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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I think most VR6s came with a ZF rack, but don't think that's guaranteed as both manufacturers make a compatible part. Yes there will be a repair kit for it, whichever one it is.
  2. Yep, just found a "desktop by default" plugin.. God I wish the mobile internet would just die, it's been an abomination since it was created..
  3. Yes, both tablet and mobiles are being fed mobile pages. In both firefox and chrome you can set it to request the desktop page on a per-tab basis, but you can't force that to be the default, all new tabs get mobile pages. However, there may be plugins that can do this? That's actually something I haven't investigated..
  4. Aha, then I didn't persevere enough to find that out. The front page of the app pushes you towards creating a tapatalk account. (Like installing Windows 10 you have to jump through hoops to find out how to log in with a local account..) I would still prefer not to be pushed towards the app just because I'm browsing from a "mobile" device, but that's a general issue with the "mobile web" in general. i.e. it sucks, and I do not have any idea why chrome/firefox et al insist on defaulting to requesting the mobile site on a high spec device.
  5. I'm afraid I don't believe you got 37.9 mpg .. :) Do you have any other modifications? If you've changed the injectors the MPG will be way out.
  6. Not used tapatalk, but have to say the prompt to install the app on every forum you visit does get tedious. Wouldn't mind using it either, but why does it need to create an app-specific account, as well as your forum-specific ones?
  7. Screw trim covers are already knackered, unfortunately. So, that was a great call though, taking the binnacle cowl off is really quick, simple, and opens up a huge space to get your hands into. ABS light located fine, MOT booked.. let's see what happens next .. ! Thanks all.
  8. dr_mat

    Decat for vr6

    Off topic, but why? What's the benefit?
  9. I noticed significantly more noise from the gearbox just by switching the VR6 to a VW OE solid gearbox mount compared to the original fluid filled mount, so I dread to think how it winds up sounding with a vibratechnics mount..
  10. FWIW I had the conlog alarm immobiliser in my VR6 until recently too. Apart from the one and only remote I have being a complete piece of ****e and requiring the battery contacts repolishing every five minutes the control unit itself had worked perfectly throughout my time with it. I had it removed when the dashboard was out just because the remote was a liability waiting to strand me somewhere .. anywhere ..
  11. Damnit I'll have to turn the Tivo back on ..
  12. And in my experience they can't even do that unless they are pretty large and you park the car in full sun. (And it's sunny...)
  13. I /need/ to see this episode...!
  14. Couple of weeks and you'll be fine. Solar chargers are almost useless in the UK, unless you literally coat the entire roof in PV cells...
  15. It happens.. I left Stealth with a pair of loose track rods one time, got 12 miles away before I figured out what the rattling was. Couldn't believe it would be something significant but ultimately checked before I got on the M40.. and thank fff I did..!
  16. To be honest, though putting a bigger battery in does give you more time before it dies it will still ultimately fail. Lead acid batteries are just not designed to be left anything other than fully charged, it's the one and only thing that routinely kills them.
  17. The passenger side is available new? .. interesting ..
  18. Personally I think the noisiest bit on most aging VR6s is the oil filter drive gear-train. Really upset that we didn't think to swap the middle shaft when the timing chains were done.
  19. I believe the door/window module is a common problem with current leakage as they get older. I think it's because there's a timer in there that allows you to operate the windows up to a short period of time after the car has been turned off, so it gets a permanent live. To do the maths, take the Ah of your car battery e.g. 64Ah, take around 60% of this, and divide by the current you are reading: 64 * 0.6 / 0.07 A = 548 hours, or around 22 days. The biggest issue is that the battery degrades steadily if it's not kept fully charged, so although you will survive ok with a drain like this as long as you use the car weekly for a decent run, the battery will lose capacity and within a couple of years you'll need to replace it. I'd been replacing batteries every couple of years for half a decade until I got a trickle charger to keep it topped up ..
  20. I was thinking of going that route too. Just the four screws isn't it? That might be a lot easier because even with the radio out I believe the tray is solid and you can't reach behind it.
  21. Hi guys, Annoyingly the bulb unit for my ABS light has fallen out the back of the dash module and I'm struggling to locate it in the dash (I can see the bulb illuminating so it's in there... :) ) .. any tips? I've taken both the lower dash trims out but can't seem to get to it. Also, it might be easier if I take the radio out but I can't see any clips. It's a standard fit rad/cassette and afaik it's never been out the car. It's also rubbish so I really should do something about that.. but still, first things first .. locate the bloody ABS light for MOT time..! The car is a '95 VR6 and runs great. ABS works fine.. TIA for any tips! :)
  22. The only thing you might describe as a "near tragedy" here is the tightness of those guy's shorts...
  23. Sweet. Glad they managed to get some of that V6 soundtrack into the piece too, but they could have made more of it.
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