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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Jamie

    Side strips

    It really is excellent gear James. I've tried LOADS of all different products that all promise the earth and fail to deliver but this is excellent. Like I said previously this was applied over two years ago (sorry for the pic whoring)
  2. Really like that - is it W8 Passat?
  3. Exactly this. If the seller is genuine they will soon turn up a tracking number once you lodge a Paypal dispute. If they're not then you just see it through and get a refund. Sorry you two lads have been done over.
  4. Done mine about 15 years ago - had two hours training on a Tuesday afternoon, took a test cancellation on the Wednesday morning and passed! Had loads of Vespas and a couple of Lambrettas. Pretty much every summer I fancy getting myself back on two wheels but not sure I ever will now...
  5. The price of these really seems to fluctuate. When I bought my VSR Schricks all seemed to be around a grand... Be patient mate and it will go :)
  6. Never even noticed that Mark and normally it's the sort of thing that would start bugging me but they look so great in the car it doesn't bother me at all. They're only a temporary measure anyway so not really any point getting panels re-trimmed...
  7. I'm on there ___jamie___ Corradlo your car is insane! Liam those wheels are ace can't wait to see them on
  8. Mine was doing this and it was a fuse. Can't remember which but think its also the one for the sunroof and interior light...
  9. Jamie

    Leather Door Cards

    I know very long shot but I'm after a set of leather door cards. Any colour but preferably black.
  10. Yeah definitely agree Jim. Awesome looking (and sounding) cars and fantastic colour
  11. Well after chatting to a few garages, due to the amount of miles I do the top end rebuild has been placed on hold for now. Met up with Chris (Vag Hag) a couple of weeks ago and picked up the Konigs and leather rear bench off him. So, now on the lookout for a set of leather doorcards (any colour) if anyone has any for sale :)
  12. Jamie

    Side strips

    The grille and rub strips on my car were done by the previous owner using GTechniq C4 two years ago and they are still very, very black. When they do eventually fade I wouldn't hesitate using it again. Even at £30 a shot it's worth every penny for how long it lasts. See my pics in the members gallery for an idea of how it looks two years on...
  13. I have the front bumper I bought to smooth the plate recess on but don't think I'm going to be going ahead with it now. Only want what I paid for it £40. Let me know if it's any good to you.
  14. Not a bad idea actually David. Something else to look at maybe. I've been doing a bit of reading up myself today Jim and I think you're right - it sounds more like it's not a case of "it can't be done" more so "I can't be arsed just doing a bumper"
  15. Nothing like them's a bit strong Kev :D but I see what you mean now. In fact I would say Chris' are actually nicer than the R32 ones but that's just my opinion.
  16. Er... Dunno tbh :lol: Not removing the front one just smoothing the plate recess so that would just be a case of swapping it back. Yeah I was a bit surprised Kip but spoke to both places on eBay and neither were interested in doing it. Well to be fair to him, one of them said he would give it a go but wasn't confident it would work and the materials alone would be £75. I think I'm going to DA as much as I can and hand sand round the swages. If I get sick of doing it halfway through (very likely) I'll just wait til the winter and do my original bumper
  17. What's the difference Kev? I'm only looking at google pics but they look identical to me...
  18. Yeah I see what you're saying. It's more the colour and texture I'm concerned with really. The thing is I'm a bit OCD and if it's not quite right it's the sort of thing that will eat away at me. Precisely the reason why I want my current interior sorted out - it's pretty close but different...
  19. Just going to fill the number plate recess and tow hook hole Rog. Blasting was an option but after speaking to a couple of places apparently sodas not suitable for plastic. Been told by a painter to use brake fluid or Nitromors but just apply it and be ready to rinse it off as soon as it reacts but I'm a bit wary of this. I'm thinking it might be better to just mod my original bumper now. Can't see me selling the car in the near future....
  20. Chris - is the leather a good match between front and rear mate?
  21. This is the good used one Sean! :lol: Yep sanding the swage out is what I'm worried about... I want to keep my original one standard so I can return it to stock if I want to at a later date
  22. Picked up my front bumper last night and it's been painted really, really thickly. So thick that the swage is barely visible! What's the best way to strip it? I know Nitromors etc is out, is there anything else or just break out the DA?
  23. Sorry Em sincere apologies - VR6 no logo thankyou. I live in Farnborough so am happy to collect if you don't mind. Shell out a grand!?! Yeah I'd definitely do that :lol:
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