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Everything posted by djmac56

  1. I've done the wire coat hanger myself!
  2. i will second that, the car in that colour standard would look better with them wheels, still very nice though... Each to their own as far as I'm concerned - a lot of time and effort has gone into that car, and I think it looks fantastic, bodykit or no bodykit!
  3. Yes, Laura was on the phone to me last week or the week before. Apparently it's all smart and she even has an office without car parts in the middle of it, plus a real toilet. Rumour has it that a 'Klick' coffee machine is on the way as well...
  4. Anyone thinking of jokes about stiffs in boxes? No? Just me then..... Please yourselves
  5. I actually welled up at the ending - I found it really moving. That might be down to the beautiful music and scenery as much as the car, but who cares - I'm a sentimental softy! I agree that it wasn't their best series, but I liked the way they changed the dynamic on some of the tasks with them paired up instead of working in threes - it seemed to allow them to do more solo car reviews as well.
  6. Faulty ECU relay was the cause of the problems by the looks of it! It runs well again. Thanks goodness. Thanks to all of you for helping me stay on the wagon!
  7. right now the car can only drive a bout 100yards before it goes all knackered. Until I get it running I'm going to be avoiding all shows - they'd just make me feel worse. Sure I've got "the beige avenger" that I can drive around to shows, but its not the same as the rado :(
  8. Niall has offered to pop over on Saturday PM - anyone else able to make it? Ta, Mark
  9. Mercedes Benz World is great fun - you can blast round in the AMGs, which are phenomenal machines, plus there's loads of interesting history about Mercedes in general - such as their safety feastures (I know that's not exactly rock and roll, but it's fascinating just how good their cars are in speed and safety). Plus on Formula 1 days they have a huuuuge screen up to watch the race.
  10. Terrific - thanks matey that woukld be terrific :) Ta, Mark
  11. That would be top of the pops! For anyone wishing to get hold of me including and in addition to Mic, my number is 07793 763764 I live here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 13&iwloc=A Ta, Mark
  12. Hi, Might any of you kind people be able to pop over my way at the weekend? If you need any extra incentive the Brooklands motor museum and Mercedes Benz world are only a 5 minute walk, or a 1 minute drive away from djmac towers :clap: . Ta, Mark
  13. Hi guys, Thanks to all of you for offering to help. It is this terrific spirit of Corrado ownership that has kept me running the car as long as I have. I also love the waves and flashes from Corrado ownership - it never happens in my golf. I'd be really grateful for any/all of you to come over for a Candy White Clinic (errr, or does that sound like some sort of adult film) and see if we can get to the bottom of my problems. I'd naturally lay on bacon sarnies, tea and biscuits and 4 pack thankyous to anyone who can come and help me out :) Thanks, Mark
  14. Hi, I don't think I have tried replacing the relay - perhaps it's worth a go for the sake of a tenner. Right now it's barely idling never mind cutting out! It seems to be running uber rich and dumping fuel and smoke, with the rev counter hunting all over the shop. My golf is in for a service tomorrow - I might mention the rado to them and see what they reckon. I doubt I can sell it as it is, so I need to think hard about exactly what to do with it. Thanks for the advice guys :)
  15. I'm at my wits end - for the past 3 years I've been having running / cutting out problems with my Corrado - I've had it to The Phirm, Stealth Racing and my local independent VW specialist, and no-one has sorted it for me. I've looked at my bills over the past 3 years and in total the car owes me close to 10 grand in work and parts alone - and it doesn`t even run properly! It's not the 10 grand that annoys me, as if it was running right it would be worth every penny, but it's not running right and no-one can help me! I can't keep going through this. I can't afford the money or the hassle. Its a lovely looking car, and I loved it when it was running right, but now it just kicks me in the teeth and the wallet too much. And my heart's just not in it any more. Mark
  16. Nah I definitely like the yellow too. Its a top colour on a car with presence. That's why nugget rados work so well. Congrats on getting such a nice motor. Now if only I can talk the missus out of getting the kitchen extended............
  17. lol a mate at work used to joke about his jewish racing beige vectra! :lol: It's a 4wd road by the way and can handle 600hp at each set of rollers so you should be fine so long as you have less than 1200... ? I'll be fine then - I've got 200 horsies in total if I'm lucky :)
  18. I'm up for another go - I'm in at Stealth on the 17th June for a couple problems and perhaps a bit of a tweak, so it could be good to see how the car runs after that (as long as the day is after that, obviously) Or I could bring 'G', my Jewish racing beige V6 4motion if the can power test that!
  19. Mods, this might need a nsfw due to the language eh? Just in case?
  20. I don't disagree that the Corrado looks fantastic, but it certainly has aged.
  21. I wish I knew how to do this photoshop stuff - instead I have to resort to using dub modder to get my fix of modding the look of dubs. Here's the look I'm going for. Ahem. 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfc3c585c463a4dad860fe5e825496b80e.JPG[/attachment:2qxkaorh] Nah, but seriously, when rado's can look this good with just a set of wheels, why do we ever feel the need to modify them?! DSC_0015_750.jpg[/attachment:2qxkaorh] Still, I'd absolutely love to have your photochopped version of the convertible rado- much better than the original one in my opinion. The standard convertible just looks too dull!
  22. Er, the above answer was a reply to this by the way!
  23. I've got gmax lowered sport kit - not coilovers though - the cheaper option unfortunately!
  24. Fanstastic - the wheels have much better ride quality - less crashy than the 15s by miles. I really like the look of them now - parked up the car looks perfect. There is more metal in these, and it does a great job absorbing noise.
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