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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Looking for a pair of late leather door cards. Only need the fronts but may be interested in a full set. Have an early pair to swap or happy to pay cash or will do a deal on my 312 brakes, Recaro SRs, RH 25mm adapters :)
  2. Right my sincerest apologies for not updating this sooner but unfortunately I've had a few other more pressing issues going on recently. John thanks for offering us the chance for a group buy, but it looks as it seems to be a bit more than most are able to budget for right now (myself included). Appreciate your input and the offer though mate, cheers.
  3. Ok my apologies Andi, but it certainly reads like you're having a pop at me there mate. After speaking to Panjo it looks like the issue is the © in my username.
  4. This is pretty much the only reason I still have my Corrado - I just can't be bothered with all the hassle that comes with trying to sell a car...
  5. I take it this is aimed at me - just forget it mate I'll stick it all on eBay and won't bother "trolling" your forum anymore
  6. Hello mate - not great tbh but getting a bit better hopefully. Gonna be putting both my interiors up for sale (whichever one sells first the other stays) my 312s, set of RH adapters, bonnet foam and any other bits and pieces I find in my garage... Yeah I just like finding an IOS I like and sticking with it as long as I can Jim.
  7. Still not working for me and can't set up a Panjo account because it only works with IOS8 (which I won't download for a few more months when all the bugs are sorted)
  8. Having problems myself - asks for my email address then says an account already exists for this email address and freezes. That Panjo doesn't half seem like a ballache compared to the old just do a for sale thread...
  9. I'll add you to the list Dan. Don't know if it will be 4 stud as well but when John checks he may be able to answer this. I've put this on a couple of Corrado FB groups I'm on - don't know if any of you want to put it on other forums and that? E38, VR6OC etc? The more the merrier I say :)
  10. Jamie

    Bleeding brakes

    It's not the balance weights SC nowhere near the caliper. I've got an idea it's the arch liner but that seems to have clearance when stationary, it's close but doesn't look close enough to foul. I've pretty much had enough now. Pushed the car into the garage and it can stay there Really apreciate your help Supercharged thanks mate :)
  11. Jamie

    Bleeding brakes

    Right just took it out for the first time test drive and the brakes don't seem as bad out on the road - they certainly pull up when you stamp on them! But.... Something's rubbing now! :( I f*****g hate cars!!!!
  12. I must admit I was thinking it was a bit odd you being a car audio specialist and not having a car full :lol: I've just finished my boot build and need to do my a pillar builds and that's me finished
  13. Yep no problem mate I'll try and sort one out this afternoon or tomorrow :)
  14. Echo what everyone else has said - fantastic car!
  15. I know the feeling Chris! My credit card is just going up and up! Who wants to be buying school uniforms when there's car stuff to be bought? :lol: EJ - I'm going to be selling my TT 312s very shortly if you're interested?
  16. Cool - it's just a feeler just to gauge interest. I'll add you to the list and when we start to get a rough idea of numbers we can get some prices and go from there :) I'm 99% certain it uses cartridge bearings instead of taper bearings Pretty sure it will be a DIY able job but I reckon John would probably be more than happy to fit it for those that require it. I've PMd John and let him know about this thread so hopefully he will give it the once over and give a bit of input.
  17. You can't back out now man - you commented = you're in! :lol: This thread is purely to gauge interest Matty - there's no commitment mate. Just imagine how gutted you'd be if we all ended up with awesome rear brakes for £99 and you missed out? :lol:
  18. Nice one - added you both to the list :)
  19. From what I understand 16" is the minimum wheel size Bryan but I'd need to double check that with John. Odub - it's a 280 x 22mm rear brake setup. The kit includes hubs, hub adapters and bearings. From there though you can spec it pretty much as high or low spec as you want. You will need calipers from R32 Golf, TT Quattro or I think Skoda VRS, carriers, hoses and of course discs. John can supply all of these parts or you can source them yourself. He said the discs are available solid, cross drilled or even as a bell and rotor setup if required. This is the kit fitted to Johns own 16v Turbo (obviously with bells and rotors)
  20. Ok just had a chat with John at JMR (what an awesome bloke - so glad I persevered) and I'm going to set up a group buy feeler. Anyone fancy in on this have a look and add your name here http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=88129&p=1040476#post1040476
  21. Right then gentlemen (and any ladies of course) I've just had a lengthy chat with John at JMR about his rear brake upgrade kit and he would be happy to do a group buy for us. I don't have any costings as yet, this is just a feeler, but if you'd be interested in this please add your name below and once we get a rough idea on numbers, we can go from there with regards prices etc but what I will say is - I'm fairly confident this will be cheaper than the importing a kit from the US Cheers 1: Jamie© 2: Dude VR6 3: Vag Hag 4: Odub 5: Mark Foster 6: Redborbet 7: Science 8: Bora Chris 9: EJ Taylor 10: Sean Jaymo 11: Paul Fay (off FB) 12: WBX6Dan
  22. Jamie

    Bleeding brakes

    Agree skywards nips are infinitely better than downwards facing. That's good to know Mic thanks. I've been running 312s with TT calipers and the pedal was spot on. Just had a nice long chat with John at JMR and I'm going to just run it (cautiously) for a week or so and see how it goes. I'll report back. Thanks all for your input - much appreciated.
  23. I won't put the link up on here mate it's not really fair on Vince to do so. In all seriousness if (fingers crossed when) I'm in the market for a turbo I would be going to Stealth. The only thing that puts me off doing it is all the associated costs that could soon mount up. Well that and tearing myself up on whether I'd rather spend the money on a Skyline :)
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