nice bill! was it new and still "on the shelf" or 2nd hand?
  3. What was that about grumpy Kip?! :D
  4. dukest

    I Passed !!

    congratulations Wendy, not sure you'd have been happy with much less than top ;)
  5. Actually, they are to allow air to get to the scoop for the Spearco intercooler.... :D
  6. they're f*cking massive too! there were 2 at castle combe a week ago and they look at least as big as bentley continentals! 20" wheels, brake calipers look like they'd tear the disc off the hub if you tried and overall just a huge car to be able to throw around as quickly as they can be.
  7. renewed at the national day (whenever that was :)) - got my stuff this week
  8. very smart dude, very subtley up-to-date to go with the engine when people look at it!
  9. solitudes not speedlines and in metallic black but hopefully gives you an idea? calipers are silver from when i had the silver speedies on, but if i was doing them again i'd choose black or a "colour" rather than silver which looks too bling against the black wheels imo..
  10. have you seen the price of VRs recently? converting will cost you much more time and effort when you can just buy one "off the shelf" as it were.. basically consider having to swap anything mechanical or structural in the engine bay/transmission area with the exception of brake and maybe steering related stuff
  11. there is a "basic" V1 which is cheaper and just plated - in effect its the same as the weitec coils but about £100 extra for the yellow and purple paint :) ok, and maybe slightly better bits inside, perhaps..!
  12. list price is now £730 up from £680 last year, mainly due to the exchange rate. anything under £600 is a very good deal now!
  13. there's a clip of a veyron going up the hill at about 3.05 in this video.. its so quiet!! up to speed straight away then having to brake again i guess!
  14. not used them, but thought about it and they seem to have a pretty big set-up where they are based (photos etc) and an address that you could go to if there were any issues (even though if you're in ireland perhaps thats not so practical..)?
  15. it is in the manual i think but if not search on here as said below. in short though, you take off the interior light panel and undo a couple of screws to remove another bit and then there is a supplied allen key (not like they expect it to break or anything ;)) which you use to then wind the roof back - its obvious when you see it :)
  16. crazydave's crazy german cousin!! :grin:
  17. er, what have you covered that wheel in??? :gag: :wink:
  18. :shock: thats it, you've proper jinxed it now!! you're always supposed to add an extra 3 months on just in case, remember?! :)
  19. bear in mind that even if it was a Cat1 then, it may not be any more as they get delisted after a while. Maybe not every insurance company will worry about that but fussy ones might get you to replace it..
  20. surely it depends who else is on the track, or rather whose cars are.. if most others are near enough standard then theoretically with all your experience then you should disappear off into the distance Wendy?! i might use you as a pace car though, perhaps, probably :)
  21. think i saw your car at DC09 Damo, looks very different from when i picked up the bumper from you 8)
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