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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I didn't think there'd be "much" in it - I meant it would be clear who'd won, but there wouldn't be time to stick the kettle on before the other guy caught up... I'd say a VR on the motorway is actually a really good performer - and wait till we get the Schricks on 'em - peak torque at 80mph in 5th, should get better mpg too!
  2. The chains will tell you they need doing. If there's noticeably more irregular rattle at around 1200rpm than at any other engine speed, chances are you'll need to do the chains (which is a clutch-off job) :(
  3. warranty? on a 10 year old car? the guy at gsf must be smoking something...
  4. Weird, you'd expect more assistance at higher revs then, but clearly that can't be the case. (Or rather, that *shouldn't* be the case. Perhaps we need to understand how it works a little better..) Might go some way to explaining the weird handling on my car, now I think about it.
  5. Has anyone ever had a "broken" one refused as being unserviceable? I mean, they replace the bearings, the seals and the pump is "new" again... As long as you've not drop kicked it across the floor and bent the housing it's repairable.
  6. But removing a duff one you can just cut the old one, and there's no need to drop the axle..
  7. (fyi I've already paid my deposit direct to Vince)
  8. It's pre-menstrual tension. All VWs suffer from it. All you can do is go about your business and try not to make a fuss about it, cos all that does is lead to breakages and hope it clears up soon...
  9. dr_mat

    VR6 using oil !

    Check it more often!!! The top mark to the bottom mark on the dipstick is about a litre, IIRC. You've gone well beyond that if the disptick is bone dry...
  10. It makes us feel better that no matter how cheap yours was, you're not able to use it at the moment cos it's not on your car.... ;)
  11. Yes you can point that out, of course. Nothing to stop you. Will we hate you for it? Yes. ;)
  12. Can't find it right now, but I'm sure we came to the conclusion that the only VW to pace the Corrado VR6 was the R32 Golf. Anything less may have slightly more off-the-line oomph (4wd and low-down torque), but won't outpace the Corrado from about 40 upwards..
  13. If your centre box is gone, you're gonna have to replace the rear box too - it's attached... either that, or chop it off..
  14. ... the VR6 isn't exactly a low-down torque monster either... (till I get my Schrick!! :) )
  15. I'm sure we discussed this before......
  16. But you're not single, you have your Corrado!! ;) ;)
  17. dr_mat


    Well.. checked with the insurance this morning, and they said it'll push my excess up by £50, but no extra premium.. So there's no obstacle left. Vince will be taking the manifolds off anyway when he does my timing chains, so fitting the schrick is ideally timed about then, thereby saving me dirtying my spanners and saving me nearly £100 fitting (and the postage). (I was thinking about getting them to check the water pump while the engine is propped up for the timing chains job - as an aside.) And I get 190+ lbft at 3000 rpm, and stop revving the car, just driving round riding an enormous wave of torque. Even if I get rid of the car in 6 months time I can unbolt the schrick, or negotiate it into the price and get my money back (well not far off I'll wager). The *only* drawback is the cash leaving my account. But it's not actually *doing* anything there at the moment, anyway!! :)
  18. It's the way they get treated, I'm sure. Apart from the trim stuff, which just suffers from a lack of investment in the testing department.. Also the fact that the VR6 is so peaky in it's delivery on the Corrado - from what I've heard the Golf/Passat is tuned more for low down grunt, which means people are more likely to run it at lower revs and cooler.. Roll on the Schrick.. :)
  19. "All" in relation to 16V hall senders means "applicable to all 16Vs" on GSF's site.
  20. dr_mat


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I am glad you find my impending happy-but-poor state amusing Kev, it's mostly your fault! ;)
  21. "I would have bought a VR but i'm too TIGHT!!" LOL :) I'm beginning to wish I hadn't bought a VR... Too many "opportunities to spend money"... :(
  22. dr_mat


    Mine had two mud flaps on it when I bought it. Clearly OE. They have both fallen off now. The only benefit of them is protecting the sills from stone chips (and maybe the guy behind).. It's not something that's high on my list of things to do.. First is pay for the Schrick..
  23. which part of the car, specifically? can you narrow it down a bit? could be the wheel bearings, could be the CV joints, could be the ball joints. Or are you saying it's coming from the engine? Maybe you've a junk engine mount and the engine is hitting something under load? Lumpy running could indicate something else, but like you've assumed already it's most likely an electrical problem. Start with leads and plugs, then check the coil pack. You may also benefit from an ECU reset, give it chance to re-learn your engine characteristics.
  24. I never said I wouldn't buy it cos of the looks... I'd rather have the VWM cos a) you don't have to take a dremel to the bonnet; b) you don't have to remove the thing to check your sparkies.. *And* I'd prefer the way it looks - more "one" with the engine. But still, beggars != choosers.
  25. Can't see any evidence of clips, but the pictures I've looked at don't seem to be very close-up. Not sure about the logo meself - I think I'd rather stick a VWM VSR logo on it.. The plain one looks very.. well plain. The one with Schrick on it looks, well.. after-market. Damn, when is someone going to find a lorry full of VWM VSRs?? :(
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