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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. Sounds lovely.... Any pictures when you get time would be good.
  2. Silly question really.. The cat never misses food... This was on the BBC website yest... We're in, he's out... That's 2 against 1 :)
  3. Tell us more about the Bristol 411
  4. I can guarantee my cat will be in for breakfast... Foooooood... He may even bring me a mouse or bird.
  5. I'm not getting into Any political argument butttt... my heart says out but my head says in... Just because the state of my stock n shares and what the ft has done recently. I'd be financially better off...
  6. I've not decided but if the cats in tomorrow when I come down for breakfast i'm in.... if the cats out, i'm out.
  7. Was it muddy... Was at Blenheim the day before, mud every where...
  8. We all have different perspectives on cars, some are into styling, some into engines and turbos for performance... Some like their cars standard... So who's car on here do you aspire to. Or is your car your perfect corrado... I'm in the standard OEM camp... So I would love a perfect car like Chris gaskells storm before all the muppets got their hands on it.
  9. Guess John still on his way back from le man... Nice half page add in modern classics this month...
  10. Boot polish still drying :).
  11. Some nice cars in the goodwood F of S Bonhams auction this weekend http://www.bonhams.com/auctions/23593/#/aa0=20&MR0_length=10&w0=list&m0=0
  12. Since Feb 1997, had 4802 miles on the clock
  13. No, no ford Mondingos. The dream is a lancia delta inter.
  14. Anyone bought at auction and can offer any advice on how it works... Interested in a couple of lots at the coys auction coming up at Blenheim. http://www.coys.co.uk/blenheim-palace-2016 I will be buying the catalogue and viewing on the day before... New territory for me.. I'm reading the buyer info pack at moment.
  15. delfinis38

    Parts needed

    As Jim said.. I have both... Matts switch is safer than the old and doesn't catch fire.. The only thing I don't like is the bright illumination. But loads have them on this forum... Matt also advertises on eBay.. The foam is good.. About 80 quid delivered from Germany if I remember correctly.
  16. yes I'm aware of the link between the two company's... its just easier for me to use ECP and collect from store rather than have stuff posted.
  17. Just bought a S4 for my VR6.... normally wait for a discount code form eurocarparts... corrado battery is 242mm x 175mm x 175mm with pole layout "O" I have this.. http://www.carparts4less.co.uk/cp4l/c/Volkswagen_Corrado_2.9_1994/p/car-parts/car-electrics-and-car-lighting/electrical/car-battery/?444770757&1&6475a0773e89c2b10587c641c31585b269e1112d&000020 the s5 has better cold cranking and 1 more amp hour :)
  18. Ditto the above.... just a note for others that need them AnnaVR6 posted last week that they are back in stock at VWHeritage... Classic part have had them remade. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?94856-Corrado-bonnet-cables-Now-in-stock&highlight=Classic+part
  19. I never had a problem with the switch itself, but it was the switch positive feed that didn't work in the switch so the radio a few other bits never worked... In my view they do break down... Fiddly to change.
  20. Worth changing the ignition switch.. Their is a how too in the wiki.. Your need to bend a few screwdrivers to get the old and new switch in.
  21. £8.90 Is massbad69's commission.
  22. More here but now with postage ... @£8.90 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/863VAG1418BJ-GENUINE-VOLKSWAGEN-CORRADO-ACCESSORY-CARPET-MATS-/182174625112?hash=item2a6a742d58:g:rsoAAOSwmtJXYRq1
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