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Everything posted by dukest

  1. thanks, "whipping the suspension off" is a bit beyond my level of expertise but will see if i can find someone that doesn't mind helping out..!
  2. noticed this rust the other day which doesn't look like it's critical yet but still makes me slightly nervous.. I'm not sure how this can have started (i'm assuming its not coming from underneath!) but was really just wondering what the implications might be if it couldn't be ground away and sealed? if it had gone through would this be a big problem? thanks in advance, not really experienced in this kind of thing!
  3. definitely agree with that! you gotta lower it and then I would just tidy the outside.. lose the side rub strips and maybe see if you can convert from those big bumper mounted turn repeaters to the smaller, wing-mounted euro ones.. would make it stand out even more than it does already where you are!
  4. by the way, they make a world and a half of difference - the car looks great! goes from being average hatchback to mean-machine! what drop have you got?
  5. could make for some interesting moments at this years shows!!
  6. i'm guessing thats not still standard front wheel drive!
  7. thats a very satisfied look on his face there, been too long without corrado lovin' ?? :D
  8. bad luck fella, but won't your insurance company get it all sorted for you and then claim back from her? or do you want to choose the place yourself? sounds like new door time to me anyway??
  9. well, finally got to having a look at mine tonight with the fuse list.. turns out that fuse 21 has blown which controls interior lighting, MFA etc. given that lighting is related to door closure etc that would explain the alarm playing up. given that the sunroof is controlled from the interior light panel there's obviously another link there.. however, tried to put a replacement fuse in and it blew immediately before i could even push it home. ignition was off.. so, do i have to get this checked out with VW now or can someone else cheaper look at it for me? obviously at the end of it all i'd like the sunroof working again but the rest of the electrics getting sorted is higher up the list... cheers! john
  10. dukest


    Is that what the corrado vr6 is then? a proper mans car? :roll: Good thing ive got a supercharged corrado vr6 then :lol: welcome to the forum. :lol: :lol: making good use of the gender symbols returning then nikki!
  11. great to hear its coming together! handling aside though, let us know how you find the ride on the new suspension after a while - i don't recall anyone running KW v2 on a C on the forum?
  12. Thanks Rob, thats great, I'll have to decide whether to dive right in or try to watch someone first!! Maybe I could come up and watch one of your many bookings :lol:
  13. would you sell me the drivers visor? the mirrors cracked in mine.. :(
  14. Rob, are you just using the pads that came with the silverline or have you bought any of the special (eg.menz/megs/sonus) ones? Also, did you buy the Menzerna Sampler pack? Now you've used it how long do you see the bottles lasting for? Have you got any links to any of the "how-to" vids you watched? Need to give my other car some attention before I sell it and this is looking like the cheapest way to go about it! :D
  15. what about a from light grey interior from another car?
  16. i'll 2nd both of them too! great thread! :lol:
  17. got both - quite fancy the bigger spoiler but the car currently has no badges at all so tempted to leave it that way well apart from on the plates that is! :)
  18. cheers Mystic Rado, sounds very like my issue!
  19. well everyone's looking but no comments so i will! looking very menacing and i'm sure will look even better on the kw v2s - you are being nice to it already! the new steering wheel looks great too, very smart. will get round to a gallery of my own later this year, but same as you, a few plans to be worked first!
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