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Everything posted by Henny

  1. £80 labour on a clutch in a Corrado is bloody good... 8) Go for that! :lol:
  2. I run with 205 45 16s on 7.5 inch rims... If you're gonna put them on 9" rims you're gonna be stretching those tyres something rotten which isn't a good idea if you're gonna drive the car... :| Personally, I'd go with 205 45 on the front and 225 on the rears, but that's 'cos I hate overstretched tyres.... but then, I wouldn't try and fit 9" wheels on my car. :roll: :lol:
  3. check all your boost hoses and vacuum hoses for leaks.
  4. promote as in make a slight one worse... ;) Just out of interest, have you checked what voltage your fan motor is receiving? I know I had lots of problems with J-DUB which turned out to be crappy wiring meaning that the voltage at the fan was around 9V with the engine running... :crazyeyes: The fan appeared to be working perfectly on both speeds, but was hardly pushing any air due to not having anywhere near the correct voltage it needed... ;) Worth a 10 minute check with a multimeter anyway... 8)
  5. the front pads will have a wire coming out of them with a round connector on them (may be oval, can't remember off hand) This connects to a similar connection on the front struts. The actual sensor is simply a wire embedded into the pad which, once the pad has worn down a bit, connects the the disk and earths out putting the light on the dash on every time you brake. If this was fitted on the car, but the pads have been replaced with none sensor pads (which are cheaper and have more meat on 'em :roll: ) then the connector will just be floating around by the strut. Problem is that crud gets into the sensor, shorts it to earth and causes the brake warning lamp to come on... ;)
  6. :offtopic: :oops: OK, how about a PIC controlled dash setup using LCD displays to show speed, revs, boost/vacuum, oil temp and pressure, water temp and Air/Fuel ratios? That'd be a good one to do IMHO... 8)
  7. In this world there are 10 types of people, Those who understand binary and those who don't...
  8. nooooooo... Poly bushes in the rear end (ooh, that sounds painful... :| :lol: ) will kill the passive rear steering and mess up some of the handling characteristics of the Corrado that make it such a fun car to drive... :|
  9. with great skill and dedication... ;) There's a lug underneith it where the plastic bit attaches, the trick is to press this lug (DON'T LEVER IT! it's a lever type affair and levering it will just break it!) and pull the surround off forwards... It's not easy to do (kind of the idea so it doesn't keep coming off in your hand :lol: ) but if you stick with it, you'll get there... 8)
  10. The replacement one from VAG comes complete with the battery clamp and the clamp for mounting it to the chassis point too... 8) It's only £25ish too! 8)
  11. Henny


    My god when was the last time you had fun in your car? I got fade reliably and with Dot4 fluid so had a change and use the 288mm MkIV setup but cross drilled discs and same at the back but in adition to the hles they have grooves, not sure if the rears matter that much but the fronts are impressive and on a shoestring budget too! Chris That's 'cos you were using DOT4 fluid... Use DOT5.1 and some braded hoses and I'll be impressed (or at least somewhat worried) if you can fade the brakes on public roads... :| ;)
  12. yup, I'll be after one of these too... can't have too much car security... ;) Any news on your car yet Mark? How did they get into the garage?
  13. biggerbigneil, nope, when the rear bushes die, they float about all over the show meaning that the rear axle is passively steering ALL the time, even on straights! Cornering gets somewhat interesting 'cos the control part is done by the rubber bushes, with them going all soggy, you suddenly find that the rear end is trying to steer as much as it can even in the lightest of corners... :| It's an interesting thing to try and drive is a Corrado with dead rear bushes... (yup, mine went, did you guess?!? :lol: )
  14. Ah, man, that sucks... I hope you get the car back and catch the little gets... :|
  15. spotted Lippy on his way to work this morning... 'lo mate! :lol: I did wave, but I was off in my own little world! :lol: :oops:
  16. ah, man, that sucks... :( hope you get it sorted with the insurance... RIP another corrado... :cry:
  17. Henny

    I hit a BIG bird

    good innit? They were supposed to NOT be frozen to simulate bird strikes... Frozen ones tend to do a weee bit more damage (like totally destroying the windscreen, cockpit and rear cockpit wall! :crazyeyes: :lol: )
  18. I actually reckon it's easier to swap the whole engine, gearbox and ECU than just the gearbox 'cos the box is an utter **** to get out with the engine in place 'cos it's bloody heavy and you have to twist the diff up to get to clear stuff as you take it out/put it back in.. :| Good luck with it anyway... 8)
  19. it sounds reasonable to me, but I have never stripped a gearbox so am probably not the best person in the world to say if it is correct or not... :|
  20. Henny


    VAG disks with either Pagid fast road or Mintex C-TEK 1144 pads... Great combination, work well and nice and cheap too... 8)
  21. Henny

    I hit a BIG bird

    ...fired from a canon at your windshield? ;) :lol: (or was that a chicken?!?)
  22. Henny

    Eprom maps??

    :roll: :lol: (they're good chips by the way... ;) )
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