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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    Still..... Smoking

    I just like freedom of choice, Kev. We all know M$ would love it if we all simply didn't *have* a choice, so therefore I'm playing the part of the strong free-software advocate just to balance the number of people who use M$ all the time and don't see the point in changing. Can you imagine how much worse it would be for the majority of M$ users if there were no anti-M$ people? If M$ didn't even have to *attempt* to compete? But that'll do, I'm not going off on one.. much.. ;)
  2. dr_mat

    Still..... Smoking

    M$ Word produces non-compliant HTML aswell.........
  3. dr_mat


    Rumour has it that cars without ABS have better pedal feel, but I doubt this will be worth the significant hassle of removing the system. Also, I have a feeling that if the car left the factory with ABS, it has to be fitted and working to get an MOT certificate...
  4. dr_mat

    Still..... Smoking

    Ahem. (Not wishing to get into a flame war but.) I *have* seen significant M$ version incompatibility problems, actually. In both directions. (The missus can't use her NEWER Word on her machine at home to view docs saved using their older version at work, and vice versa for example, and my thesis clearly used some feature of Word 95 that is no longer available, so that won't work in Office 2000 either.) I wasn't even suggesting Star Office either. I was suggesting good old, boring, reliable, cross-platform, open-standards HTML. Not even XHTML. Or Flash or DHTML or Javascript or any of those other things that never *quite* work how they are expected to. (But if you *were* to use Open Office (the free one) you'd find it saves it's files in plain old, boring, reliable, cross-platform, open-standards XML anyway.) PDF is good, cross platform stuff (assuming you pay homage to the mighty Adobe), but you still can't view it natively in your browser, so stick to HTML is my vote. Just don't get me started on M$ ..! :)
  5. dr_mat

    Still..... Smoking

    Only so far back.. And certainly they try and make sure there's no compatibility the other way, i.e. when saved in a newer version and viewed in an older one. Come back from the dark side, Scott. Use the freeware. ;)
  6. dr_mat

    Still..... Smoking

    New thread - in html. Word is a proprietary closed format, and the document probably won't work in subsequent releases of Word anyway. Grrrr.
  7. I'd be inclined to put the new water pump in anyway... There's no other places on that left side of the block for water to come from, and you really want to maintain good engine cooling on a VR, particularly in this hot weather.. Just for peace of mind, even if nothing else!
  8. Oh, and by the way, it seems the VR6 tensioner setup can last anywhere between 75-80k miles and 190k miles, depending on how the car is treated (presumably).
  9. The biggest thing is - LISTEN TO IT. If there's a clattering noise, kinda like marbles in a can, coming from the gearbox (right hand) side of the engine, then you want to start thinking about getting them checked. The noise will be at it's worst at about 1200 rpm. The chains very *rarely* fail completely, but the engine really doesn't run right unless the chain is nice and tight (as you might imagine!). I *have* seen a couple of cars being advertised for sale as "spares or repair" due to engine failure after the chains give up. But more commonly is the chains slipping a tooth and bending a few valves.
  10. Sorry, yeah, of course they do - I meant the Passat handles on their own are no defence..
  11. I'd suggest that a good result in a compression test indicates good probability of the engine surviving ok..
  12. 2-3 days minimum, that's if they can give it 100% attention. There's about 15-20 hours labour in doing the head/gasket/chains/clutch!!
  13. Armoured door plates *are* available, and what makes you think the Passat delocked handles are any less susceptible to this attack? This one works for ALL old VW door handles, no matter whether they have keys or not..
  14. Wasn't trying to be rude, dude, just the way I come across sometimes... Sorry... As VR6 alluded to, we get this kind of question regularly, and it almost always results in a huge thread with all the same things as the last one, so we're reluctant to get drawn into it. As for your original question, I'd like to stick up for the humble VR6: being the best of the lot ( ;) ), it will clearly be more expensive and with more bits comes more risks of problems (timing chains costs about the same as a charger rebuild, btw, if you know the right places). But if you've never driven a 6-cylinder car before, DO SO before you make your judgement. You may find yourself deciding to save for another few months to get what you really want...
  15. Well it's like saying "which mondeo?". You just want a corrado? They are all so different that if you'd driven them, you'd know EXACTLY which one you wanted. (Or maybe which one you wanted buy couldn't afford, so you'd find the type you might put up with..) There's a number of comparison threads, where the differences between them are eloquently described and discussed at great length, so it really comes down to a *personal* thing. The dynamics of the forum can't tell you which one you'll want.
  16. Dear Corrado Forum. I have £18.92 to spend. Which colour should I paint my bathroom? Cheers, Matt.
  17. Do the curtains twitch a lot, and do you have a local shop for local people? Does everyone look around when you walk into the local pub? Sounds like a friendly, inviting place! ;)
  18. Get the steering wheel lock - it's the only one that's "thatcham approved". £44 from Costco..
  19. What the hell is a gearbox ECU?! Presumably only an auto box has an ECU?
  20. dr_mat

    Wish List

    I just want.. a different Corrado I think..
  21. dr_mat

    VR6 OIL

    Or buy 'em on ebay - that sort of stuff crops up from time to time.
  22. Depends.. I must admit, as I was writing that I wasn't convinced... :)
  23. Probably true. I was just thinking that if the car doesn't roll as much because of stiffer spring rates, it doesn't need as much camber angle. I note that at the logical extreme (F1 cars) there's almost no detectable camber...
  24. Doesn't the alignment requirement change if you lower the car, Asim? Certainly if you put stiffer springs on it should change.
  25. Put the old wheels back on.. If it goes away you know where you stand. It could be something stupid like something inside the tyre when they fitted it...
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