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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. I knew I'd seen it somewhere http://www.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=38896&page=5&p=578946&viewfull=1#post578946 Not a lot to go on though :lol:
  2. Oh ok. So were you using early handles and that? Ideally what I'd like to do is use all my existing handles, door pulls and switches and just make up some factory looking blanking plates for the holes...
  3. I think the problem is the design of the hub is for taper bearings, whereas most modern/larger discs take cartridge bearings so it's a fair bit of engineering of the hub and/or discs to make it work. I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere there's an old Toyota(?) disc that fits but can't for the life of me I can't find the post anymore...
  4. Yeah that's probably about right RB you're only really getting a bigger disc, that's why I think £375 is big money. I'm in it purely for the aesthetics, as the big front discs and tiny rears look arse...
  5. Cheers Goldfinger. Tigerfish when you say the mirror switch wasn't connected, was it just not connected or couldn't actually be connected?
  6. Plus the import duty 4.5% and VAT ends up around £375 making it quite a costly upgrade...
  7. Oh if you wouldn't mind mate that would be excellent cheers :)
  8. I'd be interested if he does. Although I'd be interested in him just returning my calls...
  9. Ok no probs James - was just a thought. There's a guy that sells them I'm just waiting to hear back from him as he doesn't have any stock. But it's been a couple of weeks and I'm seriously impatient! Sorry Hassan don't have a drawing sorry mate.
  10. Any of you chaps able to machine up stub axle spacers?
  11. Or what about a 5mm shave and a 5mm spacer? Do 280s go straight on the standard hubs Kev? I thought it involved a fair bit of machining..
  12. Apart from the obvious holes left by the missing switches, are the door handles, mountings etc the same or will I need early grab handles, lock handles etc or can I use my existing grab handles and that?
  13. Sorry can't help you with your query, but what did you have to do to fit 280 rears?
  14. Impatience! Long story but basically the clueless bellend that said it would take 3-5 days to refurb my wheels took 3 weeks then returned them to me absolutely f***ed! So I ended up having to send the dishes to Mike The Polisher then wait til they were returned before dropping the whole lot to TWS in Fareham to have them done properly. So all in it took about six weeks to get them back and ready to build. The day I had put aside to build them I ended up looking after the kids and when my daughter went down for her sleep I quickly banged them all together, sealed them up and that's when I noticed but convinced myself I could live with them like it and decided to just leave them as is. But I can't :(
  15. Jamie

    Leather Door Cards

    Ok nice one cheers DG. I've PMd you. Andy don't give up hope mate cos I really want late cards, so if I find a mint set of late cards I'll set you up with these :)
  16. Something that has been on my mind for a while now - ever since I built my rims I noticed that the valves are in different places on each rim. All my friends, even the car nuts, have said don't be ridiculous and I had pretty much put it to the back of my mind and almost forgotten about it, but after doing some work on the brakes over the last few weeks it's come back and I feel like I have no option but to split them again and put them all in a uniform spot. Anybody get like this or do I actually have a serious personality disorder? :lol:
  17. Jamie

    Leather Door Cards

    Yep I'll take them. Sorry Andy :)
  18. Was the Corrado meet on the Saturday the week before the show Torsten? A couple of German guys came and gave me a flyer for a meet on the Friday evening but we were leaving early on the Saturday :( I quite like the way the dark centre look btw :)
  19. Yeah want to do mine. Will just be using generic braided hose from somewhere like Demon Tweeks when I get round to it
  20. Jamie

    Drivers seat

    Probably a bit late now but Loepan is down that way and had a complete interior very cheap a little while ago - should have PMd him
  21. Jamie

    Side strips

    Haha funny you say that James - I'm constantly looking thinking "I really like the smoked headlights" and "Those smoked headlamps look crap - I'm ripping it off" :D
  22. Any idea on the history mileage etc on these Tomi?
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